Common ground in relationships between logical and sentimental partners part 2
The answer lies in the logic of emotions in themselves. What are emotions, really? They're summarized, high-level logical responses. Each emotion has a basic reason to exist. Using a categorization of all emotions through logic opens up a brand new two-way path of communication. It's a necessary bridge to further comprehend each other.
Couples should sit together to identify what's striking their minds unbalanced through an emotion wheel as a guide like the one showing at the head of this post. When you both understand each other, then you'll be able to overcome your problems. Ask each other how you feel by pointing at the emotion wheel. Then ask each other how things should change. Finally, try to agree on a mutual effort. It might involve multiple scenarios instead of just one.
A couple that can communicate and tries to evolve together, eager for a healthy life, is a couple that stays together because of unrivaled loyalty. What sane, evolving person would let go of a person who's willing to work their way into becoming healthier for both parties' sake? This is living the dream.
Voltando para o caminho de um casal comprometido entre si
Terreno comum nas relações entre parceiros lógicos e sentimentais
Muitos casamentos e outros tipos de relacionamentos de longo prazo se veem sobrecarregados pela barreira do idioma. Não é a linguagem comum que é o problema, mas sim a maneira como a mente de uma pessoa sentimental é tão diferente em analisar as coisas quando comparada a uma pessoa lógica e vice-versa.