NODVIX: 24-Hour Proadcasting Platform Designed to Display Interesting & Relevant Video Content Specific

in #blog6 years ago


What is NODVIX?

NODVIX is a 24-hour broadcasting platform designed to display interesting and relevant video content specific to a user's interests. NODVIX is a self-regulating, open to all, real-time, video content platform that bypasses the restrictions found within the current $1.7 trillion broadcasting market.

We provide a decentralized blockchain-powered solution that profoundly changes the digital broadcasting world for content makers, advertisers, and viewers alike. The absence of KYC, governmental censorship and ease of entry for new content-makers creates a unique environment for real freedom of speech. Advertisers benefit from sponsoring content relevant to their business while paying a fraction of what the market demands.

A user creates or uploads content to the NODVIX platform. Content could be a music video, news story, film, or anything with a frame rate!

A torrent-file (hash file) is generated and uploaded to the Torrent-Nodes. The file also contains a unique wallet address where profits will be sent.

The Torrent-Nodes vote to categorize the content, as well as review the content. Should the content be illegal in nature, the Torrent-Nodes will permanently block the file.

Advertisers then select which category of content they would like to sponsor. These adverts are reviewed, rated, authorized and placed by the Torrent-Nodes.

Content is placed into one of many specialized channels based on the Torrent-Nodes categorization and broadcast to the NODVIX platform network.

Users can watch 24-hour content through the platform based on their interests and preferences. Adverts will appear in a non-intrusive manner periodically and targeted for that category of media.

Our Fundamentals

  • Decentralised Peer-to-Peer broadcasting and content storage that is highly resistant to censorship, bias, and blocking
  • Self-regulating content management and monetization of media enabled through the utilization of “Torrent Nodes”
  • Easy and unrestricted access for all market participants with no limitations placed on geographic location or governmental censorship
  • Free, equitable access for advertisers and content-makers
  • An honest division of income to video content creators, publishers, and advertisers
  • A vast selection of TV channels with globally created content open to all


The company's internal digital currency, NDVX, is an ERC20 token and used as both a means of payment and an enabler for the Torrent-Node network.

  • Advertisers use NDVX to pay for advert airtime on the channel of their choosing along with discounts for utilizing the NDVX tokens.
  • Content-makers and Uploaders receive NDVX tokens as payment for services.
  • NDVX tokens create Master-Nodes. This type of Torrent-Node provides a higher rate income (8%) for their participation in the information storage, dissemination services, and content review. Master-Nodes are weighted meaning additional NDVX over the minimum amount will multiply the payout value.
  • Total supply
    Based on the success of ICO & Pre-ICO

  • Pre-ICO
    50 ETH Soft cap
    1000 ETH Hard cap

  • ICO
    1500 ETH Soft cap
    20000 ETH Hard cap

  • Token price
    ~0.0001 ETH

Profit Distribution

Content that has been uploaded and broadcast will receive payment for any adverts that are displayed throughout its broadcasted lifetime:

  • 8 % Content Creator or Uploader
  • 8 % Distributed to the NDVX supported Torrent-Nodes for sorting, storing and distributing the information (Masternodes)
  • 5 % Marketing
  • 2 % Distributed to the unsupported Torrent-Nodes for sorting, storing and distributing the information
  • 2 % Nodvix Platform Development

Token Allocation

  • Bounty tokens
    4 % Bounty held on Bitcointalk

  • Reserved tokens
    9 % Tokens for Exchanges, Bug-Bounty, Advertising and Marketing

  • Team tokens
    12 % Frozen for 180 days

  • Tokens for Public sale
    75 % Pre-ICO + ICO


  • 2018 Q1
    NODVIX idea, Market overview, analysis, and information gathering

  • 2018 Q2
    Recruiting a well-rounded team

  • 2018 Q3
    Prparating for Pre-ICO and ICO

  • 2018 Q4
    Smart contract testing, Platform demo released, Pre-ICO and ICO

  • 2019 Q1
    Registring of NODVIX legal entity

  • 2019 Q1-2
    The first working application for windows, adroid, and mac. Firsr payments tp content-makers

  • 2019 Q3
    Full working version of the NODVIX platform. More than 10 thematic TV channels filled with content

  • 2020 Q2
    Digital broadcasting-NODVIX content released to standart broadcasting frequencies

For complete information please click the following link:


#NODVIX #bitcoin, #ethereum, #blockchain, #exchange, #dex, #crypto, #cryptocurrency

BitcoinTalk Profile Link:;u=1517574
BitcoinTalk Username: gunnerslon
ETH: 0xE2Eea3fB4e2019a0789738Ec5D8f232bCb1f73b9

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.23
JST 0.032
BTC 82669.17
ETH 2058.63
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.63