Vampires Are Scaring The Locals In Malawi- Can Some Of Them Super Genius Wakandans Go Rescue Them?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

The Locals In The AFRICAN Country Of Malawi- are being preyed upon by Vampires-

so of course the locals had to go Kill some Tourists & Doctors -



the average IQ in The NATION OF MALAWI is 69 . That is 1 degree below RETARDED!

The President of Malawi- confirmed his citizens were IN DEED being attacked by VAMPIRES & the President issued an ORDER to the Local Village Chiefs to please Crackdown on Witch-Craft in Their Villages. So then the lynch mobs went out again & TORCHED some poor dude with epilepsy.

You may not have heard any of the TALKING HEADS on the nightly News mentioning this recent outbreak of VAMPIRE ATTACKS in Malawi- but VICE heard about it. The Shitlibs & Mongrel Hordes at VICE were happy to place the blame on the Vampire Epidemic in Malawi- on Evil Whitey- because of Colonialism. Vice reports that back in 1930- the Evil White Colonizers- were killing the poor Black Malawi People- to turn their Black Blood into 'COUGH DROPS.'

Astounding! Absolutely Fucking Astounding! Great reporting Vice! without Vice- I would have thought the Evil White Colonizers- were exploiting Malawi for it's Semi-Prescious & Precious Gem Stones- Aquamarine, Tourmaline, Rubies & Sapphires. I would have imagines the White Colonizers were also Cutting Down The HUGE TIMBER Trees & using the Natives for labor on the TEA & TOBACCO PLANTATIONS. But You Know what- It was COLONIZED by BRITIAN. So maybe they were using the Malawi Black's Blood for The QUEENS Cough Drops. I mean I have heard she is a Blood Sucker.

Why Does Vice Conflate the QUEEN of England with ALL WHITES? I know I sure as shit- don't have anything to do with the Queen of England. Neither I- Nor My Fellow Americans are GUILTY of the Crimes Committed By The Queen.


If you are a WHITE AMERICAN BORN CITIZEN - please do not be Deceived By the Reports From that you are responsible for the recent Vampire attacks & lynch mods in MALAWI. Neither you, nor your relatives are responsible. The ONLY WHITES responsible for that- would be THEIR BRITISH COLONIZERS & THE Britian's # 1 Blood Sucker- The Queen Herself....


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Curious As To How Many IQ 69 Africans From Malawi- are coming to the USA to Help Enrich America With Their Diversity-

I went to the Department Of Homeland Security website & found some Publication from the year 2016-

11 copy.jpg

As far as I'm concerned that is 1,521 too many. But then again that is just the Number our Government is Reporting for Those Malawians Given Legal Permanent Residence here in the USA. How many are here ILLEGAL, UNREPORTED & so called STUDENT Visas or Temporary Visas?????????????

I wasted some more of my time on the computer searching the internet & came up with the following Golden Nuggets Of Enrichments-

per Malawi Newspaper- Malawi has become 2018's Hottest Tourist Destination. SO I guess that recent plague of Vampire attacks hasn't deterred the tourists- HUH?

Screenshot-2018-3-2 Malawi becomes 2018 hottest tourism destination-Minister Mussa - The Maravi Post.png

Screenshot-2018-3-2 Malawi becomes 2018 hottest tourism destination-Minister Mussa - The Maravi Post(1).png


Here is a link to a Facebook Group for Malawi People Living Here in The USA-

Apparently there are a lot of MALAWI AFRICANS Living in of all places-


As a former Midwestern- I for one am PISSED FUCKING OFF. But Thank Fucking GOD- I decided to blow past Indiana when I left Chicago & Head Straight To FLORIDA. Down here I don't have any Malawi to contend with- just the HAITIANS. So thankfully- I don't have to be worried about some MALAWI Black 69 IQ African here in Florida mistaking me for a VAMPIRE or looking for retribution for my evil ancestor turning them into cough drops back in the 1930's- and trying to TORCH ME. No I'm safe from all that here in Florida. My Haitian Neighbors - they stick to Good Old Fashioned Voodoo.


On that Facebook page for MALAWI Africans Living in the USA-

there was this 27 minute long video of Malawi Black Beauty- who took 27 minutes to show us how she PAINTS on Her Eyebrows. You got that right- she paints her eyebrows on in just 27 minutes. Geez- to think what I must be doing wrong- because it only takes me about 15 minutes to my Paint My Entire Face in The Morning- And that includes the my time outs- for Drinking Coffee.

She goes from this-

Screenshot-2018-3-2 Malawians In the USA.png

to this - in just 27 minutes

Screenshot-2018-3-2 Malawians In the USA(1).png

and there was this post of a Malawi Gentleman & his Lady Friend Telling Us How Good This Maize Stuff Tastes-

Screenshot-2018-3-2 Malawians In the USA(1) copy.png

ALSO- Remember that Beach Boys Song- "The Midwest Farmer's Daughter...."

Well White Boy- I'm here to report the Midwest Farmer's Daughter is Being Replaced by Some Darker Skinned Beauties-

Perhaps this will interest you?

Screenshot-2018-3-2 Malawians In the USA(1).png

She too is from MALAWI & Presumable in the SOUTH BEND AREA. If you're wondering where to take her for Dinner- She too likes that MAIZE Dish.

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If you're so Inclined- you can look up the US EMBASSY IN MALAWI Website- they have their Phone# Listed. You can call them and congratulate them on the good job they're doing.

Am I An @ssH@le? Well Am I? Please Don't Flag Me- I'm a Jew .
Flag me & you'll be reported to the ADL &
   The Southern Poverty Law Center for being an Anti-Semite.

OK, that is an awesome picture of Queen Elizabeth. She looks like emperor Palpatine in that pose.

great- now I have to google who is emperor Palpatine?
Darth Vadar

He was Darth Vader's sith master in star wars. His story went more in depth in the prequels. While those movies were nauseatingly bad, they weren't the dumpster fires the new movies are.

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