Triathlon: Attackers attempt to saw off athlete's legs

in #blog7 years ago


The Triathalete- Mhlengi Gwala

On Early Tuesday in South Africa- three men attacked The Athlete- Mhengi Gwala. The attackers tried to use a DULL CHAINSAW to cut off his leg. The Chainsaw was too dull to cut through the bone - it got stuck. So they then tried to cut off his other leg.


1 -this is what the Black African In South Africa does- they they try to saw off the legs of one of their countries athletes.

2- when was the last time you heard about 3 white men in any white man country trying to cut off the legs of an athlete?

3- Also note The CHAINSAW WAS TOO DULL to cut thru the bone. So this indicates that these Black African are too stupid to understand the importance of needing a sharp tool / too stupid to understand how to keep their Tools in good working order/ too stupid to understand that if the blade is too dull to cut thru the bone of the right leg- then it is also too dull to cut thru the bone of the left leg

4- Also note- South Africa recently stated they will be CONFISCATING ALL the LANDS Owned By The White FARMER.

5- The NIGGERS in South Africa are also TOO Fucking Stupid to Manage those farms & grow food. In a few short YEARS South Africans will be facing hunger & ASKING the United Nations & America to come bail them out with FOOD AID.

6- I say let the fuckers starve. Either that- or let some of them Super Genius IQ Wakandans Go Rescue them.

7- Also note there is an epidemic of BABY RAPE in South Africa. Why? Cause after the Niggers Get Aid- from Fucking Everything Human & Non-Human- With & Without a Pulse & get AIDS------ they somehow Believe If They Rape a BABY- it will Cure Them Of Aids.

links to story from Reuters, The BBC , Te Washington Post-

Do I hate Fucking Niggers?

I did not used to.

But After A Lifetime Of Putting Up With Never - Ending Nigger Bullshit In America & Seeing One Area After Another- That I used to Live in- Turn INTO UNINHABITABLE Violet Ghetto Areas- due to an Influx of Worthless Niggers, Muslims, Indian Shitskins & Mexican Spcis- I STARTED FACING REALITY THAT THE MAJORITY OF THESE PEOPLE ARE INCOMPATIBLE WITH A DECENT CIVILIZED SOCIETY-

Then The Mainstream Media & The Schools & The Elites- started this Barinwashing War on The White Race- Telling Us It Is The White Man who is filth.......

That is when I started to Publicly & Openly & Vocally - state in no uncertain terms how much I Fucking Hate them- I do- I fucking Hate them all.

Here's to you @Bloom, Thanks to your non-stop flagging- I"ll now post What-ever I please & in as nasty & foul of terms as I please.

I look back over where this country - The Great USA has g0ne - since the late 1970's when I was born- till today. I really was thinking about all the changes that have taken place. Now- I ask EVERY SINGLE DECENT HUMAN & NATURAL BORN CITIZEN of America- To Think about hi9s also. Not just about how our neighborhoods - even our WORKING CLASS NEIGHBORHOODS- were once clean, peaceful- decent. Look at how we are in our selves, our lives, our family our friends out jobs our schools, etc-

look at us now-

from Clean & Healthy good looking people- to most of us - fat, sick, debilitated & out of energy-0 even at a young age....

from a relatively decent life- to working like a fog still not making ends meet-

from kids that played at the park- to kids sitting on computer games-

from having boys & girls, men & women-

to having a nonstop LBGT AGENDA - from having kids be kids- to having kids turned into SEX OBJECTS & Celebrating this-




This is a TV show on Prime Time - Family Hour - called The Mick- it features a child with a BALLGAG in hos mouth.


Now lets us add to the mix - INFINITE & UNLIMITED Immigration from a bunch of People whop are NOT COMPATIBLE with The White Western Man.

