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in #blog7 years ago

The earthquake and tsunami waves on December 26, 2004, is not the first time in Aceh. The more devastating disaster in the form of megatsunami is estimated to have hit the province of Sumatra's tip at 1,400 years ago. This is what makes the disaster familiar in the history records of this former conflict country.

Communities in Aceh Province recognize natural disasters in the form of large waves that hit people's settlements in various titles, such as the Tsunami introduced by Japanese society, Smong by Semeulue people and Ie Beuna by other Acehnese coastal communities.

"In Aceh is familiar with the terms ie beuna and smong among the people of Simeulue District. The disaster is thought to be far more devastating than the December 26, 2004, "said Saiful Mahdi, Director of the Center for International Studies on Aceh and Indian Oceans (ICAIOS), Tuesday (26/4).

Saiful said that the tsunami also hit Simeulue in 1907. The people there then remembered the event as smong and the story was passed down from generation to generation.

"On December 26, 2004, very few Simeulue residents became victims. That is, the parents there have warned the younger generation of Simeulue about the tsunami and how to anticipate it, "he said again.

In addition, the existence of megatsunami in Aceh can also be proved by the findings of the Ancient Catastrophic Disaster Study Team and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in the form of ancient buildings in the Aceh sea. This means that the land in Aceh today is actually very broad, but little by little in the scrape by the sea due to natural disasters in various forms.

Once upon a time, a number of conditions that became oceans today are actually residents' settlements. However, due to the disaster, the area was later abandoned.

One of the cases that proves this theory is true, is in Lamnga Village, Mesjid Raya Sub-district, Aceh Besar.

According to the recognition of parents and residents there, the location of Lamnga Village, formerly located along the edge of the sea and the land that became the area of ​​ponds and rivers today. However, due to a disaster, the community then evacuated to a higher location.

"Formerly, the location of the village today is a plateau often used by the mujahid of Aceh to attack the Netherlands. Hence, many of Kono's graves are in this village. But because of the disaster, finally people choose to settle here, "said M. Ali Ibrahim, Sekdes Lamnga.

While the previous village location, he added, is now flooded with water. New residents are aware of this after conducting multiplication around the area for the purpose of pond construction. In the area of ​​the land, found many ancient relics, such as plates, buildings and objects that have other historical content.

"According to parents, there was a displacement because of the beuna. But, I do not remember the incident, "he said.
The case, he said, in the early days of the tsunami, the government has called on the people of Aceh not to re-build housing in the disaster area. This is feared will cause casualties if they return to live in the area of ​​the former disaster.

Not only the community, he continued, the government and the security were assessed to follow-up to build a post that was in the location of the former disaster.

"But the proof, now many people who violate the exclamation by building housing in locations near the beach. Our society quickly forget the disaster so that if the disaster is repeated, they will surely become the next victim, "he ended

Meanwhile, Head of Prevention and Preparedness of BPBA, Armia SH, added that the majority of districts / cities in the province of Aceh currently actually have great potential for major natural disasters such as earthquake and tsunami that hit the area at the end of 2004.

Three disasters that are predicted to be repeated in the northernmost regions of Sumatra Island are, floods, landslides and earthquakes accompanied by tsunamis.

"We (the people of Aceh-red) live above the ring of fire rings that at times can again cause disaster. One of the disasters that will be familiar with us is the flood and earthquake that was followed by the tsunami wave, "he said.

According to him, almost the majority of urban districts in Aceh are still vulnerable to natural disasters. These are, like Banda Aceh and Meulaboh, which are prone to earthquakes and tsunamis, then Aceh Besar, Pidie and Pidie Jaya districts are prone to floods and landslides.

Then, he continued, the district of East Aceh, Tamiang, Gayo Lues and Abdya are considered vulnerable banjir bandang due to rampant cases of illegal logging. While Central Aceh and a number of other areas are also considered vulnerable to landslides.

"All the threat of this disaster must be anticipated to prevent the occurrence of casualties. But to build awareness of the community to anticipate the disaster is very difficult, "he said.

In spite of all the experts' responses, the anticipation of disaster is really necessary for the people in Aceh. Moreover, the nature of this area is considered to be unfriendly. The community's readiness and active response from the government is really needed for this area. This is to anticipate more casualties in the future.

sumber : http://acehseuramoemekkah.blogspot.co.id/2013/07/sejarah-tsunami-aceh.html?m=1


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