Ease of access & broken laptops

in #blog6 years ago

I haven't been around as often as I used to. The reasons are not that simple.

Image taken from Pixabay

I like ease of access (most of us do), and when my main laptop becomes so slow that it's barely usable, I don't feel motivated to keep trying to use it. Instead, I try to get a new one, and failing to do so (it's hard to find a good one for my tight budget), I just lie down on my bed and read novels all day every day.

This got me thinking about the idea that ease of access may lead to productivity in other fields. What if economic advancement leads to more technological inventions? I remember in history books that Greek philosophers were the people who had more leisure time to spend thinking about the meaning of things. Workers and slaves did not have that time. They worried about their day to day and the masters they served worried about the hierarchy of the layers of air that came out of their mouths when they breathed out... Ok, that's an exaggeration, but it was almost like that. Someone has probably thought of that.

And when all my laptops break and I'm left with one that takes 15 minutes to turn on and 30 seconds to switch between tabs, where I can't even open anything but Firefox and even in Firefox there are some websites that are too heavy to use, I'm left with the bitter flavour of defeat. I'm left without motivation to write my posts. If using my computer leads to annoyment, which is a form of suffering, then why would I want to keep doing it? (I'm not a masochist)

This, in turn, got me thinking of all the jobless people around me who would be able to eat if only they had a laptop to work on. My uncle, for example, told me that he studied accounting and that it is his favourite trade. He works as a security guard and hates it. I asked him why he doesn't do it and he said that it's because he doesn't have a laptop or internet. I was baffled and enlightened at the same time. How many talents are we wasting here in Venezuela because we're all just too poor to even have the means to work online?

You would say "well, you at least have a laptop". Yeah, but it's so slow that it's barely better than not having it. Right now, it's the first time I use it since 3 days ago. Every time I want to sit here and check Steemit, Reddit, Discord or whatever, I remember that it will take me around 20 minutes to turn on (it took me 1 hour today because there were Windows updates!) and then around 3 minutes to open whichever service I want to access.

"Is it worth it?", I ask myself, then I run to my bed and lie down again and grab a book and read it. They're way more entertaining than waiting for things to load. But hey, writing is also entertaining, and I need to write more often or all my effort on Steemit is going to have been wasted, so here I am, hello. o/ (Fourth wall broken)

What can we do to let people properly work? Even if the government wanted, it would be impossible to give a laptop as charity to every talented person who could work. Millions of people, 200 USD per laptop. Wait, they could, but it would be such a massive expense that it probably wouldn't work in such an impoverished land as Venezuela.

At least I'm personally close to having that amount. Maybe in a few months I'll be able to buy one for myself. But so many will have to spend their lives working dull jobs in dissatisfaction, working for one or two dollars a month. It's crazy how all hope is drowned little by little, squeezed for populism-juice.


Hum. Is Linux an option for you? For the old computer.

It's odd... Do they have any sort of tech training programs? Seems like that would be pretty beneficial as a whole.

Hum. Is Linux an option for you? For the old computer.

Nope :( It's my dad's laptop and he uses it for work-related matters every once in a while. My slower laptop does have Linux, but it's unusable. It gets stuck all the time. I'm thinking of getting a USB and installing Arch Linux in it to boot other computers with it. It would be light, but I don't know if it would be fast enough given the limitation of USB data transfer or if I would be putting even further limits on my resources.

Do they have any sort of tech training programs?

What I said was more in the line of people don't have money to buy computers. Many do know how to use them but don't have access to them. I have a friend who lives in another city who used to work in marketing, but now doesn't have a computer or even a smartphone, so she just takes simple low-wage jobs unrelated to technology.

I don't know if tech training programs could work. There are companies that provide the technological resources needed for the job, but they are decreasingly common every day. This is not due to the unavailability of people with technological knowledge but the lack of resources that makes investors leave the country.

Ah okay, that is pretty mind boggling though because if they prioritized tech, including encouraging jobs and also these resources (my assumption would have been that they go hand in hand) they could be much better off. So odd... But seeing the current state, it just sounds like a giant disaster.

They are actually encouraging farming.......... Like telling people to grow food on the roofs of their houses, and chickens.

I remember in one company that I worked in I was given an old laptop that was passed down from one manager to another until it ended up in my hands.

It was slow AF and I always joked around with both glee and irritation that it needed more coal to run faster ( yes it was that slow) I can relate to the switching tabs and never mind to run a macro program in Excel because it would just freeze the damn thing and if I hard reboot well it going to take some time.

It pissed the hell out of me each time.

When we do something that we don't want then we literally drag our feet.

I have been wondering how we can help more people in your country. What program or project can we do to give more people opportunities in your country.

When we do something that we don't want then we literally drag our feet.

Lol, exactly. And awesome storytelling. I think that quality is among the ideal surrounding essentials for productivity. A promising environment. Even with a great payment, it's hard to be motivated to do it well if all you have is a pre-historic fossil for a laptop. <3

I have been wondering how we can help more people in your country. What program or project can we do to give more people opportunities in your country.

I've been thinking about it as well but I don't know. Everything that would have to be done would be massive and the government is not collaborating with investors or ONGs. They insist that everything is ok and improving. Everything is politics and it's so hard to affect the destroying impulse.

I honestly don't know what could be done that would have a real effect. This is just too big scale.

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This is such a tragedy. I can only imagine your frustration at the whole situation.

Going back a bit, I spent some time in a poor Turkish village. Pretty much everyone had no tech equipment but they had local internet cafes which charged a very small amount to rent time on their computers. Is there anything like that in Venezuela?

Here's hoping you get the funds to upgrade your equipment.


I understand the struggle. In my house, there are four of us and we all need to use one single laptop for working.

I am trying to earn a certificate as a Front End Developer, but it is not easy to do that way. I also try to write on Steemit as often as I can (luckily I have some free time in my internships), but it is a hassle.

Don't give up, @cryptosharon.
I really sorry 4 your uncle and yr main laptop, hope you can buy other or fixed the main.

PD: got the moral of slaves refference, lol.
PD1: Dejando de lado el positivismo tonto, lo malo no dura siempre.
Espero lo puedas solucionar.
Greetings and love 4u. ;)

PD: got the moral of slaves reference, lol.

I didn't get this moral. What was the moral? I was just talking about Greek slavers.

lo malo no dura siempre.

Espero que pronto caigan flores y todos los problemas se resuelvan. (8) Magia.

Y gracias :) Ya estoy tratando de resolverlo.

I want to fix this. Remember that day that I told you I ended up spending like 5-6 hours researching how other people escaped Venezuela?

Yeah, I went full "researching how to help Venezuela" mode again and I'm with you. The problem seems too big to tackle in a lasting way.

But I might've thought of a half baked plan to sort of help at least a few people on the short term.

I hope you can get online again soon so we can talk!

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