Testing Streemian Scheduled Posts - In Real Time
Testing, Testing, Streemian Scheduled Posts
I've recently signed up to Streemian, and have been having a mooch around to see what tools were available.
One of those is the scheduled posts feature, which is available here: https://streemian.com/profile/scheduledposts
So, I thought; "Why not test it out, and make a post about it at the same time?"
So here it is!
Picking a Time
The time being only available in UTC may be a little confusing to some.
If it were possible to pick your own time zone, I feel that may be better.
I've gone with 5:54 for no apparent reason, and just to test it out.
Adding Images
Next, unless I'm being an idiot (it's possible), there doesn't appear to be an easy way to add images?
So I've decided to use Imgur and see what happens. They have a markdown feature for embedding images, so I hope that works.
EDIT: I decided I better wait for it to publish in case anything went wrong, and the images aren't showing.
EDIT 2: Turns out I didn't add the "!" infront of the images. Lesson learnt!
Other Features
Here we have our options at the bottom, some of them are awesome, but some of them seem a bit confusing:
Here are my thoughts...
Voting Options
Automatically upvote when posting: Yes, 100% since my upvote isn't worth very much.
Vote weight is a very interesting feature!
Considering I'm not yet powered up enough to have the vote slider thingy on steemit, This could be very useful for if I ever decide to do a little "shitposting" and don't want to upvote myself incase of looking spammy.
Advanced options
A couple of these are a little confusing to me.
Allow curation rewards is obviously Streemian's version of "decline payout" right?
But allow votes? I had no idea you could turn that off.
Interesting feature, but I can't (currently) see a use for that feature to be honest.
Next we have; Maximum accepted payout (corresponding SBD value)
I'm not sure I entirely get the point here either, does this mean that if the post reached $1200 (ha! as if that's gonna happen!) that the extra $200 vanishes into thin air? Or what?
Would love to know, leave me a comment!
And then finally; "Percentage payout in SBD"
Does this mean that this post will not receive any steem power in the payout? And it will be 100% SBDs?
That's a very interesting feature if so!
The opposite of powering up a post I guess?
That's about it, I'm going to hit the little "Schedule this post" button now, so I'll see what happens I guess!
If you have any comments or further tips for using this feature? Please leave them in the comments!
I've just noticed something, the URL for this post looks horrible:
I'm guessing that is to do with using the scheduler.