Of Approaching the Precipace and Touching the Infinite
I've approached the precipace and touched the infinite.
Ever since, terrified of the mind-boggling worlds and eons at my fingertips and beyond the wall separating my consciousness with others, I've employed a series of doublethink to keep my sanity and my single-pointed perspective. I had acted to succumb to the pharmaceutical industry's agenda and medicate myself into a vegetable - as The Man had judged my thought processes to be dangerous, I had become a danger for those around me - and, most importantly for the doublethink, myself - and needed sedation.
People close to me after they've had an adult soda ask when it is exactly that I gave up...
Years later, devoid of dopamine unless left to my own indulgences, I wonder aloud: who exactly do I pose a danger to? I've never once acted out in violence, even when entrenched in mental battles with delusion and hallucination.. The Man keeps me hidden and subjugated because of my thought processes, but I begin to realize that these thoughts are only truly dangerous to Him. The Man, society, and social convention.
I'm a threat to their paradigms and assumptions. Everyone afflicted with interdimensional realizions are. We're all suppressed, censored, and protested against. I'm not alone. My true friends by and large are losing faith in the medical system and dreaming of exercising their thoughts and realizations for the greater good to consume and judge on their own.
My realizations and the experiences of trillions of beings - understanding, care, empathy and sympathy for every living thing corporeal or not - linear or not - these are the attributes that can take down the rich and give to the poor.
Alas, the revolutionary in me is long-since dead and gone - the spark to effect change and demand satisfaction has been buried among all the other traits and thoughts that warranted attention by the medical system and suppression by the society through conditioning, medication, or other methods. . .
How do I become alive again? Would I microdose lysergic acid diethelamide and awaken the beast that's been laying pacified and asleep? Would I publicly refuse their treatment and embrace the turmoil within? Would they take emergency action to keep me hidden away and keep my impact from affecting the masses? Would they incarcerate (criminal or psychological), force medication or brand me rebel?
Are the masses ready? Are the rebels ready? Left and right and center? Is there a spot, medium, channel or a place for me to exude the thoughts of interdimensional will that won't be censored, suppressed or shamed? Is that place Steem?
I often joke that after my responsibilities end and I become medication-free I'll write and create the brands and content that will be worshipped as the Bible of the new world order; that I'll embrace and extoll the inner shaman, direct and form the leading thoughts of the Revolution. Mastermind and champion the movements to push aside the sick and twisted agendas that define and cultivate us, our decisions and our labor... why not now?