Jerry Banfield and Friends Discord Server!

in #blog7 years ago

How can I get to know you better? My biggest challenge over the last six years in having a business online has been setting up a communication system that works for all of us. With now receiving hundreds of incoming comments, messages, and emails every day, no system so far I have made has resulted in a system that made it clear how to communicate effectively with me.

I hope this new "Jerry Banfield and Friends" Discord server will provide an ongoing solution for each of us to more effectively communicate. Would you join via the newest link on my website at because this will help me listen to what you have to say?

Best Way to Talk With Me Online? New Discord Server!

I'm very grateful that you're learning about this today. Would you take a look inside this Discord server and how to join because this will show the very best way to communicate with me, and with anyone else who's following me and is in the inner circle or building a relationship with me?

This is the inside of the Discord server.

Discord is a messaging app and platform that also offers a voice chat.

To find more discord servers for Steem, try reading

We have three different channels where we can communicate. This allows me to prioritize the messages I see instantly and easily. I can check Discord on my iPhone, I can check in on all of my computers, and I can easily login in a web browser or in the app on my computers.

Then, I can just hop into this "Partner Voice" or this "Friends Voice" channel over here and I can instantly just have a call right away over any device I'm using with anyone who jumps in there with me.

We don't have to share personal information.

Any of these channels then are text channels where we can also communicate and type. I've tried Facebook groups, I've tried doing Skype calls, I've gone through a mess via email. This is, in my opinion, the very best solution I've found.

Here's how you get to join the Discord server and these are the various methods.

On my website at, on the "Contact" page linked in the top menu, you will see the "Let's Chat on Discord?" option.

The main way I would imagine 99% of us will choose to use is this free friends channel. The friends channel is up here at the top and it offers messaging and a voice chat.

Once a month, I will be available for free for anyone to jump into this friends voice channel. In order to speak, you need to see that the green light is lit up. Whenever I'm talking the green light's lit up. That means I'm talking in this voice connected channel which can be done on any device.

Once a month, I will show up in this channel and have a talk at a specific time and anyone can join.

The main thing to do in the friends channel though is to chat. Anyone who joins the server and has a Discord account can immediately start posting in the friends channel.

I just launched this server and there's not a lot of activity, but over time, I imagine, this friends chat channel will become as with everything I do, crowded. I have additional options then to deal with that.

If you'd like to get notified of the exact time, I will be available and date that I will jump into this friends voice channel, which I may go to randomly sometimes if I see a few of us hanging out in there, but if you'd like to get notified ahead of time when exactly I will be in the friends voice channel for free, would you please join my email list?

The link is on the Contact page in the friends channel and it says

If you click on this link, it brings up a form right here from Active Campaign.

In order to get this, I send out one email update each week with the highlights of everything I've created.

Michel Gerard actually sends out the updates. He finds everything that I've done over the last week, he puts it into one email based on the things he thinks he will enjoy the most.

Within this email list, each week will be an update on the next time I will be in the friends voice chat.

Therefore, if you're on this email list, you will always know when you can get a hold of me via voice chat for free.

Now, if you click on the link to join Discord, you will get something like this.

If you already have the Discord app, you will simply continue to Discord, and then you will see the "Jerry Banfield and Friends" channel, which has this face of me right after I hit a double kill snipe across the map with Jinx with the ultimate on "League of Legends."

This is the "Jerry Banfield and Friends" server, and then I've got this green background with my diploma and name up here.

If you need help with anything Michel Gerard is an admin on the server.

If you need help with anything please tag Michel Gerard right here.

This is how you get help and that's why I love Discord because it's easy for @gmichelbkk also to help you in order to do some of the things I'm about to show you.

If you need help, tag Michel, he can help you with a lot of different things from courses to doing things in Discord, etcetera.

Now, here's the next part of this.

The friends channel is awesome, especially getting started it will be enough. I am planning to check Discord about maybe 30 minutes or so on average every day to begin.

There are not that many messages just starting out right now, which means now is the time to join up and get on this.

However, what will happen is very quickly, if the Facebook groups and everything else I've launched are any indication, there will be too many messages for me to respond to in the friends channel, probably within a month or a couple of months. I'm just an ordinary limited human being like all the rest of us and I have about 30 minutes to chat a day.

