in #blog6 years ago (edited)

New research indicates the Thermosphere is cooling and is soon going to set an unprecedented cold record due to the Grand Solar Minimum says scientists at NASA.

“If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold,” says Mlynczak. “We’re not there quite yet, but it could happen in a matter of months.”

“Right now, it is very low indeed,” says Mlynczak. “SABER is currently measuring 33 billion Watts of infrared power from NO. That’s 10 times smaller than we see during more active phases of the solar cycle." Mlynczak is the lead investigator for NASA's TIMED satellite.
The thermosphere is known to contract 50% during solar minima phases versus solar maxima, these cycles are eleven years each and make up the 22-year solar cycle. This layer of the atmosphere also contains the Ionosphere where UV energy knocks electrons off of atoms producing ions as well as electrical activity in the form of these freed electrons.

-“The sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age,” writes Dr Tony Phillips, editor of Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018, and Earth’s upper atmosphere is responding."

Recent research presents a canary in the coal mine for anthropogenic climate change by showing strong correlations between solar output and climate variations on Earth. "Total solar irradiance is the primary energy source for the Earth's climate system and therefore its variations can contribute to natural climate change."

The authors using several reconstruction methods also calculate that we are in a Grand Solar Minimum which began in 2004 and will end in 2075. "As an indicator of the TSI level, we calculated its annual power anomalies; in particular, future solar cycles from 24 to 29 have lower power anomalies compared to the present, for both models. We also found that the solar activity grand minima periodicity is of 120 years; this periodicity could possibly be one of the principal periodicities of the magnetic solar activity not so previously well recognized. The negative (positive)120-year phase coincides with the grand minima (maxima) of the 11-year periodicity."

It is this little understood and not well recognized solar magnetic activity is what I believe to be the principal mechanism for funnelling energy to the Earth through magnetic connections between the sun and the earth largely ignored by the IPCC approved research. It is the out of phase solar dynamos cancelling each other out that causes a decline in energy output. (Zharkova et al)

"This indicates that in order to study the grand minima or maxima of the solar activity, we must decompose the time series in their various periodicities and focus on both their amplitudes and their phases. Future solar cycles 26 and 28 will have the lowest TSI index anomalies, even though they do not have the lowest TSI amplitudes."

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Compiled and written by Freddie Thornton


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