The new Tomb Raider game is coming out this year!

in #blog7 years ago (edited)



Tomb Raider 2013 was such a masterpiece of it's time and the sequel Rise Of The Tomb Raider was also full of jaw dropping action. Now we (gamers/fans) are waiting for the sequel of Rise Of The Tomb Raider.

So, the good news is that the sequel of Rise Of The Tomb Raider will be released soon as Square Enix conformed! Although the title and the cover of the next tomb raider game has still not been published by Square Enix but the title of the game will be "Shadow Of The Tomb Raider" according to the leaked photo and unauthentic news. I found about game's title from the "GAMESPOT" (One of the best gaming news website). The question is that when it'll be released so, after searching on internet I found that the game is likely to be launched at E3 in the mid of 2018 and will be available to play in the fall of 2018.
(Let me mention here that this news is not authentic but the Square Enix already confirmed about the new sequel. So, these rumors about release makes a bit sense)

As we (gamers/fans) are excited about the new sequel, here is what we expect from the new sequel:

1.Graphics: We hope that Square Enix won't let us down in terms of graphics. According to the news Crystal Dynamics which was involved in the making of Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise Of The Tomb Raider, won't be a part of making of the new sequel. So, let's hope that the quality of graphics will be maintained well in the next sequel.

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2.More Action: Previous 2 sequels of the tomb raider provided great action experience like finding a skeleton right in front of face while passing through a cave, stealth game play, special executions, modifications of weapons etc. Fans are expecting more action in the next sequel.

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We can't wait to get our hands on new sequel but we have to wait for at least mid of 2018. This is most of the news I could cover about this game in a single blog. I will try to keep up with the updates and post them here as soon as I get it. Don't forget to up vote if you liked my content. If you have questions, suggestions so, don't hesitate to mention in comments.