in #blog6 years ago

Leading Japanese scientist, Dr. Takeda Kunihiko announces

on public TV that Global Warming is a hoax and that CO2 has nothing to do with Earth's climate. On a popular Japanese TV program called ‘HONMADEKKA! TV’ he said that cold will be reported on rather than global warming in the second half of 2018, reaffirming similar comments he made a year ago on the same program.

While I have for some time suggested the anthropogenic global warming narrative was a lie of a globalist agenda at a one world government and depopulation, it has played out politically as an attempt by industrialized nations to maintain their advantage by limiting less-industrialized nations from using readily available energy resources such as coal. Then, of course, there is the marriage between Al Gore and a former Goldman Sachs CEO to start a carbon credit trading company allowing Gore to profit to the tune of fifty million dollars per year. And the reality is that it isn't a case of which one is true, it is a case of all of them being true.

An outspoken scientist, Dr Takeda Kunihiko is known for being critical of governments and corporations, as revealed in the following quote.

"Look beyond what governments tell you. Some praise ethanol as a substitute for oil, but making fuel out of corn makes sense only if you want to increase the price of corn and fuel at the same time. In order to grow corn, one needs lots of fuel and once the corn is ready, instead of becoming a nice meal, it gets picked and turned back into fuel again. This is just a way to purposely create a food and energy shortage until only the very rich can afford to eat and move."~ Dr Takeda Kunihiko

Let's repeat the last sentence in this quote; "This is just a way to purposely create a food and energy shortage until only the very rich can afford to eat and move(travel)."

In his televised presentation he said it was cosmic rays penetrating Earth's atmosphere that will produce increased cloud cover and thereby helping to cool the planet.

This is based on the research of Henrik Svensmark who showed that there is an increase in cosmic rays in Earth's atmosphere that have an inverted relationship to the weakening magnetosphere. These cosmic rays not only produce rain nucleation(cloud cover) but also excite the muons in silica-rich lave producing an uptick in volcanic activity as seen by Kilauea's continuous outpouring of millions of square meters of lava. Other volcanos showing increased activity include Shinmodake, Krakatau(Krakatoa), Agung, Merapi and many many more. An eruption with a VEI4 or higher will eject particulate into the stratosphere 30,000 meters above ground where it will stay for decades exacerbating the cooling. It should be noted that four of the last five cooling periods experienced such volcanic activity.

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory deputy scientist-in-charge Steve Brantley said Tuesday, July 16, 2018 that the eruption at Kilauea is the worst they have seen in 200 years which would bring us back to the Dalton Minimum.

"What we are observing now is unprecedented in the past 200 years in terms of size and scale, but not in terms of process. This has occurred before, particularly during the 19th century when there were multiple collapses of the summit area and eruptions down in the East Rift Zone. At least one large in 1840."

"This is also the largest sequence of collapse events that we've observed in the past 200 years," he said.

The middle East Rift Zone, Puʻu ʻŌʻō once erupted for 35 years and there are those that are suggesting that Kilauea will continue to erupt for years to come adding to the chain of islands as it already has.

Dr Takeda Kunihiko stated on his televised presentation that temperatures will get cooler for the latter half of 2018. While he did mention the influence of cosmic rays and spoke how the sun controls the climate on Earth and it is here why the latter half of 2018 will be climatically paramount as shown in this graph of the sun's dynamos going our of phase reducing the amount of energy being emitted as seen by the last 21 days of no sunspots.double dynamo.jpg
The first amplification of this occurred in 2017 and resulted in a winter in the Northern Hemisphere that simply would not quit especially in Europe as France's vineyards suffered greatly under the extended frost and England saw 48000 lives lost to the harsh winter. The next amplification is four times greater than the previous one last year, raising the question; will this coming winter be four times as extreme as last years?

What we have seen so far this summer due to the extremely volatile jet stream is an increase in hail events accompanied by a massive increase in hail size, some being as large as a softball, many being golfball to lemon sized. At terminal velocity hail of this size is a deadly threat as well as extremely damaging to crops and property. The increase in hail events is due to the mixing of extremely hot fronts with extremely cold fronts, creating a wind shear that recycles the hail until it is too large and simply falls. These diverse fronts are meeting due to the wobbly jet stream.

Climate is cyclical and global warming is over and we are well on our way into the global cooling part of the cycle and it is these cooling cycles that have proven quite deadly to life in the past. Global warming has always produced an increase in population, global cooling has always produced a decrease in population. This is a historical fact and is the real threat of the future.

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Written by Freddie Thornton

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