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RE: Agenda 2030 in 11 years. The "God of Chaos" asteroid due to hit in 2029 according to NASA. The name of the asteroid takes the biscuit yet ignorance reigns supreme.

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

why would that confuse you? it's only the babylonian religion, which elevates man to God status, when he is clearly nothing of the sort. you know the religion, you see it every where - every time someone takes a selfie or makes a vlog of their head talking away. every religion that preaches the path to redemption/ nirvana etc. is through works, through his own good deeds, or lives spent learning lessons;

it's all about man - God is somewhere in the background, being an eager genie for people's vanities. or else they hold the 3-God babylonian idea - Father, Mother, Child. it is true that christianity stole this from pagan babylon - because it is not a biblical doctrine at all. the roman church descended from rome, egypt and babylon. this is why there are something like 3500 denominations.

so my comment that man is not going to be his own saviour is perfectly in line with the word of God, which says it is only through God's mercy, intelligence and love that we can be saved to eternal life on a new earth.

i don't know if any of that answers your question. Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour of all mankind, to any and all who want to throw themselves on His mercy, confess your sins to God, and repent to live a more Godly life than the mire we were wallowing in before. probably no, i'd say - most churches would possibly attack me physically for stating these words of the bible to them.


ps - watch this if you haven't yet:

spot on about the smart cities and peoples' enslaved future; disagree with you about cannabis - stupid people gonna stupid, smart people get creative.

not that it matters; the only thing that's important is making sure you have somewhere to exist for up to 3.5 years once this is all up and running and they have a digital currency system up and running some time after the great crash of '20.

automated cars, full internet surveillance and controlled thought, speech and behaviour - you'll either be part of it or fully, completely off grid. peace.

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