Home Remodel Brainstorming List

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,

We are planning a drastic remodel of our home depending on how much we're able to profit from our cryptocurrency trading and investment. This post will be a list of some of the more extravagant features we plan to include, based on my research.


Copper pipes are healthier than PEX, which leaches VOCs. Copper leaches copper, which is itself unhealthy in large doses, but such leaching is limited by a patina which forms on the inside of the pipes.

We will be installing a master RO/DI filter on the main coming into the house. It may also be desirable to install smaller filters on the kitchen and shower faucets to remove any impurities introduced by the house plumbing.

I would like to install a cistern under the house to collect our ample rainwater, and also to accommodate a heat exchange system within the house. This is another area where materials used are a concern; most tanks are plastic and the potential for toxic chemicals to be leached increases with the length of contact.

I am starting to research whether or not we would be allowed to dig a well, since we are within the city limits. Most of what I've read suggests that we would not be allowed to drink such water, but how would anyone know that? New Orleans runs counter to some cities in the Western US in that the city is commonly subject to too much water, rather than too little. I think therefore that any reduction in runoff water would be greeted enthusiastically by the water board. A cistern and well would render us quite self-reliant water-wise.

Of course, the same concerns about drinking/bathing water applies to the water we for our vegetables and livestock. We have a deonizer on our kitchen sink which is where I get water for our chickens.

Frivolities include plumbing in a system to water our hanging plants on the outside and a fish tank including an automatic top-off and reservoir. The reservoir would be locate in our dwindling attic space for gravity feeding, and had better be leak-proof! I would also like to run a water line out to the chicken yard, install a small koi pond, and probably a hot tub.

Temperature Control

Of course, this is one of the biggest determinants of quality of life on the subtropical Gulf Coast. Traditional homes in the area have very high ceilings, but ours was built in the 1960s so we are not so lucky. We do have a South-facing porch with very deep eaves which keeps off some of the sun, and the house is oriented with the short side generally facing South so I think we are well-situated there. I am researching passive cooling methods and will describe some of what I hope to implement here.

First we will raise the ceilings from 8 to 12 or 14 feet by lifting the truss-framed roof and adding sections to the tops of the walls, as seen in this project. If possible the main part of the house will also feature a vaulted ceiling, the bedroom ceilings will be lower to accommodate space for storage and ducting, including the aforementioned heat exchange system which will aid in maintaining comfortable temperatures. Because our external walls are covered in a brick facade, they will be completely covered over in a new stucco finish to disguise the join with the new section and also cover up some general aesthetic foibles. This should result in a pretty thick structure which in itself should serve as effective insulation.

The front porch will be extended along the entire East side of the house, and the house itself will be extended by about two feet on that side as well. We will (hopefully) be able to keep the existing roofline, extending out the new section at a shallower pitch akin to what is seen on the front of some Creole cottages. This will keep sun off more of the walls. As well, since that wall will be entirely replaced, we will be installing three double doors which we will be able to keep open for a good part of the year, ensuring plenty of fresh (swampy) air. Unfortunately, it's the Western half of the house that tends to get hotter, but we won't be able to extend the house that way. Perhaps we will be able to plant trees to shade that portion of the house.

The roof will be redone in glazed white tile to reflect the heat. I also looked at steel, but tile looks like it will hold up better in the long run. It also seems to do better during hurricanes.

I am also keen on including one of these.

And one of these

Paint and finishes

I have been concerned with chemicals in paint for as long as I have been smelling them. I also have an interest in natural pigment, so I was pleased to find that there are still companies which specialize in mineral-based paints. Naturally, these will be ideal for the exterior stucco, but we will also be able to use them indoors.

We are blessed to still have the original hardwood floors from the house stored in the attic. Those will be reinstalled in the main portion of the house and they along with any other natural wood surfaces will be finished with traditional plant-based oils and waxes.


The only part of the house which actually needs work is the foundation. Several of the floor joists have been damaged by improperly-installed walkways which channel rainwater underneath the house. They will need to be replaced or sistered, and the walkways will be torn up and replaced with gravel.

Also, our house was completely flooded during Katrina. I am looking into whether or not it will need to be lifted. Basements are impractical here due to high ground water, but this is where the cistern would go. Also, I would like the house to be higher to make repairs to the underside easier, but if we don't need to raise it we won't.


This is a bit of an oddball concern but with 5G coming online I'm sure we'll be hearing more about health concerns associated with electromagnetic radiation. I would like to install a Faraday cage within the exterior walls and roof of the house. I got the idea here. The windows will also feature UV-blocking film.

Alright, that's it for now. This is mainly a brain-dump for myself but I'd love to hear y'all's comments. Thanks!

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