Impacts of Exposition in Labour Rewards

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Labours Under-rewarded; Due to Unexposure

Image Credit: Pixabay

Hello steemians, how has been the week. Happy Weekend.

I went for an outing and I saw some events happening while the occasion was going on. This event really moved me. What am I talking about.

In this part of the world, we see people who labour really hard and you see them getting very little result after their hours of labour.
It’s so painful that those who tend to labour more tend to get lesser pay at the end of it all.
With this, we say at times that life is unfair to them, or that leaders are biased and wicked on this ones.

I was invited to a friends naming ceremony in some part of the South Western part of Nigeria, while I was sitting there with some of my friends, I saw a man who should be in his early 40’s or late 30’s. He was already looking quite old, but it’s obvious he’s not.
He only looks like that because he is not getting proper care.

What really caught my attention on this man?
He was doing something for about 2 hours that I was sitting there and after watching for quite a while, I got interested in knowing what he will get back in return after such relentless labour.

You still don’t understand fully, you are eager to know what he was doing.

He was a local drummer, what we call the “Ayans” in this part of the world.
He beats drum for the entertainment of people. They don’t invite them to parties, they locate where occasions are going on, and they go there to meet people and start drumming for them.
Some who enjoy them, will ask them to drum for them and they will, while the person dances.
After doing this, the individual they drummed for will give them change. When I say change, I mean change.


This was what this man was doing, he kept drumming under the tents around, he approached different individuals as they sat in the event drumming for them. As he did that only few men accommodated him, he drummed for them for 5-15minutes and they danced to his beats, or made fun while he appraised them with drum beats.
This exercise made this he drummed for have the feeling of been given a kingly treatment, they feel like kings while he drummed for them.



This practice was done for kings in ancient times for kings to appraise and hail them. So now, people pay such drummers to do the same for them and make them feel kingly.

I watched this man do the same for few men and paid attention to how much he will get in return for all this labour.
To my amazement, the maximum amount given to this man was #200 (200 naira). And another gave him #50 (50 naira).
Where I sat down, I followed this man with my eyes watching him all through till he left.
I calculated how much he collected at the end of his labours there, to my amazement, he could only get #500 (500 naira) in total from all he drummed for.


After hours of drumming, he could only go home with such little amount and he will have to wait till another fortunate day when there will be another occasion somewhere else.


The same occupation this man is engaged in, I’ve seen several people doing this in another way and they get paid well enough and with more honour than what this man was doing. No one mucked them as they did to this man.

#What’s the difference between them?

The difference lies in their packaging, their exposition.
Some weeks ago I was lamenting why some set of people will sit in office, well air-conditioned and they get high pay; and many will do the most tedious parts of the works of that organization and they get the least pay.
Many of us have said it’s been biased and been wicked on the lower class.

I discovered, what placed those at the upper level of what seem to be comfort and high pay to us is because they have paid a price earlier, they have exposed their lives to somethings at the earlier stage of their life.
Many do not cherish education, but it helps a lot. Even when you don’t get the opportunity to get formal education, it is expedient that you groom and develop the talents and skills you’ve.
Get something in addition to your skills and talents that will add more value to you and make you highly esteemed.

Let me explain better,
#Bill Gate;


He might have been a school drop out as many of us make emphasis on, but you developed the skills within him to bring solution to the problem of a generation and this brought and is still bringing honour and value to him. This man had been pursueing his passion from the early stages of his life.
Gates did not have a definite study plan while he was a student at Harvard, and he spent a lot of time using the school's computers. (Wikipedia)

#Mark Zuckerberg;

images (1).jpeg

He also may not have concluded his education, but he built something from his passion. He worked on developing it. He didn’t just display it, but he spent time to develop it.
On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard dormitory room. An earlier inspiration for Facebook may have come from Phillips Exeter Academy, the prep school from which Zuckerberg graduated in 2002. It published its own student directory, "The Photo Address Book", which students referred to as "The Facebook". (Wikipedia)

Let me correct a mindset, many would say their nation and economy is good, that’s why they could make it without concluding formal education. It may be through but, in that same country of theirs, there are many who didn’t complete their education and they are also suffering from this labour with little reward and no value nor honour.
Why? Because they also might not conclude their education, but they didn’t build nor develop their skills unto what men can value.


The message I’m passing is not only to the uneducated, you can also get formal education and still suffer from this menace, if you don’t expose yourself to what will build you, what will develop your skills.
You need to still work more on yourself even with the education you get.

Don’t live the life of a mediocre, just sit and look and talk about those who are making it. No, rise up to your feet, you have something in you that will make room for you wherever you are. Build this and present backed up in prayers and by faith.


Thanks for the attention, I appreciate you stopping by to read this

I appreciate your upvotes, comments and resteem

God bless and lift you up.
Have a lovely weekend.
You’re highly loved @damdap


This is so captivating. I was at a point saying someone finally inked my many times experience. People should start learning that the value they offer is what becomes prominent not the certification or education they've received.

Thanks so much for this. Well written

I appreciate your encouragement

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