I wonder?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Autism =

Scientists suspect that a faulty gene or genes might make a person more likely to develop autism when there are also other factors present, such as a chemical imbalance, viruses or chemicals, or a lack of oxygen at birth. In a few cases, autistic behavior is caused by: Rubella (German measles) in the pregnant mother.

faulty gene or genes

viruses or chemicals

Gee I wonder? Oh vaccines are fuckin they make no sense bypassing a defense mechanism to stimulate the immune it un-naturally stimulates it, introduces poisons such as mercury, alters the genes of many re blood cells causing deformity and mutation enjoy your goddamn poison shits at least I know now why you are so fucking retarded just look for that autism face or crying heres how to prevent cancer, don't you dare do this drug that is so bad it disables you to evolve and better adapt, eat fuckin healthy, fruit smoothies are amazing


Thimerosal destroys the immune and nervous system attacks and destroys all the nerves in your tissue everywhere that arm that gets fucked is loaded with mercury that cause nerves to dwindle, swell and die, formaldehyde doesn't help and further contributes to brain damage , other dangerous chemicals and cellular debris such as the weakened virus itself can alter and cause cellular mutations causing cancer itself.

Know these chemicals and what they do to your body, don't go off of oh your rich every one listens to you and thinks your fucking smart getting shots hurts for a reason and if something hurts you their is a fallout and because it is injected directly into your bloodstreams means you can see what it's doing you dont know whats going up or what MERCURY does in the bloodstream this is ONE of many studies I am about to conduct with nano robots in a few years.


Somewhere along the way, humanity lost its heart.

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