The Discord server allows me to seamlessly prioritize by how much you are contributing. While things like Facebook groups are really annoying to manage all this with, the Discord server is really easy.

What I'm doing is I'm starting on the partners chat channel and working my way through, then to the members channel, and then to the friends channel.

As more of us begin to chat in the friends channel for free, then the becoming a member and a partner will continue to be a more attractive option to get attention.

Essentially, if you sign up to be a member, you go up on the priority of my communication list.

The members chat channel here is where members only can chat.

Any member or partner can chat in the members channel by going to the "Become a Member" section and clicking on the Patreon link that you can see below.

The link takes us over to a Patreon sign up page.

Being a member is $10 a month on Patreon because in exchange for being a member you get priority chat on here.

Now, to begin, the friends channel should be fine, but over time if you're putting your messages in the friends channel and you're not seeing me respond, then trying the members channel is the way to do it.

Trying the members channel is how we end up getting in the messages before I end up seeing the friends channel. The members channel then helps me to see your message before anyone who's not a member, which is good because probably 99% of people won't want to be members, and then I can look at the 1% of members first, and finally I can do my best to go into the 99% in the friends channel.

There are two ways to become a member. Either join on Patreon through this $10 a month option or vote at least $10 up on Steem according to with account jerrybanfield.

@adsactly, @acidyo, @libertyteeth, @rcarter.witness, @bayrene, @famunger, @peaceandlove, @vcelier, @ew-and-patterns, @nanzo-scoop, @broncnutz, @sweetsssj, @eco-alex, @slowwalker, @mastermel, @lexiconical, @livingfree, @reggaemuffin, @nikez452, and @rea all get assigned the member role upon joining the server as my thank you for $10+ in the last month in upvotes! @ Michel Gerard#4843 is an admin along with me and either of us can set the role for you when you qualify!

Now, the highest option is for the partners channel, which costs much more than the members channel, and offers a lot more rewards.

The partner reward is also available on Patreon and you will see that there's about as many partners as members.

Now, the partners channel is the one I check first.

The partners channel is my priority.

I try to check the partners channel every day in the morning and in the evening, and to respond to every single comment that someone tags me in or needs a response.

The partners channel is also part of the partner program.

The partner program is where I have all of my rewards essentially for collaborating with me online. I have weekly voice calls with that limited group of partners, and any partner is welcome to join a voice call with me once a week. I have a separate email list that tells partners every week when the next voice chat is.

If this friends channel free voice call gets very crowded, then the partners channel is a way to again step out of that 99% and step into the 1%, and chat with me there.

Partners also have private label rights to all of my videos including my video courses.

Partners have the legal right to do whatever they want to with my videos. They can edit them, sell them as classes, upload them on other websites, edit and put them on YouTube, whatever they want.

Partners get access to all of my HD video courses for free, no additional cost, and they also get 50% commissions to sell my courses or to sell my partner program.

Partners also have listings with bios and links on the partner's page.

My partners are the people I'm aiming to build ongoing relationships with and I try to get to know each of them and figure out unique ways to collaborate directly together.

I've made videos with Joe Parys, Bonnie, Tomas, Jordan, Joseph, Cameron and Michel.

I've made so many videos with all of those who've been partners for most of the last year.

The partner program is the best level and it's also correspondingly the most expensive.

The partner program has three different ways to join.

You can become a partner on Patreon selecting the $49 a month option, which gives access to all the partner program awards.

You can also upgrade to a private one-on-one call every month and have all the partner rewards.

Partners can also sign up directly through the University of Jerry Banfield that you can subscribe there.

This is a good option if you want to watch all the video courses. You can sign up directly there and get instant access to all the courses.

You can also buy a lifetime partner membership.

I don't like monthly expenses and I almost always try to buy memberships that are lifetime if possible or for a longer period of time.

If you'd like to become a lifetime partner, you get all these rewards for $999 one time. You get to be a lifetime partner going forward.

Thank you for the two or three people who have already become lifetime partners.

If you want to pay with Bitcoin, you can get lifetime access with Bitcoin using the last option at the bottom of the page.

Finally, there's one more way you can actually be a partner where you don't have to pay me anything directly.

