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RE: When The Cat’s Away...

in #blog6 years ago

(Again, sorry for the lack of Upvote, I explained it in my response to you just now about forgetting the anniversary of my mother’s death... the whole 60 and 80 percent thing that I need to work on, anywho.....)

Of course you wear a beer helmet! Of course you do dude, duh! I bet if you investigated down the line and found the inventor of that beer hat, you and him/her share the same DNA.

The canoe with you and your wife—a double canoe? Pura and I took out the double kayak once, while we’ve been here, a lot of fun. Super stable boat. Man, that one I took off on the other day, a single person kayak, talk about fragile! Ooh wee! I really had to develop a technique to prevent tipping over—thank God a boat didn’t push a big wake on me.

Another thing, you’re into gym stuff so this isn’t Chinese: My delts (deltoid I think they’re called), the muscles that attach the shoulders to the neck—my goodness gracious! Those rows worked my delta unlike any exercise in the gym ever!! “Like woah.”

Thanks for stopping by @jlsplatts.


Hahahahaha. I have though my of many ways to upgrade the “traditional” beer helmet but just never put it to action. 😜😜
Ya the canoe can actually fit more than just 2 people in it. There is a seat in the front and one in the back and a big open space in the. Idle for stuff. It is about 12 feet long maybe longer. It isn’t anything you just pack around like a kayak. It has an aluminum frame and some sort of space age plastic stuff to format the canoe.
:quick story: When we would go camping and the rain would hit, it was canoe race time!!! I was really small but I remember watching my dad and uncles run from the campsite down through the big jagged rocks. Shove the canoe off the shore and out about 400 yards around a buoy and back. Slam the canoe into the rocks and run up to the awning. It was intense watching these old guys get all competitive. My dad and my crazy uncle paul, who still rocks a mullet to this day, smokes Marlboro cigarettes and drinks Budweiser and grows his own weed, were the defending champs year after year. Lol. My dad with his gimpy Leg from polio, is always comical to watch run. One day I am going to have to write a little something about him. I still to this day have never beat him in a game of HORSE. That old man can shoot a basketball like nobodies business. Since he couldn’t run in his younger days he just shot hoops...... ok I’m done. 😜😜

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I was gonna take off to the gym right now but wanted to respond to this one. Eh, I think an article as a tribute to your dad, reminiscing the canoe, Gimp, basketball, everything you just told me plus everything you haven’t told me would be a refreshing post to read bro—just sayin.

You’ll catch the platform off guard, too, we all anticipate your DIY’s and humor, the surprise factor is always exciting.

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