Flagging Purgatry Day 4- Is The Forida School Shooting Crisis Actor a Reformed Meth Head?
4 Chan- Posts- That a "David Hogg" is a 26 year old man with arrests for "CRYSTAL METH"
I do not verify the accuracy of any of this- But The Truth IS- We DO NOT KNOW WHO ANY OF THESE PEOPLE REALLY ARE-
Also- unless you have a TEENAGER AT HOME- Keep this in mind- The Older one gets- The YOUNGER- a young person looks...
take a look at the face shape & the crooked nose in both pictures- although the ears & eyebrows look different- do you think it's the same person with some slight plastic surgery or is it a different person?
(side note- a distant relative - who I had not heard from in years- his mother- whom I had not seen in over 20 years- at her wits end- called me up one day & said she had put So & SO on the Greyhound bus- he was headed to my town to VISIT ME FOR A WHILE. At the time I was living in the country on a 3 acre parcel of land. I thought to myself- YO- I moved OUT OF THE CITY to get away from BULLSHIT. I haven't seen you in 20 years & you put your crackhead piece of shit son on a bus to see me!- He was in his late 20's - I was in my mid 30's. He looked like shit. I thought he probably had AIDS TOO. I went & got him AIDS tests withing the first few days of his arrival. By the end of about a week- away from the CRACK & BOOZE- the 20 something Guy- looked as good as new. I thought to myself- wow- the power of YOUTH- that one's body can start to recover so dramatically- so quickly.
Needless to say the visit didn't last too long. Piece of shit- refused to stay in the GUEST Cottage- way at the opposite end of the 3 acres away from my house- plus he started to try "INVITING PEOPLE OVER." Excuse the fuck out of me- I live on 3 wooded acres ALONE. I Barely allow any relatives here- let alone any of the New Found Gutter trash you just managed to pick up- I had some guy I know- pack up his shit & drive the Fucker to the Bus stop. The bus didn't leave till the next day- SO WHAT. Let the shit spend the night at the bus stop I don't care. I called his mother & told her- I bought her Precious Little Baby a Bus Ticket back to CHIACGO. These days- neither she nor him have my phone number- let alone my address.
Point is- if you are young enough & not tooo far damaged from the Meth- your body can clean itself up & you can look somewhat normal again.
And as a Double Sidenote- notice how I said I HAD SOME GUY I KNOW- Get Rid of this Trouble maker for me. See- Proof again some things REQUIRE A MAN. Men are definitely needed. Of I didn't have a MAN to MOVE THIS FUCKER Off My Property- how much TROUBLE Do you think he would have caused me?)
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Quetsions From 4 Chan
How many rounds were fired?
What kind of bullets?
What caliber of bullets?
Can we see pictures of the bullet casings and pictures of the ballistic damage?
Who was the dead black girl?
What parts of the school specifically was the shooter in?
What was in the bodybag being taken out of the school?
Why was there the instant call to demolish the school?
How comeBrowardschools.comwas created in 1996, while Browardschools1.comwas created last year?
Are any autopsy reports going to be released?
Why did the ALLEGED shooters brother get sent to a psychiatric facility just days ago?
How did the laptop get shot and still have a functioning backlight?
Why is there no transparency?
Where is the footage from school cameras?
What part "We don't trust you" does the media, the alphabets, politicians and LE, not understand?
Why are they so desperate to blame Feebs for Mossad' actions?
Why did he stop shooting?
There was no one there to stop him.
What made him stop shooting and "blend in" to walk out with the rest of the students?http://www.khou.com/article/news/nation-now/florida-school-shooting-suspect-ordered-a-drink-at-subway-after-deadly-assault/465-51e94074-994d-4a51-a05a-b739c7441f92
And why did all the students start evacuating at that point in time? How did they know it was safe? Where did he go between the time he stopped firing and the time the students started evacuating?
??? Just Days After The Shooting- The DECISION HAS BEEN MADE- to tear down the building. WOW- That was QUICK. Does the term- LEAVE NO EVIDENCE BEHIND- mean anything? ???
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I repeat- one of the school shooting Witnesses with his face plastered all over CNN- Cameron Kasky-
WHY DOES HIS FATHER - AN ADOPTION & DRUG LAWYER- HAVE A YOUTUBE CHANNEL GEARED TOWARDS KIDS? He rel4ased a song- "DO YOU WANT TO SEE MY PENCIL" just days before the shooting. Ever hear of Pedophile Grooming Videos On Youtube? Ever hear of #Elsagate? Who Are These People?
4chan can do some incredible investigative work when they want to, but they love to troll just about everyone. If they haven't posted what he had for breakfast and his preferred condom brand yet then I would assume they're trolling everyone on this.
Also, it seems you've gotten another stalker! A Bernie-bot this time!