Are We Really This Stupid?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

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I’m torn between two trains of thought and have been for quite some time.

It’s as if the contradiction of the thoughts somehow complement each other and are not contradictions at all -- almost as if they belong together on a honeymoon of derisive harmony. It’s to the point where I no longer know what belongs together. Is it even possible for something or someone to belong to anything or anyone? Maybe not, but there used to be some guidance, some pattern, some feeling of synchronization. No more…

A part of me is afraid to separate the thoughts and send the wicked one on its way. What would become of it? Why do I even care? Is wicked really wicked? Am I just being judgmental and they’re being politically correct? Who is right and who is wrong? Do I want to be myself or be like everyone else?

I guiltily allow the collaborative corruption to continue, terrified to find out the answer, and maybe terrified to peer inward at myself finding similar corruptions. Still though, I find a way to banish the corruption and renew myself again. Stopping cold turkey what everyone else indulges in can be scary and pushes me further away like the outcast I am. Nonetheless, I have relieved myself of the obligation to yield to everyone else’s wants while I abandon my own needs. No more…

My blind eyes cast an empty glance toward the future, and because they are blind, they see nothing except transient visions that make no logical sense in my current state. They become even more non-sensical if I share their robust details with others. But the more I retreat into myself, the better I understand these visions on a deeper level. I’ll keep them for myself; I’ll share them, if you ask.

No one knows anything and no one cares that they don’t know anything. I feel the IQ of society dropping with each collective scroll of an Instagram feed. Those feeds don’t capture our imaginations, but rather, they abduct our minds and souls, igniting greed and envy and indifference and disconnectedness and abandonment – and even uncalled-for cruelty at times. Kindness used to be the default. No more…

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If we don’t know what we don’t know, isn’t that dangerous? When the answer to everything is simply Googled and assumed to be correct instead of being discussed with another person or read from a book that took effort to find, how are we to learn anything? How are we to carry ourselves as respectable human beings when we can’t intelligently defend ourselves with truth, knowledge and love, but immediately opt for physical violence instead? Why do we make fools of ourselves and proclaim with pride that this is how it's supposed to be?

We don’t know what we don’t know – and it is dangerous.


It’s rather scary when a site gets as powerful as you mentation that people believe any information found format is correct. Even more so when the product understands the kind of power they wield and for a price they allow others to manipulate it to their own will.

It’s why I don’t pay attention to just one side of things but as many sides as I can. The issue here comes down to how “busy” everyone is in keeping up with their Instagram’s and other things that get in the way. They are very too busy being distracted that they no longer think or have any concern over cross referring and having multiple sources before they draw their own conclusion. So they just stick with one.

When you think about it it’s been like this for a very long time. Even the older generations have that “one” they trust that gets on tv every night and has for past 20 or 30 years and told them everyone will be fine. When someone is being paid millions a year just to read the nightly news people should question more.

It’s nothing new or nothing old. Just changing of the guard. Still the same old same old with a new bow on it. Every generation has had its own distractions and time restraints to not spend the time needed to investigate things further. Which is how it has always worked.

Very true indeed! People have always been rather lazy creatures of habit, but technology amplifies that fact.

Glad to see you around! How are you?

Feeling like an average person these days tired and lost in life.

End of the month goings start taking a Supply Chain Fundamentals course. If nothing else it should be a challenge. Bit rusty on my maths and I never did take pure classes in statistics or calculus. I’m hoping for a few nights of me bashing my head on a wall being frustrated and not completely understanding. Should be a blast!

I still got find time for some research and try and rate its quality and “worthiness” its bit of a strange path to attack from in getting education on a topic. Always hated standard classrooms anyways with how ineffective in time management they are and class clowns trying ruined it for everyone else even when they are paying money. Which I find such a strange waste of resources; but, I guess that is just how some cope with getting through life.

I too have found it's helpful to have a goal to work toward (such as passing a course) when feeling down. It helps keep your mind away from the negative and instead toward progress. It sounds like an interesting course BTW. You'll do great...

Hope you guys staying nice and safe with all those fires going on.

Oh yes, we're fine. The air was very smoky for a few days, but it seems ok now. The Skirball fire was the one closest to us. Thanks for checking in! Hope you're doing fine too! I'll try to make some posts soon, but have been far too busy lately. :)

The Dodgers lost!

@abcdoctor on topic like always... :D

I hope they'll win next time!

You didn't even know who the Dodgers were until I told you :D

Oh, yeah? And who told you about мишка? :D


We don't know, what we don't know. And that is life.

That is adventure. That is exploring the unknown.
Life is dangerous. No one gets out alive.

Life is dangerous. No one gets out alive.

Haha so true. these words are getting stolen right now by me =)

Know! You can't steal these words,

because they were already stolen!

oh, so I'm like Robin Hood - stealing from those who steal =)

I have disregarded facebook almost totally. I see people posting pictures shaming those who park in handicapped spaces while as well showing perfect pictures of their families. There isn’t a problem with that, but there is more to it than just those pictures. It speaks of a willingness to point out the obvious but keeping the facade of perfection.

I've disregarded Facebook completely.

Great post! What I'm hoping is that the strict materialist are mistaken and consciousness itself is in the process of mutation. From: archaic, magical, mythical, rational--to the age imagined by many sages called Integral.
But the process is best likened to a chrysalis and the birth is long and painful and can't be interfered with as it will all too easily kill the emerging life as it struggles to metamorphosize.
What we are seeing and experiencing today is the rational structure of consciousness experiencing a deficient phase as its reduced all life to objects of exploitation.
It isn't clear what the outcome will be and there is no one sure answer. I hope for a fully spiritualized​ atheism with new economic and social structures not premised on misanthropy.
There are many intuiting this and places to research​ are Jean Gebser's, EverPresentOrigin...Along with the more controversial Wilber view. IntegralLife...
Hang in there! We are in for a hell of a birth!

there's nothing absolutely right or absolutely wrong. Only you decide that to yourself. You will be judged by others anyway.
What is a crowd? - a grey mass or group of individuals? You never know unless you get acquainted with all of them.
Some kind of superposition, same as with the schrodinger's cat - you never know unless you open the box ;)
Unless you decide what it will be.
When you hesitate, it becomes dangerous. Make your choice and prove everyone that the choice was right and it becomes right ;)
That's how this shitty thing called "life" works

I hesitate all the time. That must be what my problem is all these years.

but why would you? all you do is what you think is right to do. You're the person with the brain, able to make decisions, right?
So go and make them and never regret doing something. Because it's at least always better than doing nothing.
A little less hesitation, a little more action ;)

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