Yes the White Man is a piece of shit. There is no such thing as the White Race. Race is just a social Construct. Whites should be ashamed of themselves. But Africans, Mexicans, Muslims should all be PROUD of THEIR CULTURAL! And We in AMERICA should roll over & die - While The Elites Import Unlimited MUD PEOPLE & Give them all Free Wellfare. Paid for of course by the White Man's Tax Dollars.

Countless generations of WHITE MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN- died creating this Country. Now the whites should just turn it over to the ShitSkins- else you be RACIST!

Yah- Well The African have all of Africa. The Muslims have the Middle East

The Hispanics- have All of central & South America

Yes- Diversity is Great- But WHY IS IT ONLY FOR WHITE COUNTRIES?

If you don[t want any whites to own farms & grow food in South Africa- that is OK. The Blacks in South Africa HAVE. EVERY RIGHT to make that decision for themselves.

And the WHITES in AMERICA- Have EVERY RIGHT- to SHUT THE BORDER & Kick Out Every Last Foreigner.

Think about where AMERICA was in the 1970s, the 1980s, the 1990s, the year 2000. Now think about where AMERICA is TODAY. In every level- in every category of life- we've turned into sick, debilitated, weak body, weak minded, weak families, weak morals. Our country is polluted & violent & full of chaos. Now if we've gone this far downhill so fast- what do you think America will be like in another 5 years, 10 years, 15 years?

What kind of country will the Children of Today have to live in?

They call it being Liberal- Progressive- Inclusive.

Then they say I am the one full of Hate.


I really - really wonder Just How Many American are like me & how many are still on that other side of the fence?

Does THe New York Police Department Have A Raw Video- of Hillory Killory & Her Musliod Lover Huma Abedin- doing Who Knows What Unspeakable Acts on a kid?

Realease the video- Release it now! I don't give a flying Fuck How Many Americans have a heart Attack or experience cogintive Dissonance & Have a Stroke Out. Fuck Em. Sorry to say it but FUCK THEM.

Why on Earth Would I ever say FUCK THEM- in regards to any of my fellow Americans- Because it's down to the line. This is the End of The Line. America is on the Verge of CEASING TO EXIST.

If America falls- So Falls EVERY Country of the Western World & The White Man. So I am truly am real Fucking Sorry about Any Casualties - of White Western American. But Those Fuckers are CONTRIBUTING to the Destruction of this country.

And this country is so far gone- There is no more time to be nice & polite.

The double standard is over & this is a fight for the VERY EXISTENCE of Any Semblance Of a decent place on Earth Anywhere for the White Western Man, his women & his children.













For The Most Part- Humans as a Whole Are Pretty Fucked Up- But Still- Americans In America USED TO BE THE VERY BEST PEOPLE ON PLANET EARTH!

That is why for DECADES NOW we Have had A WAR waged on us-

  • we were poisoned with polluted food- that keep getting more toxic

  • poisoned our water- our air- our food-

  • more & more vaccines injected into us- to weaken & damage our body & health- and make us all get sick & tiered earlier in life

  • poisoned our minds with nonstop- ever more degrading filth on TV , in movies- on the radio

  • poisoned our kids in school with Cultural Marxism

  • tore apart out family structure- by making it so ONE income could not support a family- therefor BOTH wife & husband have to work- while the School, TV & The Street raises your kid

  • tore apart any semblance of decency & morals- by slowly chipping away at the edges. We've gone from Rock N Roll to now having young girls on stage saying- fuck me fuck me fuck or some guy on stage saying suck my dick suck my dick suck my dick- and that is suppose to be MUSIC?

  • from meeting someone good looking & relatively pleasant personality & dating- to looking for a FUCK BUDDY on Tinder?

-from a woman using AN ABORTION- as a LAST RESORT once in a Great While- to ALL WOMEN proudly proclaiming THEY'Ve Had An Abortion on their facebook page?

  • from men & women growing up into functioning adults- to what? what the fuck are these things out there today?

