Go *$%@ Yourselves! (An Inspirational Post)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I came across a post by @enazwahsdarb and began to write a comment, but quickly realized the comment was becoming a post...so whether this qualifies as an entry still I have no idea, but thank you Zane for the INSPIRATION.

Know Thyself-Paul Micarelli monkeybuddha.jpg


If those statements sounds cliche, let me explain why for me they are anything but.

I grew up with a family I was, am, and always will be blessed to have (or have had as the case will someday be if life does as it is wont to do.) I was showered with love, encouragement, support and praise during those crucial formative years, and for this I will be forever grateful.

There was just one teeny tiny bump on the road of my childhood bliss- and it was religion.

Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having faith. Many religions are beautiful, particularly in the way that they give meaning to those who need it, purpose for those who lack it, and comfort to those who seek it. Whatever you choose to believe in is perfectly fine in my book.

world religions.jpg

Ah, book. Now we come to my personal bump. You see my family, or my parents rather, are very ardent Christians. This in itself is not a problem at all, they are certainly entitled to their absolute faith, and I wouldn't wish them to be any different. The issue was not with their beliefs but with their all encompassing need for their children to share those beliefs.

So from the time that I could think, Jesus was the Way, the Truth, and the Life....and no one was getting to Heaven without him. This was the crux of the matter but it also came with many other matters such as Sin. If you have any experience with evangelical or non-denominational Christianity, than you know that so many things are considered sin it's hard to move without committing one. Especially if whatever you're moving to do is something fun, there seems to be a great deal of pleasurable activities that fall under the Sin Umbrella.


Now I'm not going to cover it all in this post, it would take a book to do that...and again we're back at book. Why do I keep mentioning book? I'll tell you.

I have always loved to write stories. Most children are asked what they want to do when they grow up and they will tell you all kinds of great aspirations... and each year they'll have a new one. Not me. I wanted to write books from the very first time I was asked.

I was thirteen when I began my first book which took me a year and a half to complete. A hundred and twenty pages later and I had a story about a teenage girl who witnessed a crime and became a hostage for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

My best friend Maria was the only person who ever read this book. I had typed it on one of the first pc's common to the household, the kind that used floppy discs and had the storage capacity of a backpack. I learned one of the most valuable lessons a writer can learn with that book--always, ALWAYS back up your stuff. Because the old crappy computer crashed and took my book with it to its junkyard grave.

I didn't write another book until I was in my twenties. In the years between I wrote many story ideas and beginnings to books, but I was distracted by life, by the coming of age, and by a glimmer of an idea that I might not have all the answers about life and death, that there was a chance the things I had been told all of my life might not be the ultimate end all be all of truth.

It was after I had completed my second book that the many doubts I'd been suppressing, the many questions I'd been ignoring, came flooding through the gates of my mind. Because, you see, I realized I had written the book for someone other than me. Every step of the way I had the voices of my parents, well meaning as they were, stopping me from saying 'this' and questioning why I would say 'that'. By the time the story was written, my characters were so oppressed that what had started as a beautiful forest of ideas had become a dull and lifeless field after a drought. And I finally realized I was living in a prison of the mind. One that was filled with fear and guilt and doubt. And my gift, of words flowing from my being through my fingers, had been stifled in a terrible way.


And that's when it happened. I was a bottle of champagne that had been thoroughly shaken, and when I blew my cork, I went off like a geyser. Tears and laugher, a bit of hysteria, and finally quiet. And out of that quiet came the words of Socrates and Shakespeare.

sin champagne.jpg

I knew then I would never write another thing that wasn't all mine. No more voices in my head unless I conjured them or welcomed them. The first sentence I wrote after this epiphany was...

Fuck fear and fuck guilt and fuck every doubt I've ever had about myself, right up their massive fucking bungholes; fuck writing for anyone but myself, from now on Me, Myself, and I are my preferred audience, and if anyone doesn't like it they can GO FUCK THEMSELVES.

Whew. I wrote that sentence on a notebook, angry slashes of pen that even tore the page in a couple of places. Have you ever heard of catharsis? That was mine. There are but a few times in my life where I've had a release equal to that one, all of them are a bit like soul enemas.

sin champagne2.jpg

From that day on I wrote To Thine Own Self Be True and Know Thyself at the top of every story I began to write, and much like the movie Pleasantville, my characters went from black and white to vivid color.

Now I may not be the greatest author that ever lived, but if there's one thing I get complimented on the most about my books, it is how believable my characters are. So if you find yourself having trouble with that aspect of your writing, you may want to ask yourself: "Who am I writing this for?" If your answer isn't "ME", then you'll know what you have to do.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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Great article, @dreemit! And also very relatbale and true. I'm sorry that you lost your first book to the ravages of "PC failure". But the sheer levels of success you rached here on Steemit show that you ARE and WILL ALWAYS BE an accomplished and great writer.

Your series "Allies of Old" is testament to that as you've build up an entire living and breathing world within the pages of your books. It's very commendable and no easy feat as that takes a heck of a lot of focus that most people just can't attain. Keep on pushing from strength to strength and write for the "love" of writing, not to please others in the process.

