Take a minute to think about this shocking truth

in #blog7 years ago

Something we talk about quite often is how quickly time goes by. It's very easy to think about time that have passed and how something that happened years ago, felt like yesterday. From personal experience, I can tell you that lately I feel like an old lady - I'm not, by the way, I'm still a spring chicken, but to give you an example, I can use my own children as proof. It feels like it was just yesterday that I got married and became pregnant for the first time, yet, that very same child is already in Grade 3 this year. That might not be a convincing 'old lady' proof so I will continue my example with another, far more evident, situation. Right now, I'm starting to realize that some of the children I used to be a teacher to, are grown up. Some finished school a few years ago already and some already have their own families. What a shocker it was to me yesterday, when one of the new teachers at school was a student of mine years ago. I'll go even further and say that 18 year old's are now starting to call me "Aunt".


Yes, I'm in THAT stage that many of you have been in before already. It's true. I'm definitely not the first person to think BACK in time and realize that, within the blink of an eye, things changed.

What we don't think about that often, is how quickly time goes by in FUTURE terms. Perhaps it's because we don't know what the future holds and don't see the point in thinking so far ahead, but I realized an awful future truth today:

The Grade 1's of 2018 are the Grade 12's of 2030!

After picking my chin up from the floor, it got me thinking...

If things (the world) have changed so much since the way it used to be in the PAST, what kind of grown-up's are waiting to be the FUTURE of this world? Already, children have no more respect for their elders and are self centered - and by that, I don't mean 'selfish', but rather "self-orientated". Each generation have scaled down and what's waiting? FUTURE adults that we have created ourselves.

Not sure whether I should laugh or cry!?

It lead me to my next thought!

What can I do, as a parent or a teacher, to keep this disaster from happening? Am I going to sit back and watch how a "self-orientated" generation is just going to do the same as our generation did? What will their kids be like if they scale it down even more? Unfortunately - and I'm not saying that I'm completely right - to me it seems like the change that can be seen from Generation X to Generation Y to Generation Z, isn't looking very great at the moment.

As I'm (we're) getting older day-after-day, year-after-year, so will they!

I can't help to think about the reality in the FUTURE and how the Grade 12's of 2030 will see the world when they, themselves, think about the future.


Time is dynamic., just the same way change is dynamic...and it is easier to think of lost times than that which lies ahead of us..thanks for sharing @bdmomuae

beautifully written. thank you for sharing . really enjoyed reading it

What an interesting and meaningful post, time waits for nobody, I could remember when I gained admission into a University, believe me I'm now in final years..the main prob about the younger ones misbehaving is civilization

super interesting post - yeah I made a wise crack in a pub one day about Elton John and the Millennials all just looked at me and one said, "who the hell is that" and I though shit I must be getting old - lol.
But seriously because our star the sun has changed so much during solar activation cycle it has literally changed our DNA and the kids being born right now aren't human (homo sapiens) and literally a new species so their minds work differently and in many ways are more advanced so normal education is not realising this and that seems to be the mess of GenX and GenY. We've shifted from planetary to galactic consciousness and haven't even realized it yet but many parents will tell you things that their kids tell them that they couldn't possibly know like stuff about quantum mechanics astronomy and galactic history.

Such a lovely post!

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