✏️ How do I find Trending Topics and Writing Inspiration? 📋 | TIPS AND TRICKS

in #blog6 years ago


We all know it - writer’s block. You are sitting in your favourite writing spot (for me it is the café around the corner) and your head is full of ideas, but the words just won’t come. What to do know? Well, the really depends what your goal is - are you writing a novel? Then I’d recommend going for a walk or doing some gardening. If you are looking for inspiration for a new blog post, however, there is simpler and more immediate way - find trending topics and be inspired by the things that people find interesting at that moment.

Now you may ask - how can I find trending topics? Lucky for us, that’s pretty simply, and I’ll tell you how to go about it.

We’re going to use all of our favourite place - the internet! And here are my three favourite place to check for trending topics. Check them out, if you need inspiration!



It is one of my favourite tools - Of course, this will only work if you have a twitter account, but then again, who doesn’t have one these days!
On Curator, you can set up projects that help you track certain keywords and then view all the content that is related to those keywords. This is especially helpful, if you already have a general direction in mind for your next post, but you just cannot figure out the details. And once you’ve put your thoughts on paper, Curator makes it really easy to publish and promote your blog post at the right time - it gives you trending keywords on an hourly basis. Use it and ride the wave of your trending keyword!


It is a more comprehensive tool that lets you create your own personalized content streams. Those pull together the trending content on any given subject - and you can take it from there. Since this is highly personalized, you can even define which sources the tool uses and which ones it discards. This way, you are always up-to-date on your favourite topic and able to structure the content on your blog accordingly. The tool has one clear drawback, though. If you want more than one topic stream, you will have to get the paid version, and subscriptions can be steep. But why not try it out with one topic and see what you can pull off with one topic stream!


If you want a comprehensive tool for researching trending content, this is your place!
Extra special: it also lets you see what styles and format are particularly popular, so that you can adjust your output to what’s most popular out there. To get started, the toll is free and allows for unlimited searches. You don’t even have to sign up. It is also closely linked to Twitter, giving you insights into specific twitter statistics on any given topic. Use it to play your output over a longer period of time!


As you see, there are many ways to get inspired by trending topics and popular content through different tools on the internet. So if you experience a bad case of writer’s block, check out one of these tools for inspiration!

I hope you find this helpful as sometimes I also struggle to find new topics and writing inspiration!

Let me know, what works well for you or how do you find your inspiration?
Also, did you find this post helpful?

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