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RE: Steem is an idea who's time has came / Sickness / delegating Steem

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing your insight into what is already hapenning, and your vision into where it can keep going. I am very new to steemit (just over a week now) and what I love about it is that regardless of what else is hapenning (fomo shit posting etc) if your own vision of what you want, is clear, then you can follow, and thus perpetuate that through like minded people.

You walk out into the backyard, there is a rose in full bloom, and your dog has also just recently laid a big steamy one. Which of these two things do you want to look at ? That's a choice, but it can only be a choice if there are roses to look at, even if it's just one rose, growing out of a pile of big steamy ones :)

That's what I look for. Case in point; I just read your comment on @whatamidoing 's post, and resonating with your opinion, then came to check out your posts, and found this gem of an article.

Monetizing memes on dmania or through decentmemes is powerful, its hard even for me to understand how powerful memes are, they are the majority of posts on the internet anymore.

In another few years, school text books will probalby just be pages of memes, lol.

Once in a while, when I want to have a discussion.. I will pay an upvote bot to get the views and the conversation that a large upvote can provide.

Again, choices. You make it clear in your article that you're not personally a big fan of bots, but you don't let that bias over rule the value that they can provide, but you wouldn't have that choice if other people weren't pursuing their ambitions.

That's what I love about this platform. If you just focus on what you want, which seems to be a self perpetuating community of idea and knowledge sharing (me too) then that's what you'll grow. All that's needed to begin with, is to be clear about what it is that you want, then just follow the sign posts that point in that direction.

No force can resist an idea whose time has come.



I can see it now, memes might be short and entertaining enough to keep them looking at the textbooks though. With some any things to do now, and the world moving so fast ADD will just increase and it might be that memes become more effective than bullet points and long walls of text lol.

I always worry about echo chambers, so I try to watch and listen to people I don't agree with quite a bit. You never learn more than when you have a conversation with someone who has an opposing point of view.

I love freedom, liberty, and decentralization.. this place seems to have a larger majority of people like that than other websites. I blame blockchains but I can't really say exactly what it is about this place that brings so many people like that together. It's Nice to meet you, glad you found me through whatamidoings posts!

I don't meme to be meme, but I meme what I say :)
That's how you raise young kids today.

I love freedom, liberty, and decentralization.. this place seems to have a larger majority of
people like that than other websites.

I hear you brother, I've noticed that already. I used to be on the public speaking circuit for a popular truth movement here in Australaia, I even made a rap about how to deal with the police, utilising Freeman on the Land information, that Dean Clifford prominently featured on his website that got me about 10k youtube hits. What I noticed though was that it was always the same faces in the crowd, the same angry faces that just wanted their daily fix to have something to be angry about.
Then on my facebook posts, it was the opposite, just a flood of cognitive dissonance from the brainwashed masses. My actions even eventually lost me my job, and after several months of not finding any work, eventually removed all my youtube videos and deactivated my facebook account, as they were clearly hindering my employment prospects.
I am quite excited that there is quite a large presence on steemit of solution based thinkers who are aware of NWO and agenda 21 type issues and am looking forward to developing relationships within that community.

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