Thanks for the inspiring read. :)

Aw, this is why I selfishly wanted your input, your words have the power to make me glow from the inside out my beautiful friend. I am extremely grateful that I stumbled on you at the beginning of this incredible journey on steemit!

You rock as a writer and an individual!

p.s. what happened to your thumbnail? lol.

I know that feeling. People always seem shocked when I'm like, "No fuck that and you can fuck off too." It doesn't benefit us or the other to keep fake friends around. Awesome post.

Amen, lol. Thanks man!

No fuck that and you can fuck off too.

Hahaha! So much yes. I may get this tattooed on my forehead!

Amen thrice!

Imm, shakespeare. Successful. “To be, or not to be; that is the question!" ^_^

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me about that, I will definitely check out all the links.

I hope the news about your mama is good news. You stay awesome too!

You may get some clues as you read but eventually, i will tell you in chat

Fuck it all!! I had quite the restrictive childhood with a similar epiphany minus the religious aspect. It is so incredibly freeing to say fuck off, I'm gonna be me!!

And look at you now! :0)

Fuck yes! Free to be me . and what a me I am now lolz!

(I meant what I said in the other comment, be sure to take care of yourself!)

Oh dont worry, I am mad about taking care of myself :OD

Fuck fear and fuck guilt and fuck every doubt I've ever had about myself, right up their massive fucking bungholes; fuck writing for anyone but myself, from now on Me, Myself, and I are my preferred audience, and if anyone doesn't like it they can GO FUCK THEMSELVES.

I call it poetry!

Heyyy, wow I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been? Haha, yup, it was poetry all right, at that time in my life it was a symphony ;)

Pretty much embodying those words :D

I would expect no less :)

This is great, and there are so many who never realize that those oppressive voices are not really their own. It's too bad your first book was lost, the only consolation I can think of is that it wasn't really written by you, and you would probably have to rewrite the whole thing anyway if you saw it now.

Actually, the first book is far more of a loss to me than the second one, which is the one I was referring to near the end there when I realized I wasn't writing for myself. The first one, when I was still a kid...I would Love to see what my thirteen year old self had written. I remember the premise, but I really would love to read it now.

I actually still have the second book, the one that began as a fantastic idea and was corrupted. And I would have to rewrite a lot of it, you are exactly right on that score. I play with the notion sometimes :)

It would be cool to see what you wrote before breaking the programming by that other book, and considering that your parents never read it, it could have been edgy stuff from the 13 year-old you.

I actually recall thinking that I didn't want mom and dad to read it, ha. It was during a time of raging hormones, and while intercourse was not yet on my radar there was definitely sexual tension and an insight into my sexuality that would end up being suppressed for years to come (this I know from a couple of scenes from it that still remain vivid in my mind)

Love it!!!!!!
I actually was listening to an Alan Watts podcast today and he mentioned the whole 'sin' thing... He found it paradoxical because Christian doctrine tells us God created humans with sin, and then punished them for it, and then expects everyone to not be sinful.

So if we go against sin, aren't we going against how God made us?

Completely ridiculous of course, and comes more from the thinking of St Augustine than anything else. But handy way to keep the clergy employed, as Watts would say.

Loved this, looking forward to reading more of your work.

Why thank you!

Yes, it is definitely ridiculous, it amazes me that it took so long for me to come to that. But when you are taught this from the time you can think by loving parents who truly believe it, it's the hardest kind of indoctrination/brainwashing to shed. Or at least it was for me. The nice thing about it, is that it made it so much easier to see through everything else once I did shed it :)

I really appreciate that! Although the main theme of my blog is my works of fiction, I do try to mix it up a little. And based on the overwhelming response for this post, maybe I should do articles like this more often, haha!

As for my fiction, you would probably enjoy my short story series called The Playground. I should be putting up another one this week :)

Amazing article brother !

It's the most amazing feeling when you find yourself !

Thank you! (Though I am female, so sister haha!)

It definitely is!

Great piece. I was really following your story about your parent forcing their religion on you, and ill like to know how that ended. I was impressed to read that you started writing at such a tender age. kool

Thank you. I'm debating writing a post about that, although I wasn't really exaggerating when I said it would probably take a book, or at least a novella, to really cover it. I've determined that there is probably no greater form of brainwashing on the earth then having this impressed upon you from the time you can think by people you trust implicitly, and maybe more importantly people who truly love you and believe it wholeheartedly themselves. I don't hold it against them, considering their feelings about it. They truly believe it's a matter of your eternal afterlife so naturally they would be afraid not to impress it on their kids. It's the fear aspect of it that initially began to bother me. And the contradictions. I happen to think that it's not hate but fear that is the opposite of love.
Anyway...yeah, I did start young. I learned to read between the ages of three and four and I can't even tell you exactly how. I wasn't really taught, it was more that I memorized the stories my mom read to me until I began recognizing the words. I didn't want to have to rely on someone else to find out what was going on in those books, lol. And not long after I decided that I wanted to be the one telling stories. Everyone has different passions, gifts, etc, that happened to be mine :)

Oh I also think fear is the opposite of love. No problem when ever you write a post on that issue ill like to know so i can read it . Am a newbie on steemit and i just wrote my introduction post. You can check it out at MY INTRODUCTION POST Thanks

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