4/7 Saturday Night Loungings

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Image Address: https://goo.gl/images/ghjnCF

Saturday night, spent all day in my underwear playing #fortnite on PS4 (add me Pac107) can't say I'm upset about it tho. It's been fun and therapeutic playing with my buddy D. I’m not too good at building yet, but getting better at shooting people, I'll just have to work on that a bit more. It’s so much fun, quick sessions and the fact you can play solo, duo, or squad also changes the game dynamics greatly every time. What's really cool about it is that every single session is completely different from any previous one, the devs are constantly adding new features, weapons and materials daily, and the more you play the more you get into it. Could probably write a whole post just on Fortnite but I'm sure that’s what every other gamer is raving about at this point. I heard it blew Minecraft Youtuber vlogs out of the water, not surprising since I always thought Minecraft was shite anyway.

Image Address: https://goo.gl/images/6PPzYf

Overall Happenings
Aside from that Mgr. Mikey stopped by just to get everything in order and square. Business is going better-than-expected still just have to get everything lined up and organized. Have a bunch of letters and bills piled up on my desk that I need to take care of, and not procrastinate so much, God I hate paperwork it’s the fucking devil.

Glad that K’s all moved in to the new spot and that ordeals over with also. ^^

Other than that I've been doing a lot of mturking and microworking this past week, it almost became an obsession to see how much I could put myself thru. I almost burnt myself out but I may hit it up again later on. Really like the randomness and spontaneousness of the tasks. The total noncommitment aspect of it is superb and I’ve even come up with a few ideas to boost up revenues through marketing which I need to implement.

Also been working on my #instagram picture posting with lots of hashtags. Not sure where the account is headed but I do like posting lots of cool art pics and motivational quotes. A lot easier to get followers on IG than Twitter thats the truth.

Been missing the action at the poker tables at the casino for a while now, I've been practicing on WSOP app on my phone but it's not the same unless it's for real cash-money just got to man the fuck up and get back to the rush and the fulfillment of winning, makes me feel alive!

Image Address: https://goo.gl/images/eMbv9e

Staying Focused is the KEY!
Getting to the point where my life tasks and to-do list are piling up and I don't want to fall behind so let me see if I could knock some of that crap out tonight and tomorrow and hopefully get into Monday with a good head start, that would be great. I've been selling couple things on Ebay, that's been picking up but still haven't sold anything on Amazon, but I haven't been giving it much effort or hardly any at all for that matter and need to get on that !!

What else?? Have a few websites I'd like to sign up for like Fronto and Levelupdaily to see what that’s all about, sounds like some MLM shit but long as I’m getting paid IDGAF; also would like to start doing some type of YouTube marketing exposing sites that I find interesting or profitable and different things that I can add value to or make more accessible to others, also go thru everything on my notepads lots of valuables there as well. Some of the things I find to be intriguing I’m sure would interest others, like stocks, investments, hustles or making internet monies for example, since I’m not easily entertained or amused my most bs. I've seen a lot and done a lot already so I'm always looking for something new to get into or involved in.

At this time I have several things on the burner so I need to plan and execute on them. New websites, new tasks, new business ideas I've even thought about maybe becoming a broker for movers or catering services maybe even home security installers. It's all about finding people in specific specialized fields and bringing them more business for a cut, it's not too difficult all you have to do is advertise and negotiate your rate of compensation and it can be quite profitable for all parties.

Image Address: https://goo.gl/images/rsY7So

Battling the Inner Foes
I've been slacking on my working out and cardio. I don't know why I stopped but I really need to get back on it this week or tonight! I also need to organize all my leads on paper and get my head straight on everything so I can make progress. I've been trying to simplify my life and cut out all the drama and bs in order for me to stay focused and clear headed on the tasks at hand. They are beginning to pile up and I don't want to get swamped or overwhelmed with it all. I hate clutter and I hate paperwork.

