Help needed to feedback on my web app!
As per my earlier post ( ), I am in the midst of creating a site/platform focusing on sharing resources so that my readers can leap further (i.e. enjoying new experiences).
Just today, I've chanced upon a great tool called AppSheet that can automatically convert the spreadsheet (I am using Google Drive) into visually pleasing web (be it web app, iOS or Android). I took 45 minutes to create a simple spreadsheet (in Google Drive), install the AppSheet Add-on to my spreadsheet and launch it in prototype. It is seamless and there is no coding required! Hooray...
The web app can be access here :
Hence, I would like to seek help from the peer Steemit to give me feedback on:
1 What do you think of this web app? 2. What are the areas can be improved on?
Note: As this app is still in prototype, there is an intentional "delay" when you launch the app (but should be less than 15 seconds), so, please be patience :-)
Thanks a million in advanced.