#27 Little Scare

in #blog6 years ago


Well, it’s been another topsy-turvy week for me. I really thought after last week’s appointment with the doctor that everything would be fine (well, besides the awful morning sickness, that is) and that there wouldn’t be anymore drama transpiring this week. Guess I was wrong. I woke up to pee at around 6am on Monday morning and saw blood. Greg and Jay were still asleep so I woke Greg up and told him I was going to the ER and asked him to watch Jay. I went to the closest hospital and I think their ER department is quite good. The doctor on call did an ultrasound and the baby was moving a lot and I was so relieved to see that it was alive. My worst fear was seeing no heart beat. The doctor couldn’t see any blood in my uterus, so he said that maybe it was because my placenta was low. It was only later that day when I realized that the one thing I’d been doing differently over the last few days was using the progesterone as vaginal suppositories and not taking them orally (due to all the vomiting) and I went online and sure enough, doing it like that can cause the cervix to get irritated and cause some bleeding. So, I’m pretty sure it was that, especially after seeing the doctor again on Thursday and having him tell me that everything looked good and that there were no more signs of miscarriage. Needless to say I’m taking them orally again for the moment.

So, I’m still struggling with morning sickness. Some days are better than others, but a good day is when I puke 2 or 3 times and a bad one up to 8 or 9. This time around I actually seem to be puking more, but unlike last time when it was constant, now and then for a couple of hours a day I feel pretty good and almost normal. When it’s bad, it’s bad, though. I often wake up and puke twice before I can force-feed myself the crackers next to the bed (although today it was a rusk because I found the time to bake some on Thursday). I also sip a sports drink throughout the day and I don’t think I need to go to hospital for an IV yet because I’m getting in those electrolytes. If I manage to eat and then drink something later and take my meds I do seem to feel better for a while before it builds up again. One tip on the HG site was that you should sip carbonated beverages when you feel bad and I do feel like that helps me. I buy sparkling water and sip on that and it’s definitely easier to get down than regular water. I’m so thankful to Greg because when I’m sick at night I’m absolutely useless and he really helps me with Jay.

Speaking of the little man, he is asleep next to me in his stroller at the moment. I hope he stays asleep for a while or I don’t know when I’m going to finish writing to you. He is SO active now that I really can’t leave him alone. If I put him right at the other side of his room and just go out to get him a new bottle, by the time I get back he is already out of the door of his room! He is so fast! It’s still not proper crawling, but at least he is going in the right direction now and now and then he pushes himself up and it looks like he is going to crawl properly, but then he flops back down and resumes his creeping. He loves to pull himself up on everything and then he stands and looks so pleased with himself. Obviously we hold on to him, though. He loves anything that moves or has wheels and he loves sitting on that little truck while we push him back and forth (whilst keeping a firm grip on him). He shrieks with delight, just like he does when he sees Rocco. I really don’t know why that dog is his favorite. He just loves old Rocco. Another thing he likes to do is crawl to the edge of the bed while I hold on to his ankles and then lean over the edge so he can examine the mattress or the bed base. Of course, he is so fast that I can’t leave him on the bed at all on his own. Next month we want to buy those things that go all the way around your bed to stop him falling off and also a baby gate for his room to keep him in and the dogs out. Then we’ll put some new mats in and the whole area will be padded.

His new loves include keys which he can spend ages shaking and studying, carrying his laundry basket all around whilst in his walker and “sweeping” when I sweep. He sits in the stroller and I give him a broom and he pushes it along the floor. It’s so cute!

Okay, he has awoken so let me be off.

Lots of love

Em x

(snippets from January 2010)

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