Sometimes my undisciplined management of time added to stress and pressure makes me not want to do anything but escape and ignore reality but that’s not what adults do. The one that makes it the furthest is the one that does all the tasks no one else wants to do! It gets to me at times and I start to get down on myself, but I need to stay positive and keep my head up and know that everything will resolve itself as long as I maintain my thoughts in order and focus on lead generating and follow through. I need to get it all on paper I have so much to exercise that I may just have to write a book about it, even if it’s just for myself to read, the real adventures of my life. Lot of different angles tied up in there but I gotta let it out even if it’s main purpose is just a release for myself.

Image Address: https://goo.gl/images/YhMoLz

Markets and Steem Talks
This past week I also took the initiative and went ahead and shorted Cheesecake Factory #stock. I sold some shares at $47 thinking we would enter a bear market and it blew up in my face currently sitting at $52 or so right now. I would say bad luck was in order but truth be told it was just poor execution on my behalf it was a crap shoot. I’m fine with it tho, I'm down a couple of bucks or whatever but I did it just to do, to be able to tell myself, “you finally shorted something you wanker!” Just need to do more research next time. I will look into doing some paper trading just for practice sake and my due diligence prior to executing a trade next time. Also been watching TD Ameritrade educational videos just to get back in the game.

I wasted so much time and brain space getting into the #cryptos, all the bullshit I endured.. fucking nightmare at least I learned a thing or two about life. No such thing as a free lunch primarily. Even #steem, was portrayed as such a great opportunity to profit or whatever, and it's just not what it was cracked up to be; don't get me wrong I love the premise, I still think it's a great opportunity to mouth off and get recognition and what not and still way better than almost any other bloody blogger platform, but it's just not what everybody made it out to be. Been meaning to look more into #dtube since I’d heard that you can make more coin posting videos but I'm the one that's failed to follow thru on that as well but alas, the value of all cryptos are decreasing for the most part regardless and unconditionally. Everyones #steem account is losing value daily unless you are pouring money into it which I can't see why anyone would be doing that at this point but what do I know? I'm just glad my account wasn't valued at $100,000 a few months ago because I'm guessing it would be worth about half that at this point and I know I would be pist AF! I still have a bullish overall outlook on crypto, just not sure when it will pick up and turn the trend around but I'm sure eventually it will, it's dead yet and a lot of people still believe in the coin projects.

Image Address: https://goo.gl/images/p2aWs3

BTW Who are you Anyways??
I'm working on my writing, trying to get better at becoming more articulate, entertaining and engaging and have my thought process flowing so that I may express myself more clearly and fluently. Somehow someway I manage to gather 20-40 new followers every few of days, don't ask me how. I'm still not even sure who's actually reading this. No one comments, hardly anyone upvotes, and not it matters, my main motivation in doing this is just to clear my own head and get my thoughts in order so I can get focused to proceed in life. I welcome anyone that decides to follow me to give me a shout, tell me what you're going through, what’s your life all about? What exactly has caught your attention about my page? Is it my writing my topics? The fact that I follow back? I do follow everyone back btw and if you upvote me I’ll upvote you, I may even upvote you and comment just for showing up on my feed, I like doing that because I know it makes people feel good.

Don't want to drag this any longer, been going to church Thursday nights, motivates me a bit but sometimes I feel like I see through the sermons and into the business of it all. I don't know what's wrong with me maybe I'm cynical or untrusting or maybe it's the devil lol I don't know but something that bothers me about Christian religion is the fact that they don't believe in dinosaurs when there are clearly dinosaur bones, so it's just little details like that that stick out to me. Mainly I go for the motivational speaking and well-wishing and positivity.

And finally, in case you're wondering why this shit talking rambling ass post got so long... it's because I'm doing it through voice typing. This thing kicks ass I can get it all out there in one sitting. Think I'm just warming myself up before I go ahead and start that book I've been talking about but all leave it there for now.

If you made it to the end, thanks, drop a comment below, what’s your perspective on life..? Until next time see ya!

Image Address: https://goo.gl/images/Tc1HAK


Hack yeah!! Who doesn't believe in dinosaurs!?!
snap (5).jpg

Heck yeah! Thats what I'm saying!

This is very interesting you express yourself so well ! Keep it up !

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