SORRY- N0- No No-

The Ghetto is the Fucking Ghetto- no matter whether it's Africa, Mexico, Brazil, India-








I have personally witnessed several towns I once lived in- turn into violent- crime ridden - filthy trashy ghetto zones. How did it happen- the Niggers, Spics, Muslims, Indian Shitskins Moved in & Destroyed the Places.

Ask why does this happen. Really why does it happen. If a few low income poor white people move into a relatively clean & nice area- where a woman or young teenager can safely walk down the street after dark- then how come it is- that when more than a few handfuls of Blacks, Mexicans, Indians from India or Muslims Move in- The place goes to TRASH FAST?

So there it is- INCOME - or BEING POOR- has nothing to do with it. It's Obviously SOMETHING ELSE- about these people.
















Who Built This County? Who Built America? Who Built The Cities, The Bridges, The Hoover Damn? Who Keeps The Electric Lines Running?


It Was Built For Their Children & Their Children's' Children.

Now Days This Is What The Elites Want Us to Be-

\Now The White Woman in America is a fat ugly slut- feminist- cat lady- fucks a nigger & gives birth to nigger or spic or musloid babies

Now the white man- is pumped full of chemicals & estrogen- plays virtual reality games at age 35, watches porn & can't even sprint a mile. Let alone walk up a flight of stairs without losing his breath. About a month or so back- I literally got into a war of words with some shit head on Steemit- the Buy claimed to be a FATHER of young kids- but he was spending all his time either on STEEMIT- flagging me or spending his money on CRYPTO-KIDDIES- he wrote to tell me he was very upset that I too did not think spending upwards of $100,000 on a fucking ugly crpyto-kittie- internet pokeman card- that I was a bitch.

Yah- Now days if AN AMERICAN says they don't think it's suck a good idea for a 4 Year Old child to Start the TRANSGENDER process or if a parent express concern that their 15 year old son wants to cut off his dick & turn into a chick- why my GOD- that parent is a BIGOT!

So Yes- Looking BAck at it- ALL OF US AMERICANS have had a WAR WAGED ON US for the past few decades. And - Most of us did not even NOTICE how bad it was- till now.

This is what happens when the SHitSKIN DIVERSITY comes to America-










The More I Think About This- Literally- it IS BETTER to Be NUKED By A Nuclear Bomb- Than To Have Niggers- Spics, Indian Hindus & Musloid Goat Fuckers Immigrate/Invade Your Nation.

The Jews in America - those who happen to be on the wrong side of this - are going to CAUSE all the rest of the JEWS in America to pay DEARLY. The Anti-defamation league is in cahoots with Twitter & Youtube- to ban all opposing views? The Jewish leaders in America are all in favor of open borders? Really- the hypocrisy. Let Israel have open borders to INFINITE Niggers & Muslims FIRST!

images all from google images-


Well bloom didn't hit this post. Instead there are other Democrats hitting it. (Maybe they're just Canadians)

Fuck it! They can't delete your shit!

I don't mind. Flag Away.It Only Emboldens me.

The thing is- I've never Flagged someone else's work- unless it was downright word for word Plagarsim- like the guy who posted Cliff High's Web Report in Steemit - or about 2-3 times when I came across some one promoting PEDOPHILIA in no uncertain terms.

Otherwise- no matter how much I might have disagreed with some other persons posts- I've never flagged them.

Also I note Steemit is really gearing up and getting MANY QUALITY Journalists- and commentators - Which I think is great.

I've Never Intended nor have I ever portrayed myself as some sort of Journalist or researcher, etc- I've only ever presented myself- as someone who is using my blog page on Steemit- as a Public Blog- to write about whatever gets me that day.

I didn't realize we had pedos here on Steem. That's very disturbing.

Oh wow, he said "nigger", lets flag his whole article!!!

What else can you call these savages? Coons? Apes? Dindus?

The problem with South African whites is that they chose to share space with niggers.
There is not one place in this world where niggers were integrated and they've adapted.
Asian countries don't have a problem with these apes.
Whites need to stop cucking and send them all back to Wakanda.

