in #blog6 years ago


Despite almost 30 years of living in the City, my dream and aspirations for serene and green environments – Farm, still waxes stronger. To have unrestricted access to among other things, fresh fruits, vegetables, non- preservative juices and drinks. A distinctive distilled morning dews that precedes rises of the morning sun and savor every freshness a natural green environments offers. Let alone the vitality and natural healings embedded within the daily farming activities. Believe me, as a Son to a Late 135years old Farmer, I could tell you more about life in the farm, it’s a rehearsal of living in Paradise to some of us generally called “the bush Boy” Nevertheless, at the instances of these limitations in meeting my expectations in the City, I still strife to make myself as fruity as I could anytime the opportunity presents itself.

Subsequently, one of such scenarios, I was just playing around with one of my favorite fruits, Pawpaw, admiring it before doing justice to the green being…as I usually see them. However, I could not, but noticed how the fruit has changed, and transformed from its previous hard, fresh and greenish form to ripen, soften and half yellowish, from mere putting it on bare terrazzo floor, which I believed made possible by both external and internal factors associated with fruits life circles.
While human and animal life cycles can said to be closely related, that of plants is obviously different. There and then, a thought struck. In form of a question actually…


“ green you grow, ripe you rot” Ray Kroc.


Going by Ray Kroc words above therefore, my own understanding of being “green” connotes, young, agile, vibrant, optimal IQ, sound in heart and mind, and other attributes befits a Teenager, Youth/mature adult as the case maybe. While the age number adjudged to accurately qualify these life stages might varies with jurisdictions, cultures and geographical backgrounds. But the hardly contested fact is that, one can to some extent identify when come across anyone within this category. However, medical tests and reports might be required to ascertain individual fitness.

Looking at this further within the context of human, animal and plant, while the issues of what, when, why, where and how of this processes differs in nature in relation to the nature of creature discussed. The general beliefs , base on various research and scientific works and human intellectual findings underscores that facts that, there occurs transformations within and outside these three during their lifespans which constitutes mostly the activities taking place inside this space called Earth, physically or technically. As we all know for instance, human lifespan is from eggs (reproduction) to Rest in Peace (RIP), that is death. While same can be said of animals, plants process differs, from either seed planting or haphazardly springing up somewhere, geminates, grows, harvested or weed off, subsequently consumed or transformed into other products or uses as the case maybe. This process obviously led to me having a pawpaw in the first place, as well as all other fruits or plants we all must have enjoyed one time or the other and still counting, because…as for me…ain’t quitting yet!


Consequently, whatever the nature of transformation taken place, human being as case study can said to be traceable to the following factors or forces which despite all efforts, human seem not to have total control over these factors, to mention but few;

• Human insatiable and numerous wants and desires
• Intuitions, innovations, talents, visions and passions
• Philosophies, ideologies and inventions
• Personal prides, egos, whims and caprices
• Thoughts and deeds (good or evil) and other life realities.
• Natural disasters, climate change and accidents, wars and crises
• Outbreaks, epidemics, viruses and sicknesses
• Religion and cultural beliefs, etc.


Considering the above listed elements therefore, one can, in my own thinking suggest that being ripen or soften can said to be based on either life achievement and success , reduction or dwindling in those traits attributed to being “green”
If that is the case then, while life achievements are those traits and attributes that gives a person sense of pride, dignity and values. An evidence of diligent and hardwork. Success on the other hand is the reward for these achievements which can come in form of appreciations, praises, special recognitions, even awards. But most importantly gives the recipient a sense of fulfilment.
However, the parameters for measuring or the definition on what constitute life achievements and success varies with Individuals in relation to their perception of life, principle, even religious beliefs sometimes. For instance, why I might see achievements such as profession, Kids and wealth as very important determining factors, another might choose age, legacy and carrier or otherwise. Better still, some might even conclude that mere thinking about measuring life achievements is an effort to unnecessarily putting oneself under life pressure.


In conclusion therefore, whichever side of divides we found ourselves as an individual, my humble question is


Thank you for taking time to read my write-up.

Source Credit.
Quote: “you green you grow, you ripe you rot” Ray Kroc.
Article written by me.
Photographs. Taken with personal phone…just playing around with my pawpaw.

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