If you upvote $50 plus a month on Steemit, you also will receive a complimentary partner role on the discord server as long as you maintain 50 Steem Backed Dollars in upvotes which is an average of about $2 a vote on 30 posts a month.

You need about 25,000 Steem Power or so, and set a 100% auto-vote, to be a partner without having to actually pay me anything directly.

@craig-grant, @teamsteem, @newsflash,, @inchonbitcoin, and @damarth all are currently eligible for the partner role upon joining the server. This system will help me make sure I listen to my top upvoters which has been very difficult for me to do so far.

Thank you very much for the upvotes.

I think that's an awesome way, if you've got Steem Power just doing an upvote or a few upvotes a month is enough to get a complimentary membership without paying. I think that's a good system for everyone. The idea is to help us communicate more effectively.

I've struggled to maintain communication online. I'm the one who wanted a bunch of fans and followers and I've struggled to prioritize my communications. I've struggled to focus my energy and time in the right places.

The only reliable communication method I'm making available to contact me online because discord allows me to focus all my attention in one place, and to intentionally prioritize starting with partners down to members, and then into the friends as much as I can, along with having voice chats without having to exchange personal information.

I'm ready now to receive your communications as of December 4, 2017. This is the very best time to join. Get in right away before anyone else does and you might be able to have some actual conversations with me on the friends channel for free, and then as it gets more crowded there's a very simple system to essentially move your way up and stay in the loop with me.

What I hope I have communicated here is a system that helps me accept my limitations and gives me boundaries because so far it has been a challenging free for all where most messages go unresponded to regardless of who is sending them while a few get preferential treatment without any obvious reason.

Thank you very much for reading this.

I love you. You're awesome.

I appreciate you learning how to communicate with me.

I appreciate you accepting my limitations especially with me not being able to respond to 99% of the requests I get to communicate, and I hope this gives us a way to interact together.

Thank you and I hope to see you on Discord.

Final words

Thank you for reading this blog post, which was originally filmed as the video below.

If you found this post helpful on Steem, would you please upvote it and follow me because you will then be able to see more posts like this in your home feed?


Jerry Banfield with edits by @gmichelbkk on the transcript from @deniskj

Shared on:

Our Most Important Votes on Steem are for Witness!

Would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at because 100% of my witness earnings pay for ads that will help promote Steem for years? Thank you to the 2200+ of us on Steem voting for me as a witness, the nearly 1 million dollars worth of Steem power assigned by followers trusting me to make all witness votes through setting me as proxy, and @followbtcnews for making these .gif images!

Vote Jerry Banfield Steem Witness


Jerry Banfield Steem Proxy

Let's stay together?


Thank you for having this Jerry!

Joe thank you for being the #1 partner at now for most of 2017!

A very good idea.....I started to use discord more of late.

Thank you for what you do on motivate me to do all I can to help push steemit and the entire steem platform forward.

This will require a community effort to make it fly.

Thank you and I am happy to see you are coming to the meetup in Orlando on Saturday at

I am looking forward to it.

In terms of steem optimism, you have some competition.

I can make a case that your $1,067 forecast on STEEM is too conservative. :)

Good job (again) Jerry! Upvoted for you @100% Keep up the good work.

Thank you Terry! Excited to see you Saturday at

Getting to see the Discord thumbnail Jerry chose for his server is well worth the price of admission (which is $0).

I love Discord. It's a great tool with great direct messaging built in. I encourage anyone who hasn't tried to to give it a go - it's downright addicting, if you like chat.

I like the idea of content creators diversifying away from Patreon for everything, which is too centralized for my taste. It's cool to see credit granted for votes on the block-chain that are already happening.

Jason thank you for reviewing this post prior to publication and being one of the first to join the server!

I love discord! Made so many amazing friends!

Exciting stuff @jerrybanfield! I recently started using discord, so I look forward to checking this out. You are a Steem Jedi. And now a Discord Jedi too! Thanks for being a pioneer and helping Steemit develop in positive ways. All the best :)

Thank you Denise!

Thanks Jerry, you have not only been my mentor but a source of inspiration.
God bless you!

this is a youtuber.. i see you in youtube.
you create nice video in youtube...i appreciate your video..✌✌😒

So nice of you... making efforts to connect with us more effectively.
I wish all the big steemains were like you... My regards to you sir...

Amazing idea Jerry will join server too! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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