Identifying Dishonest People Part 2 - When You Identify One, Run - A Joke To Lighten Up The Mood - But Should Be Taken Seriously...

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians

As I promised this post is actually a joke that continues along our conversation on “identifying dishonest people”

But even though it is a joke, it has an honest message because it really makes a case for the type of people that you must avoid.

All in good fun to finish off the weekend, hopefully next week is nothing but blessings for you all!

There was a gentleman of about 60 years old who was moving a lot of money in his personal account, so one day the FBI gave him a call, they wanted to see what reasons he had to move those quantities in his accounts, where was the money coming from, etc.

The man told the agent: I make the money making little bets with my friends and other people, and as far as I know, there is nothing illegal about that.

The agent asked: What do you mean bets? But the amounts are way too big to be making that money with friends, those numbers are like a casino.

The man continued explaining to the agent that he was telling the truth and that he was not breaking any laws.

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A few days later the retired man of the story receives a summon, he has to go to the FBI office and show where the money is coming from in person. The man of course had to comply, and and went to the summon on the date with his own lawyer of course.

When he arrived to the office, the retired man spoke first and told the officer: I can prove to you that I can make the money simply by making small bets friend friends and other people.

The agent says: Ok, show me Sir, I’m all ears.

The man continues: I’ll bet you 5 thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye!

The agent of course found this very strange, and it made no sense, so he agreed: Ok, done, I’ll take you up on the bet.

The man takes out his left eye, it was glass after all, puts it in his mouth, bites it and puts it back. Ok, I won.

The agent furious says: But that was cheating! - The old man interrupts: No it’s not, you took the bet, but OK, I can understand your frustration and I can see your side, but I’m going to give you an opportunity to make your money back.

I can bet you that I can bite my other eye! The agent got freaked out for a second and started to think about it: “Ok, this gentleman entered the office with no dog guide or any help whatsoever, it’s obvious he’s not blind, his second eye must be good”

The agent says: Ok, I accept, let’s do 7 grand because I’m going to recover what I lost and make some money on top. This will be like taking candy from a kid.

Then the retired man look at the FBI agent, took out his dentures and using them in his hand bit his right eye. The agent started to lose his mind. The old man speaks up: You see how I make my money?

He continued: Ok, I’m going to be nice to you, I’m going to give you the chance to win it all back and make a lot more money, I don’t want you to be upset.

This is the bet: Do you see that vase right there, almost 30 feet away on that desk? I will bet you 15 thousand dollars that I can pee into that vase without having one single drop fall on the floor.

The agent was very worried and confused, after all, it was a man of 60, he could not have a healthy prostate to be able to do such thing, not even a young man could. The agent said to the man: I see you are a good person, you are letting me win my money back.

Ok, I agree fifteen thousand dollars, remember I owe you 12, so this would make you have to pay me 3 grand.

Ok, said the retired man, lets do it.

He takes out his member from his pants and starts to urinate everywhere, the tables, some on the agent, almost everyone got splashed. The agent got up in joy and started to scream: I WON, I KNEW IT, I WON!

On the other side of the lawyer punches the table and screams: OLD BASTARD!!! HOW COULD YOU?

The agent stops smiling and says: What happened? Why are you upset? You got peed or something?

The lawyer continues: NO, ITS NOT THAT. This disgusting man made a bet with me for 100 thousand dollars that we would come to your office, he would pee all over your desk and on your employees here, and that you would be grateful and happy!!
The old man had made 85 thousand dollars, and proved he could make a lot of money with friends and even people he didn’t know easily.

To conclude, even though this is a joke, I want to say that the message is clear, you have to learn to recognize the dishonest people and stay clear from them, because they are always trying to take advantage of the situation. Have you not met someone like this?

So again:

When you identify a dishonest person, run away!

Hope everyone starts off a great week, and that you got a good laugh with this humorous post.

Have a nice week!



Dear @chbartist sir!
Ha ha 🤗 ha. I cannot believe that this week will be start with a funny mind freshsing jokes. I think the old man was the wisest dishonest man, who earned $85 by bet.This kind of intelligent dishonest people already prepare the format to cheat and implement it at the right time.When bad times arrive then the eyes are closed. It is difficult to distinguish good &bad.When a bad person bet to bite the eye from the tooth, the agent should have been absolutely alert that this is not possible. There can be trap move in this.As the saying goes that during the time of destruction, the intellect becomes contrary to the same agent.
We have to careful from such kinds of dishonest man.
Regards with love<3

Yes, and believe me. There are many of these out there that can bite your eye. haha Have a great week!

😂 haha! What a joke! Such smart people can be seen in real world. One such conman was Natwarlal in India who sold Taj Mahal to many people. They easily trust him and he deceived everyone easily. When he was 70 year old and was in prison, he duped policemen and ran away from the prison. After all, why should anyone not trust a 70 year feeble old man who were on a wheelchair.
This world is full of such people who get fun in deceiving simpletons.

Exactly @akdx, there are dishonest people everywhere. Keep your eyes open.

Hi friend @chbartist first of all thanks much for another nice post. As you mentioned this is fun story but message is very clear. We must recognise the kind of dishonest people and save ourself. If we don't recognise then they will come and use us to fullfill their self.
Have a great day.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, the message is very clear!!! Regards

This is premeditated scam.
This old man in this joke woes his preys by challenging them to engage in or experience impossible task with the promise of a juicy reward if he fails.
if when someone sounds too good to be true, Please verify first before you commit

Hello @chbartist ,welcome back. I wonder that how people are cheating now a days. Your story of this old man is really a good piece of learning for us all.
I have a lot of examples in my life. A lot of people who cheated me. Some were my close friends. But now I'm Careful.
I have learnt a lot from my mistakes. And there is no possibility to repeat these mistakes again.

Keep on sharing your experience with us. We are here to see more about your experience. Have a good day from @coolguy222

Posted using Partiko Android

It's a joke but it's also a lesson.

It's a joke, but the reality is, we are being deceived by dishonest men now and then because of our greediness, we can't differentiate between honest & dishonest, I think that's our main problem. thanks for your awareness writing, it will help people who are very sympathetic and simple to others

Thank you friend!

Haha 😂 this is one of the funniest jokes have read in along while.....but there alot of lessons to be learnt up there. The smallest thing u have being it money, skill ,knowledge can land you in greater heights if u apply little wisdom.
Thanks for post bro

Thank you friend!

I think it also teaches another great lesson! Anything that seems like a sure bet or an easy way to make money is not as it seems or wrong!

Yeah, it's a joke but it happens every day in real life.

Although it’s an joke but the old man is master in winning money. It’s an difficult task to beat this type of dishonest person who make skills to win every situation it’s like an trap

Exactly! Run....


I read this joke when I was 18. I laughed allot and told it to all my friends they laughed also. At that time it was a joke but when I start facing these types of people who have these qualities then I think that was not a joke i relies how dangerous they are.

"Dishonest people really they sucks."

In my life journey I also found allot of dishonest people who are really very close to me. When I understand it was too late. What they did to me really it took years to recover. I learnt a great lessons.

Now I don't give a shit to these types of people. But if I found a person with good attitude and helping nature then I always trust him and help him.

Instead of a fear-based attitude, I react to the person with a love-based attitude. I treat the person with emotional generosity — honesty, kindness, love, and positivity, all in one.

I find one thing if you want others to be honest, then start off by being an example of what honesty is, so others can follow suit.


Exactly my friend, I am telling you what you want to say only that dishonest people have no feelings are like sociopaths and the damage they cause as you said can lead us to waste years of our journey. Regards

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