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RE: Haunted by Dreams

in #blog6 years ago

Around your age I remember having two jobs plus the Masters projects and courses. Life was... dense, seemed complicated and yet I was full of energy and I could tackle anything. Enjoy your age, don't take life too seriously all the time!

I know it is cliché, but I wish I were 10-15 years younger but with the experience of today.


How were you able to stay full of energy, what was your routine to feel so confident?

I feel like I'm starting from the bottom and building myself up again. From finding out I had cancer to beating it. Making sure the monster can't get a foothold in my body again. Being in bed recovering was hard on the mind, so many thoughts hitting me when I'm vunerable. But I'm glad the worst part is over. Trying to tackle life again but with baby steps.

It really would be magical if we could go back with what we know. We'd all have paper wallets of Bitcoin ^.~

Ah, so sorry, I jumped to conclusions in my comment, didn't know of your health issues history... Thought you are just young and overwhelmed of the usual stuff in life.

Trying to tackle life again but with baby steps.

That is the only thing we can do. And try to protect yourself of those bad thoughts. I'm not an expert, but there are the so-called anchors we can build in our minds to hold on to when we feel overwhelmed.

No worries, young people can get cancer too. No such thing as too old or too young with health. It's the cards we're dealt and try to play the best hand we can.

I still appreciate all you have to say @gadrian ^~^

Yeah, I know... I have my own set of health issues (some since birth, others struck later on when I was at the university). But when I read about your issues or hear about the problems others have, I feel ashamed I sometimes complain about mine, which aren't (when kept under control) life-threatening.

Health issues can be consuming. I'm sorry they creeped up on you too. Hopefully our monsters can be kept at Bay and not affect us seriously again. I take comfort of being surrounded by good people. It helps look past all the bad stuff. Would be better to spend more time with more good people in person.

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