Benefit early morning wake up

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Waking up in the morning is one of the healthy lifestyle and has many benefits. But there are still many people who are lazy to get up early.

Wake up early should start from before sunrise or at 05.00. Nothing wrong if you start trying to get up in the morning.


Consider some of the benefits of waking up in the morning following.

1.Fresh Body

When you wake up in the morning, the body will feel refreshed. Eve and the benefits of air in the morning can refresh the body.

2.Getting Fresh Air

The benefit of waking up in the morning, we will get a fresh air compared to the air during the day. Fresh air is very beneficial in breathing compared to air that has been mixed with vehicle pollution and factory pollution.

3.Blood Circulation

By breathing the morning air, we can smooth our blood circulation. Clean air into the body makes the blood flow smoothly because the benefits of oxygen that enters the body is the best oxygen.

4.Brain Works Maximum

Maximum blood flow with oxygen flow to the brain smoothly can improve and maximize brain function. It also comes from:

5.Increase Memory
If the brain works optimally then the memory of the brain will increase as well. Therefore, people who often get up in the morning and breathe fresh air will be less likely to develop senile symptoms compared with people who wake up during the day.

6.Nourish the Lungs
When you breathe fresh air in the morning is clean and not exposed to pollution is very good for organs especially lungs.

7.Healthy Heart
If the blood circulation becomes smooth and oxygen levels in the blood well then other organs also come into health, like heart. Many disorders of the heart are caused by poor and stunted blood and oxygen flow. By waking up in the morning and breathing fresh air then the heart will work optimally.

8.Membangkitkan Semangat
Secara psikologi, energi positif dalam tubuh dapat diciptakan dengan bagun pagi dan menghirup udara pagi hari. Semangat bangun di pagi hari jauh berbeda dengan orang yang bangun pada siang hari. Orang yang bangun pada pagi hari memiliki mimik yang berseri-seri karena bersemangat sedangkan orang yang bangun di siang hari cenderung berwajah lesu dan kurang bersemangat.

9.Produktivitas Meningkat
Produktivitas seseorang juga dipengaruhi oleh pola tidur. Bila tidur dengan cukup maka kemungkinan memiliki tingkat produktivitas yag maksimal. Maka dari itu tidur yang cukup dan bangun pagi adalah kunci utama.

10.Maintaining Bone Health
Sunlight not only helps the formation of vitamin D but also contains potassium is good for bone health. Potassium is very important because it can prevent you from the fragility and bone loss. So basking in the morning will avoid you from osteoporosis.

11.Ageless Skin
The morning sunshine that helps the formation of vitamin D in the body can maximize skin rejuvenation. The content of vitamin D2 and D3 can also prevent skin disorders.

12.Increase Body Metabolism
Vitamin D contains potassium and calcitriol. Calcitriol content is very useful in the body's metabolism and maximize the process of absorption of calcium in bone.

13.Avoid From Yellow Disease

Sunlight contains the benefits of vitamin D, at half past six to nine sunlight is very good for health. After 9 o'clock in the morning protect yourself from the sun's cahya.Karena at that time, sunlight is toxic and can damage the cells on the skin surface.

Inhaling the morning air and letting the body be exposed to the benefits of the morning sun can make you avoid jaundice. So it is with babies. Babies are particularly susceptible to jaundice, yellow diseases are diseases where the body's skin becomes yellow and wrinkled. Jaundice can be caused by a lack of vitamin D in the body.

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