Fuck......It has Been 23 Days Since I Posted a Story :-(

in #blog6 years ago

Fuck......It has Been 23 Days Since I Posted a Story :-(

It has been 23 days since I lasted posted "Hell- Part 4 to my story Sunrise. I had the whole next part thought out and I knew what research I was going to read, until I got the letter in the mail. Now my whole life is upside down. Hopefully by the end of next week, it will be just a waiting game. After I submit all the paperwork to the court it is just a 60 day waiting period to see who comes forward. Then it will be over shortly after that, so around September.

I have started Retribution, Part 5 to Sunrise. It is sitting there waiting for me. Michael is shouting at me that he is ready to begin, he has waited long enough. I agree he has. However, when I start his story, my story clouds over. I need to get my story out of my head and buried before I can bring his to life. I want his pain to be felt, his retribution to be understandable, for everyone to agree with what he has done. That takes time and patience and right now I have neither. I tell him everyday to stop pacing and his time will come, but he is pacing and it is driving me nuts. 

It is crazy how much is left after you die. In my case, there were no funerals, there was no remembrance, there was no time to reflect at the life lost, there was just greed, hatred, and court documents. My mother's house has been emptied from all her possessions, except trash. Her papers detailing her assets gone, her body is no where to be found, and it is all left for me to clean up. My mother planned her last moments, she planned with a Will where all was to go, but others choose to ignore her wishes and do what they felt they were entitled too. Well.......nope.

Retribution - Part 5 - Sunrise will be done by Monday, I have to stop the pacing and now he is tapping his fingers on the table as he walks by it. I really don't want to get to the point where he starts yelling my name over and over again. I get that enough outside of my head, with mom and Sophia over and over. I couldn't handle it with Michael inside of my head doing it.Geezzzzz life is so complicated.......... :-)

Thank you for Reading :) If you would like to reread or start reading before Part 5 is posted, please check out the links below :) Thanks again everyone for your kind words and understanding during this time :)

Sunrise - Part 1, 2, 3, & 4

Part 1 - https://steemit.com/fiction/@imaginedragon/sunrise-part-1

Part 2 - https://steemit.com/fiction/@imaginedragon/sunrise-part-2-rain

Part 3 - https://steemit.com/fiction/@imaginedragon/sunrise-part-3-blood

Part 4 - https://steemit.com/fiction/@imaginedragon/sunrise-part-4-hell

Photo - CCO

Sending my thoughts and best wishes to you as this tough time persists! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us... You can only come out of this experience as a stronger person.

Thank you and I am hoping I do :)

It has been some time . I hope things are a little bit back to normal .

Not yet but hopefully soon :)

I think Michael can afford some more waiting time. Don't worry about him and focus on what needs to be done :)

Once everything is settled and you can relax a bit, your story will come out more easily.

I'm hoping right now it is starting the story, getting into a little grove, then I remember I forgot to do something for the attorney or I remember and get sad that we didn't resolve stuff before the end. I don't know if we would have made up, but would have loved to have said goodbye.

It is only normal to feel that way. You need the time to relax and process all that has happened. Don't push yourself to write, without a mind in peace it will be hard. Let writing call you (you know how inspiration works) ;)

It is. I was writing the other day and he got served with papers during one scene that it was not good to get served during. I didn't even realize I did it until I reread it, lol. So no my head is not in the right place. I am thinking of leaving it in though lol

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