☁️☁️ Dream Log 6/17 🤤☁️

in #blog7 years ago

This is my first dream journal I decided to publish show some love if you'd like to read more. I have realized after putting down the marijuana I have started to have extremely vivid and partially lucid dreams.

^Music for your reading enjoyment^

I am in an Old timey bakery style kitchen and Seeing fairy tail type creatures once I stumble upon a gnome sized wizard (similar to picture) he looks at me like an ender man would and starts chasing me I start climbing and ascending away from him. Later I am in a vehicle which won't go past 35mph and eventually hits 40 I am thrilled to see the speed In my vehicle which just seems like looking out of my eyes I see knights who appear to be setting up the king's supper. I take a chicken drumstick and knock a knight who is high upon a table down with my vehicle.


I make it out to an open field with a dark shingled church and begin to start choking on food, feeling unable to breathe.

I appear in an almost pitch black attic with two friends. I hastily speed smoke through a joint by myself. Later I awake from a weed coma and question my two friends If I smoked (I have a drug test in real life in little over a week) They cannot give me a definitive answer we all go back to bed.

When I awake the house is being shown off by a realtor to an interested buyer I awoke on the middle level and they went to the basement moving up to go upstairs I am extremely noisy banging my feet and hitting everything when I move not my choice. I go upstairs to try and find evidence of the smoking. Soon after I get a call from the people saying ugh oh we have a problem but It's muffled so I run down to the staircase for me to hear that there are bombs all in the house (which I previously did not notice) I look at these weird electric wired hooked up to gas bag bombs and they start steeming almost ready to blow.
I run up to the attic and its sort of like a tree house with an open doorway leading to the backyard all that was gonna stop my fall was a prickly pricker bush. Regardless I jumped into the bush.

What felt like sleep paralysis I saw my body move I couldn't move it voluntarily until I was forcibly jolted fully off of my bed


Immediately I woke up in a dark room like mine a little larger with a different layout to all my things when I got my computer screen turned on it was playing a dark themed show on adult swim in the browser. I wished this would all stop. *Falls asleep

Teleports I am on a bus but I am able to see through it so like the same car conundrum. I see a lady in a burka and she approaches me with her two dogs She is rude to me. I'm on the bus so I feel safe but I begin to tell her "stay away from me I don't feel safe" (from her two dogs of course. She begins to get nastier so in response I start screaming vulgar remarks at her and she leaves.

The bus starts moving there is traffic over a bridge with other school buses approaching us in the opposite direction. My bus driver honks at them because they are in our lane after I pass them I look to my left and I see there is snow on their side of the road.

I am trying this time trying to see an Imax movie with my mom when we get to the crowded room after walking to the theater the ticket booths are packed with people who are very pushy and rude. When I entered the room there was only like 12 people ordering tickets. After me and my mom find out there is only one movie playing that night and I have already seen it what seems like the day of I become frustrated.

This girl who has striking blue hair keeps on bumping into me telling me to move over when I was already cornered and couldn't move any further.

To get a bargain for the tickets my mom hands them a degree deodorant stick. The lady has no clue, my mother continues to tell the lady to just tell the management company. My mother claims it works every time. eventually, she obliges and stamps the back of the Deodorant stick. I hear screams when I look back the room is packed in like a sardine tin. The 7 Armed robbers are loud drawn similar to Borderlands art style. I can't decipher what they are telling the room. The walk up to the crowded group and begin to open fire on the civilians I see at least half the room die and they drop slowly like in D-Day I steal an SMG and time begins to move ridiculously slow One by one I pick off all the gunmen while dodging bullets and staying moving when its a 1v1 the last shooters bullets can be seen whizzing towards me but somehow someway I dodge them by mere inches.

I get out I am in a dining area with staff pretty empty I sit down then go to the bathroom it is very hard to lock the stall door. but my piss can not be contained anymore so I start urinating hard. I feel my feet getting wet and look down to see a stall over flooding with shit water. after I look down I drop like four pendants. I pick up three and my illego is in dirty water so I grab it with TP I rush out and the last pendant falls out of my hand and cracks in two pieces I grab one piece and leave the bathroom...

Teleport I see a holographic gif of Hitler and he starts laughing at the end of the gif I spit on him multiple times.

I finally wake up with drool on my face in real life.

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