the truth of pregnancy
We always hear that being pregnant is the best thing that can happen in the world, everyone talks about when you feel the kicks, the heartbeat, etc .; but do not say how stressful it can become, well I'll tell you my experience here goes.
The day I find out that I am pregnant, it was through a simple home test that they sell in the pharmacies, and my husband and I after 2 and a half years of marriage were planning to have a child, (there all good), the test positive and good good! ... But it was enough that my mind found out so that everything changed, the next two months were horrible, siiiii horrible, did not stop vomiting every day, I ate and vomited, it was incredible, and to top it all out my husband to tell me! clears the mind .. what provoked me was to throw a shoe over his head to see what mental was jajajajaja
Good and I did not stop eating, but it was already clear that I ate and to the bathroom, fixed, and there was something routine, between 4 pm and 7 pm, it was the hours of vomiting, not to mention the dizziness they gave. But the other part comes, I went out and I met a neighbor, acquaintances, etc and you came out with the so-and-so story that everything is in the mind (bone that annoying, all like they put themselves to say the same) , there is no one to tell you, if you calm vomits everything you want that I understand you, and so those months passed. Inside of everything can be a month of vacations in my house without going to work.
I arrived the month 4 and as if nothing STOP vomiting, magic hahahaha, I think that happened to be one of the best days of my life, and starts the second part, I was very hungry and I said to my husband, I am not I, Santiago, I feel that everything is eaten and leaves me with nothing (theory that I verified at birth of my son, since he eats a lot, but believes me a lot, and still wants to eat my food and his) and well my husband came out that was mental, even when esooooo, nooo !!!!
And now what clothes do I wear? and some of my pants, shirts, began to stay tight, if in case women are indecisive at the time of dress, when we are pregnant is worse, because you do not even have to choose, so I have to go to buy, now if, this is part of your fault, I need the card to buy pretty clothes hahahaha (here if he listened to me and gave me the card and not only that but accompanied me). I do not know if it was to control that I did not spend much or to help me choose what suited me.
Already with the closet equipped with pregnancy clothes, I felt a little more relieved, a woman with new clothes, she is a happy woman. The best months of pregnancy are 4 and 5, at least for me they were, you know that you are pregnant, you do not feel like vomiting, you can walk well still, you have a decent and beautiful belly, these are the months where you could To say that pregnancy is a beautiful experience. The month comes 6 and your belly has already grown, it becomes somewhat uncomfortable sleeping, and the urge to go to urinate are tripled, I hate getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I never did in my life, and since month 6 until the last day of pregnancy I had to do it, and it was not only at night, it was all day long, you happen to become a walking fountain I do not know, an interminable jug of water, I said where it comes from so much! !!. I do not know if some women like it, but at least to my NO, and it is when people come and you touch your belly as if nothing, bone abuse, I did not like it, and the worst is that they came with the face like that AYYY THAT CUTE THAT BARRIGUITA and zasss direct to touch you, without your giving her permission, being pregnant turns you into a walking balloon that says COME AND TOUCH ME, that does not tolerate it, hahahahahaha.
I'm careful with my skin, and I said to myself, I can not allow you to have stretch marks or splotches on your face after the pregnancy, that NEVER ... so I set up my daily beauty session, when I got up in the morning I bathed and when I left the shower began the beauty ritual, I used a cream called estriaderm and I placed it from the tip of the big toe to the neck, but quite cream, if I ran out or not I got it, mixed the beducen cream with rosehip oil and watered it all over my body, then I applied sunscreen on my face, my face was white, hahahahaha, but I did not care, I waited a while for the skin to absorbed and placed a base and powder and ready to go to work.
At noon I went to my house, and I repeated this, and then at night before bed, (minus the sunscreen on the obvious side), at night I washed my face well to remove all the dirt that might have accumulated and I applied the beducen cream only.
Once my pregnancy is over, I can attest that I did not get a spot on my face or stretch marks anywhere on my body.
I thought the first months had been fatal, until I entered the last trimester of pregnancy. I'm going to summarize this part a little bit, I love sleeping and resting for at least 8 hours, and these months I really could not do it, together the urge to go to the bathroom at dawn, you have to sleep almost SAT, because if you do not feel that you drowning, it is difficult to breathe well, you feel hyper mega heavy, you are an elephant literally, and not to mention the desire every 10 minutes to eat, life becomes agony jajajajaja ... the times I was passing was when I went out to buy things for Santiago, and I saw the clothes so small and tender, and the heart was sweetened (less when it came to paying).
One feels that the arrival of a child is only decorating a room, buying clothes, and dreaming what it will be like when it is born, (that's what they sell in movies, novels, etc) one as a woman simplifies it, baby already in the arms, but he does not think about the 9 months of carrying it in the belly and the vicissitudes that are passed in that way, we paint everything very beautiful.
I think if we were told the whole story, we would hesitate a little hahahaha, but just like women at the end, we would say, I have to live the experience, because being a mother in my dream (for some). My birth was scheduled for the second week of February, and at the December consultation, I had a premature birth threat so my doctor told me to rest ABSOLUTE, I'm a very active person and being lying all day was fatal for me, but it was necessary and I did, here if I thank my husband because he took care of everything, all my meals were taken to bed, which made me happy (he amended a little those first months). In the last month you enter like a desperation, I wanted the day to come and Santiago was born, I could not stand to be with that huge belly. Of course you can not sleep, go to the bathroom every time, in my case to be lying all day, it was something that I gave you and please do not stand this ... And the day came, on January 28, I was lying in my bed at 9 o'clock at night with my husband, watching the final of the baseball series in Venezuela, and suddenly I feel like going to the bathroom, ( I go back to bed and again, and not only that, but it does not come, and I wet the floor, and I said this is not normal, and I tell my husband, and he says, I I think you're breaking source, call the doctor.
I call her quickly and tell her what's wrong with me, she said very calmly, my little girl picks up your things and waits for me at the clinic, and I go out there. The summit was that there was no suitcase made jajajaja, because I was supposed to have 3 weeks more to do that, so my husband and I started with the race, we took as 3 minutes of assimilation and we started, it was easy to do, and pick things up for me and for Santiago, once everything was ready, we got into the car and went straight to the clinic. We arrived at the reception, we waited for the doctor, when she arrives she says, let's echo and see how everything is, Santiago had the umbilical cord around his neck, and it was my decision, natural childbirth or cesarean, and take the second, to avoid risks, from there I went to the preparation with the nurses to enter the chirofano, in that period of time I felt two contractions and I can say that it is the worst of the pains that may have ever had, it is frightening, I do not think I have comparison with nothing
At 01:35 in the morning of January 29, 2015, Santiago José arrived in the world. To see it the first time was beautiful, it is a magical moment and a connection that can not be explained, at that moment all the discomforts of pregnancy are forgotten. I wish that would have been there, but nooooo, this did not end yet, I had an allergic reaction to the anesthesia that applied to me, until that day I was not allergic to anything, now I am anesthesia xx (I can not remember the name, serious thing , I have to find out) and spend the first day of my son without seeing more, because I was under stress, vomiting, I was unconscious a time and very bad, until they realized that my problem was that the anesthesia was affecting me, and switched to another medication. Day two of Santiago's arrival, you can be with him, embrace him and kiss him and see how wonderful and fragile life is.
The image I placed was from January 1 of that year 2015, I wanted to go to the beach and start the year with good energy and thus manage to take the few photos of pregnant I have.
Then comes my life as Mom, but that's another chaotic story hahahaha, and then I do it here.
chao, bye, a pleasure to have told you a little bit of my experience and to let off a little