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RE: Ending the Quest to Be a Good Person!

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

A very interesting sharing Jerry! We live in a dualistic world. There is good and bad in everything. When we push something away, we also end up attracting it right back in a conflictual way because we have pushed it into the darkness.

When we focus just on the light, we ignore the darkness that always exists and in equal proportions. That is the nature of this universe. We cannot deny that we all are good and bad and that ultimately it really matters not because we are all made of the same stuff. We have imagined into existence the rules of the game, and we have told ourselves that we need to abide by them. We are always free to rewrite our own rules! Life is a game!

So the only way to find real peace is to accept it all and surrender. WE are good and bad, as a wise man once said.. "There is good and bad in everything"

We all say "I want peace, I want peace"
If we remove the I, that is the ego, and we remove desire, that is the want.. We are left with peace.



The buddha saying @eco-alex . good one :)

I guess that is along the lines of my thoughts on this too. It is when we contemplate the Oneness of our existence that we can see how good and bad are just different aspects of the One. Our external perceptions are a reflection of our inner world. When we perceive those external things that move us to judgement, we reveal our judgement of ourselves.

You have summarized the post in just a few paragraphs very well!

awe.. thank you!! glad i can add value to your inspirations