Life Plan: How to Manifest

in #blog6 years ago (edited)



When the film sensation The Secret hit, enormous numbers of people were going to use the law of attraction to manifest whatever they wanted. There was much backlash from the spiritual community because of the mercenary tone of the film. Regardless of the criticism, people were actually able to make huge changes in their lives.

The odd thing is that many of the changes were not permanent. Some were permanent but people found they were not able to manifest in quite the way they thought they would. Many people were disappointed that they were unable to change their lives at all.

Why did The Secret work for some and not all? What about all the other options like Louise Hay's You can Heal Your Life, Lynn Grabhorn's Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting, Barbel Mohr's Cosmic Ordering Service and Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization to name a few.

They all work, they are all excellent. Unfortunately there is not one thing that works for everyone. Yet the one thing that seems to be consistent throughout is the fact that having clear goals makes success achievable.

Goal Setting

Look into any successful person's life and you will find a clear Life Plan. It may not be in point form, it may simply be an outline, it may only make sense to them, but it is there. Why? It is impossible to create something when you don't know what it is.

Setting clear goals is actually quite simple. It uses all of the ideas taught in the wonderful information created by the above people. It also allows you to take a look at what isn't working in your life and the opportunity to change those things.

Take the example of more money. Try setting clear goals around money. What is the picture in your mind when you think of having more money? Where will having more money take you?

  • How much money
  • In what form
  • To what purpose
Money is not the only goal of a life plan. There are other aspects of your life that you will want to include.
  • Happiness
  • Fulfilment
  • Location
  • Family/Friends
  • What do I consider success
This sounds like a lot of work but it can be as simple as a daydream. Create a vision board with pictures of what your life plan includes, write a list, draw it, sing it. Make sure you are clear about what you want. If something feels like it should be on your life plan then make sure it is there.

There is no right and wrong because it is your list.

Resistance to Change

After you have created a clear life plan, it must become part of your everyday consciousness. It needs to be always there. Affirm it as if it has already happened. Visualize it as if it is already real. Keep it alive every day.

As the changes begin to happen, it will become apparent that some are easier to make than others. Some of the goals may seem to be just as distant as they were before or you may find yourself falling into the "it's impossible" mindset. There are a couple of reasons for this.

First and foremost, changing your life takes time. A house isn't built overnight. Do not focus on when! Simply remain focused on your life plan.

Second and the most secret of all information is that change takes effort. Keeping focused on your goal will eventually get you there but there is no fairy godmother to waive her wand and make it so. You have to take the steps needed. If you want a job you have to apply and go to interviews. A University Education involves a lot of study.

A misconception of the entire law of attraction phenomena is that all you have to do is ask and it will be delivered fully formed. This is not what any of the manifesting teachers actually say but somehow it has become an underlying belief. What manifesting actually does is put you in the right place at the right time. It provides opportunities where none were seen to exist before.

There are times when these opportunities appear that you will need to remove blocks to your success. It seems odd that humans are so able to self-sabotage, miss opportunities and talk themselves out of actually stepping up to what they want.

Remove Blocks

Recognizing your blocks is a large step in removing them. Blocks can take many forms

  • apathy
  • depression
  • overwhelm
  • illness
  • headache
  • lack of time
  • apparent failure
Any and all of these ways of blocking may show up just when your goal is within reach. When they do appear, it is important not to beat yourself up for having them. It is all part of being human. The successful people in the world encounter these same blocks, they just go around over and through them. If there is a physical obstacle they simply find a different way.

Sometimes simply recognizing the block will allow you to acknowledge it and push past it. Sometimes you may need to meditate on it., do some block removal exercise, visualize the block being gone or affirm that you are unblocked. A fantastic way to remove blocks is through hypnosis. Hypnosis allows you to access your subconscious mind and find the base of the block so you can remove it. Whichever method you choose isn't as important as removing the blocks.

Having a life plan is the first and most important step in manifesting the life you want. Once you have set clear goals it is simply a matter of maintaining your focus, having patience and removing any obstacles that come up.


Grabhorn Lynn, Excuse Me Your Life is Waiting, Hampton Roads Charlottesville VA

Hay Louise, You Can Heal Your Life,Hay House Inc

Mohr Barbel, The Cosmic Ordering Service, Hampton Roads Charlottesville VA

Gawain Shakti, Creative Visualization,New World Library Novato California

Byrne Rhonda, The Secret, Simon & Schuster Australia

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