Mental Strength - And what are your traits that defines having it
Why do some people do more than others? Each of us we try so hard to excel and do what is beyond our capabilities. But we just can't seem to do enough.
The great thing about mental toughness is that you are not born with it, it is not genetics. You don’t have to learn it at a young age and "miss the window" when you're an adult. Mental strength is more than just will, it takes hard work and commitment. It’s about establishing healthy habits and choosing to devote your time and energy to self-improvement.
It's not all for naught however, Mental Strength allows to stay in "Power mode", All the greatest people have shown mental strength in great proportion. Mental strength separates the average from the truly outstanding. And these are among the traits of what mentally strong people possess.
1 . Mentally Strong people allows you to silence out comments and advice that brings no value to you.
Day in day out some people will tell you things that discourages. This only compounds with the access to the world through the internet and Social Media. (I myself had hate messages sent to me via Facebook because of what I do on Steem). Without being mentally strong, one would waver and soon quit and despair.
Mental strength allows one to shrug off unhelpful (and often discouraging) "advice" meant to stop you from your effort. You'll often find those that said these things to you are themselves those that has given up. Misery loves company, People who fails hate it when you succeed, and will bring you down.
Focus and stay true to your North Star, caring too much makes you waver to the slightest remarks by people who don't put your best interests on hand.
2 . Mental Strength bounces you back from failure
Motivation might get you start on your venture, but 99% people stop in their first failure and use it as an excuse forever. "I've tried it, and I failed, therefore I will never try again and be miserable forever" is a mindset of a person set to not succeed.
Mentally Strong people not only find a way recover from a failure but dissect it for valuable lessons to be used in the future.
Everyone makes mistakes, Don't bother trying to avoid mistakes because we're gonna make tons of mistakes. The important thing is to actually get up, learn from our mistakes and not giving. The mistakes does not kill us, if we can bounce back, learn and be better. What happened is not as significant as how we reacted to what happened. And people with great mental strength know this.
3 . Mental strength is the foundation of Emotional Intelligence.
Humans feel emotions, many times act unwisely on said emotion.
Mentally Strong people stay calm when emotions sways thoughts and affect decision making. Having mental strength not only let's you stay true to what's at hand. It lets you identify and separates your rational thinking from emotional turmoil. Thus making you a high EQ person.
There was a peculiar study result that concluded that people people with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70% of the time. IQ isn't the sole recipe of success. In fact the "smartest" person in History William James Sidis (with an IQ of anywhere from 250-300) lived the later part of his life collected train car transfer records. Whereas it's always high EQ people that succeeded in life. Mark Zuckerberg isn't a coder, he majored in Psychology.
4 . Mental strength gives courage and grounds you in the face of fears.
To expound from #3, being mentally strong let's you draw your strength and courage from your mind to combat fear. Fear locks people in place. By having mental strength and high EQ you can recognize fear and separate from your rational thinking.
5 . Mentally Strong people know where to draw their self worth.
Where people usually derive self worth from a metric of things, net worth, status, rankings, which is not permanent. Ms people know what is their self worth and draw from a source within themselves. And to be able to. Live their lives with full confidence and self esteem. Ms people do not waver in to the voice of doubt.
6 . Mentally Strong people keep their drive
Failure, doubt, boredom, these things derail people from what they pursue. Motivation only gets one so far. And even without failure, when one does the same thing day in day out, life can feel as if is meaningless. MS people, on top of seperating themselves from feelings of doubt and despair, are masters and keep on keeping on. Once Ms people are certain of something, they go all in.
If you want to make something out of yourself, no matter what you're doing. It's so paramount to have mental strength. There is a Rule practiced by the Navy Seals called the 40% Rule.
When you think you've hit your limit, when you feel that you are absolutely drain and you have nothing left inside you. You have only spent 40% of you true capacity.
Having mental strength is like endurance for the mind. When you think you are absolutely done, thinking there is no chance anymore, you need to go ahead and do it anyways. Because often it is always the darkest just before dawn.
I'm @awesomianist
Stay Awesome!

Wow! I like this one... esp the 40% Rule. Thanks for sharing!
The 40% Rule is well known and it's doubly effective, being used in elite military all the time.
I see... so not only the Navy Seals is using it.
Mental strength separates the men from the boys. And any obstacles you overcome will strenghtened you. By the way, where did you get those awesome badges?
The badges are done by the wonderful @elyaque!
It's free for use so go ahead!
I think this is wast ancient Greeks were calling "Arete", an excellence attained by training.
Arete (Greek: ἀρετή)
Excellence of any kind ; the act of living up to one's full potential.
You were right! It's a philosophy I think more people should adopt. I personally definitely will read more into this.