Truth Be Told I am conflicted on this issue.

I truly believe in Judging People AS INDIVIDUALS. There are a number of Black People I've met in my life, who are intelligent, decent people. They have every right to continue living their lives here in America & the Western World. HOWEVER- AS A WHOLE - The Vast Majority & Overwhelming Number of Blacks, Muslims, Indian Hindus & Even Hispanics- I find are 100% Completely Incompatible with White Middle Class Society. Neither Do They Have The SAME MORAL VALUES.

To Ignore the Issue Of Their Overall IQ Levels being so low & Their MORALS being so different- is ridiculous.


I post EXTREME CLEAR CUT EXAMPLES of Just How Horrible these people & their societies are - and yet people still seem to want to make excuses for them.

While there are many Pressing Concerns & Dangers & Issues we face in America- I ask this-

Can we Solve Most of our other problems- Yes.

Can we solve anything- if whites in America become replaced by a majority of blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, Indians & slanty eyes asians- like Chinese, Filipinos , etc..... NO!

And they Never seem to answer this question- IF America & All formerly White Countries on Planet Earth Must DIVERSIFY- then why does Africa get to remain Black, Why does China get to remain Chinese, Why is it ONLY THE WHITE COUNTRIES?

I believe the WHite Man is in FACT the MOST EMPATHETIC & CARING & MORAL MAN on Planet Earth. The White an Has Had A Non-stop WAR on His Consciousness & Mind Waged Upon Him for decades.

Hod up, youre on autoflag? Mehn, thats enough problem for you already .


so you deleted your first Very Long post- in which you blamed the white man for everything huh?

Just delete your post- so that my response will look like OVERKILL from a Highly Charges Racist?

or maybe you just didn't want to look like an uneducated idiot when you Blamed Americans for COLONIZING AFRICA & INDIA & Destroying the whole world?

BULLSHIT! Just can't integrate into your brain that JAPAN HAD 2 NUCLEAR BOMBs Dropped on it in 1945 & today has rebuilt their country.

Yet despite thousands of years BEFORE THE WHITE MAN showed up - AND ALL THE DECADES SINCE THE WHITE MAN & HIS COLONIES LEFT & ALL THE Never Ending Trillions upon Trillions Of Dollar in Aid- Blacks in Africa- Still Have nothing. Truth is Even When The White Man Builds a Civilization & hands it to the Blacks on a silver platter- it still goes to shit?

why? Beacuse Blacks are too low IQ to sustain a Civilization- let alone create one.

PLUS there is NO EPIDEMIC of White Men Raping babies In America- but there is an Epidemic of Blacks in Africa raping babies. How is it the White mans fault- that NIGGERS in AFRICA Rape BABIES Because they think it will cure them of Aids?

You don't know me & you don't know what I've contributed. My ass is not fat- which- you being a NIGGER & NIGGERS Love fat asses- might disappoint you.

You also do not have any idea how many fucking NIGGER WHORES- have tried to DUMP their Little NIGGER KIDS on me & my White ASS to watch- while they went out to go suck some nigger dick at the club. Which yes- has happened. Yet another why I hate Niggers. And One of the reasons why I stopped Renting apartments/ Homes to Niggers.

Not all blacks are Niggers- Just MOST.

How is it the White Man's Fault that Three Niggers in Africa tried to Saw off an Athletes legs with a DULL Chainsaw. And I repeat- when was the last time you heard about 3 white men trying to saw off another mans legs?

Also FUCKER- I am specifically mentioning AMERICA. AMERICA did not COLONIZE AFRICA or India.

Dumb fucking Nigger. You state you have no desire to live in a white mans land. I see your page says you're in West Point NG- is that a naval base in Louisiana? What's stopping you- Leave. get the fuck out my country asshole. Take some more niggers with you when you leave.

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