Divide and conquer / I just stay on the fence / remaining objective

in #blog6 years ago

How goes it everyone? I hope the answer is positive.

Earlier today I posted about politics on Facebook. This is something I try to never do since I see the results of other people doing it. In my case it acted as an echo chamber. The people who agree with me bothered responding. The people I wanted to talk to, passed right by or so it appears. It was a message the majority of my friends throughout my real life needed to hear.


Image from Pixabay

Most people are willing to admit the truth usually lies in the middle of the two competing arguments. It makes sense. Regardless of this people still tend to take a side. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. It happens in cryptocurrency, in sports, in politics and even religion. In any system that is gamed it seems. We are divided and conquered all to easily.

Trump is a shitty president, a continuation of Obama. Who was a shitty president, a continuation of Bush. Its hard for me to say exactly how far the cycle goes back, more than likely as far as you could verifiable look. At least to JFK who was a shitty president in his own ways.

Bitcoin is a great idea, new and unique it is a continuation of progress. Ethereum too is a great idea, a continuation of the bitcoin legacy. Steem is a great idea, NEO is a great idea, Iota is a great idea, Tron is a great idea. So is EOS, Vechain, NLC2, Civic, and Basic attention Token. Even Ripple is a great idea.

I have no problem pointing to legitimate problems and having legitimate debates. This is how you address issues and make better projects, better society, and better products. When you move too far away from truth to one side or the other, you stop facilitating debates. You end up in an echo chamber. I don't want anyone to get stuck in the damned echo chambers!

People often use the quote "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." in various way to encourage others that they are well on their way to winning. This is a tricky quote to think about objectively. What if today, Satoshi Nakamoto verified an account and said that talking about fiat? What if at the exact same time the FED is secretly meeting together sharing the same exact quote talking about cryptocurrency? Are we not fighting the fiat world? or are we still laughing at them? Is the FED fighting cryptocurrency? Are they still laughing? Does any of this make sense?

I had much more I wanted to talk about, this ran on to long to get to anything else. I know people hate walls of text, and I seem to put up those walls all around me. I really wanted to talk about witnesses and voting today too so I may put up one more wall by the end of the day.

Woot woot,



I think Trump is better than Obama. I wish he would cut military spending though.

Instead he raised it

If you're looking to have a debate over something, I could do that about your president assessing, but I don't think we'd get very far before we'd agree with one another anyway. :)

I've had some conversations with a few folks (not many because I tend to agree more than I disagree with people here) where we started separated at least on a subject (probably not on completely different ends), but by the end of it, we were more or less agreeing with one another and maybe doing a little agreeing to disagree. Sometimes the little that divides us just needs to be swallowed up by the much that unites us and move on. Those vaunted toilet seat issues that they used to seminar about. :)

At any rate, you're right about echo chambers and discussing things to build better anything and everything, and maybe we can figure out a way to make it happen here. Okay, I just went too far, didn't I. :)

The reason no one will talk to you with an opposing view. Is online posting is a horrible way to communicate.

2nd: most people are not educated enough on an issue to debate or defend their views. Their views are 100 percent emotional.

You are correct the answer to most things is in the middle. But you have to talk to people one on one so you can read their body language and listen to their voice to discover where you have common ground.

This is nearly impossible to do through online posts.

The best way to improve the world is to discuss things IRL

Just my 2 cents worth.

Steem on !!!!

Are we not fighting the fiat world? or are we still laughing at them?

Still laughing.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." This is one of the more misused quotes of our times. Commonly used to support the idea that your principals might actually be beyond reproach.

....... more on echo chambers - I think we live in a time when people have no idea how to deal with criticism. Historically critics were the bastions of fruitful debates. Successful kings made sure that they were surrounded by plenty of decent critics.

Forget criticism a misplaced word or a two can actually trigger a majorly negative reaction. Perhaps we need to allow people to take potshots as us once in while and them calmly shoot back the ball in a neutral zone to let the guy know that this is how you take a hit.............obviously there is no use in doing favor for a fool.

Perhaps people allow the forums of debate and productive centers of counter arguments to become echo chambers so they can avoid this unpleasantness. Since they cannot take a hit so they don't hit either.

Yeah, i've seen how social media polarizes people by dragging them further into the echo chamber. They started out pretty moderate but slowly get dragged further into their own echo chambers, whether on the left or the right.

As for the presidents, yeah they've all been pretty bad in their own ways. Which i can see why folks tend to say, "they're all the same". Some truth in that, but they're bad in different ways. Or as they say in Thailand, "same same but different".

It’s very simple for me; no matter what goes on, I put every shiny pennies into cryptos. why?! For the simple fact that this is our FUTURE global currency. It is what will become. The rest is just noise and idiotic human fighting for power.


@drpuffnstuff Life is not what the People think it is..............In so many ways people don't even realize how things will change dramatically and soon..........

Shades of Gray...

Weed sure helps one to think objectively..

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