The History of the Pleiadians

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


The History of the Pleiadians and Arcturians is a lot different and simpler than what The Greys went through its totally the opposite really.

When I spoke about my recent post about the origin of humans to the way we are now
All happened in stages. there were the colonies such as Lemuria ,Sumerian, Atlantean, were all the beginning stages of a grand experiment.

The Lemurian Experiment as you would call it got completed but it still was not the result that was being expected by the original founders.

The Atlantean Experiment was a failure and they self-destructed them self and created a dimensional vortex which is now called the Bermuda Triangle.

Founders in my terms means: (The original beings that created the human template form whether it was made in this universe or another does not matter, The Founders are the direct link to the incredible state of consciousness that a physical body can house)

Once the 2nd Wave which was the Lemurians left the world as they became the next 'founders' they spread out into the far reaches of space to colonize and leave this earth which is an amazing space for fast and conscious growth, to leave it for others so that other beings could learn to expand their consciousness at rapid speeds.
(This is also something we will do in the far future, and when such a point arrives we will become the "aliens" for other beings that will evolve on earth)

Also, remember I mentioned that many of the Lemurian descendants were Lyran Humanoids that had escaped a galactic war that the reptilian factions started.

Quick Recap: (The reptilians that created havoc in another universe, got thrown into this universe, and came across the Lyran colonies (humanoids) spread out over many planets, the reptilians tested the colonies to see how advanced they were, once they realised they didn't have the capacity and capability to stop them, the reptilians attacked and destroyed almost any trace of the human colonies. Many of the Lyrans had to flee and many of them landed in our solar system and went from Venus to Mars, and eventually landed on Earth.)

Once the Lyrans came on earth they simply evolved over a span of thousands of years and created ancient colonies and artifacts. They left the Earth when they felt their evolution was complete and so many of the beings scattered to the Pleiadian system, Sirian System,Orion, and also what you know to be called Arcturus and many other systems unknown at this time.

Please do understand that I know stories are around that say many of the Pleiadians are highly evolved but this is not the case.

Some are of course but this doesn't include all of them.

In order to understand this further, we need to look deeper and that is that this Solar System and this Galaxy, in particular, is Humanoid/Reptilian based when it comes to genetics. So when the Lemurians went to the named Star systems, these systems were already inhabited by already living beings such as reptilians etc.

Some of which were friendly and some of which were not at all.

For better reference of the Lemurians, we are gonna call them (The Founders).

Once The Founders established colonies in the Pleiadian star system they already noticed that a lot of diversity was going on but they knew it was the perfect place to create a harmony engulfing effect that would ripple out into other star systems.

Also, the following is hard to hear, and I don't like talking about this but it is part of these systems that I feel I should mention.

Some of the Pleiadians that are malicious are called The Nordics they have Blue Eyes, Golden hair, but they are master manipulators and geneticists, and some of the Pleiadian/Sirian Races are responsible for missing children on our world.
(Either used for resources sold to reptilians as food or used as slaves for tasks)

So what is the function of these Benevolent Founders in the Pleiadian/Sirian/Arcturian/Orion systems?
It is to teach the spiritual way of living and to transmute the infections of jealousy between reptilians and humanoids. that has been going on for so long.

In a sense, you could say that The Founders within those systems are a prototype of what we are to become on a universal scale.

So when we evolve to such a pure state of consciousness what is expected to happen is that we all will return for a brief time to our respected connections we have had in this universe and drastically alter the way life works in this universe. That is the original intent behind the human experiment to upgrade an entire universe.

And you may be Wondering will we ever meet them, these Pleiadians and Arcturians?

This, unfortunately, is not gonna happen anytime soon as a collective world.
Individuals on our world have had some contact with them but this is merely small scale.

The first beings we will meet are the Familiar Grey family Hybrid Civilizations
And maybe after a few hundred years once our vibrations are raised far enough we can meet the bigger family.

We will, however, meet representatives of their kind but that will be all, until we all are ready collectively to make that step.
Around the year of 2050-2060, we are to be expected to be called Galactic Citizens by many of these hybrid races.

So from 2025-2030 the window opens for Open Contact on a Collective Scale.
And from 2020-2040 There is the window of increase in Technology to acclimate us to higher vibratory technology.
And from 2040-2050 are the last steps and preparations to become Galactic Ambassadors for our world.

This basically concludes the information on the Pleiadians, because not much is known about them and they rarely interact with affairs in this world, they do have their own things to deal with. and all clusters in those systems do work together in some way but are preparing for the changes that we will bring to this universe as a result of our evolution.

They are also keeping many Races at bay in the Named Systems to prevent abductions and commerce of humans.

And once again these rogue factions are not gonna be anything we are gonna have to worry about.

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Thanks for the post on the Pleiadians. I was a bit surprised to hear that they may not be so evolved after all - at least some of them. My impressions about the Pleiadians were gathered from the experiences of Billy Meier who interacted with the Pleiadians and presented evidence of his interactions. His claims were also extensively researched by scientists who concluded that his whole story was a hoax. There was some controversy there.

Well there is a lot of interference that happened throughout the last thousands of years and reptilians have spread that virus across much worlds, with that i mean manipulation etc... and the pleiadians and other races got involved into that. the beings that would be benevolent are working through all of that. to clear it all up.

to dismantle what could be called the reptilian empire.

I don't know much about billy but i have heard about it.
but i think that looking at the evidence of the billy experience he was in contact with the nordics or a faction of them.

but I could be wrong of course. I mean benevolent races are very careful in interacting with species that aren't ready. and if they do there has to be a reason such as for me it was because I needed help and also because i was ready and was aware of them prior to them coming to me, so i invited them and they merely responded, so no interference was done made.

And when I look at the billy acounts he says they were physical no light body or energy visible that tells me they are not spiritualy evolved but more technologically evolved. Whether his experiences were real or not I don't know.

But do understand everything has a paradox... just as on earth its a beautiful ball of life. there are some sick individuals on it as well...

And this is the same for planets within the 3th density universe.
less in the 4th density universe and nearly gone in the 5th density.

and we are going to 4th density so we are moving out of that.

Thanks for your response my friend :)

In a meaningful interaction, it is always a pleasure to respond & be heard as well!
Have been a bit preoccupied lately with some other stuff & hence the delay in responding. What you have said here brings some more clarity on the subject . I have been seeking information on the subject for quite some time from various sources and I am glad to have found someone in this community who has so much to offer. Thanks to you too! :)

Very informative! I've got couple of books by Zechariah Sitchin (his first two, as it happens) and I hope to start on them when I get the time. I presume you are familiar with his name, have you read any of his material?

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