How A Bullet Journal Improved My Life
How A Bullet Journal Improved My Life

This is a Bullet Journal! As you can see there are little tabs to show where things are inside of the journal which I will get into a little bit later, but first I would like to tell you why I decided to create one of these. :)
How many of you guys out there have a:
- Calander
- Notebook
- Financial Income Book
- Gratitude Journal
- Diary
- Notes To Look Back At
- Bible Reflections Book
- Bucket List
- Thoughts To Reflect On Notebook
I had all of theses and more, which created papers, notebooks, files and everything EVERYWHERE! I had multiple, and I wanted all of it in one! So thats where this Nifty journal came in the picture. One day I went to Barnes and Noble and said Im going to create something myself so I have everything in one place, and its more organized and not all over the place. Come to find out, this has already been done. hahah, I looked up on youtube and so many people already had their own journals of this exact same thing.
I use the whole journal everyday because it is basically my baby and the only thing I require now. I don't have to go from journal to journal to find anything. It is all right here in this little book that holds SO MUCH! Like the list above I have those and so much more inside of this journal and just separated it by 30-100 pages depending on the topic.
My Journal includes:
Diary - About 100 pages - I write basically everything that happened in my day or things that I just want to talk about to myself.
Habits To Let Go- About 30 pages in case I want to add more things into my daily life, Right now my habits include - Being Sober (So not Drinking anymore, Sexual Explicit Movies (So Not Watching Porn) & Biting My Nails (Not Biting My Nails) I have created a month from May all the way to December and I check mark next to the days that I didn't drink, and I circle the days that I did.

Gratitudes - 50 pages- Every morning I am thankful for something or everything - I like to write those down to start my morning and get me in a place of gratitude!
Bible Reflections- 50 pages - I honestly am not very into the bible, and I was trying to get myself into the habit of reading it to understand it a little deeper, So I put it in. I haven't been very invested into this section as much.
Calendar/Moon Cycles- I have about 20 pages here - I use both pages and create a calendar of the month and what I am going to be doing during this month. I also have a Key that shows what exactly everything means and I can put my monocycle in there and when I stopped. I wanted to get 1 book done at the end of the month and so far I have 2- I wanted to get 4 poems done and I got those done. There were multiple other things I wanted to get done that I just didn't write but I did them. Next month I will understand deeper of what I am looking to put in my calendar. As you can see in the picture below - I am also still making it a habit to come back to this part of the journal lol. And as you can see I have sucked with my habits that I want to add to my life but thats okay WE ALL START SOMEWHERE RIGHT!? And Adding this to my life is one huge habit anyways.

Thoughts & Words To Look At- There comes times where I am reflecting and looking at my brain and seeing that I don't like a certain thought that just went through my head, so I write it down in this section nd I make myself look at it and reflect on why it is there and what we can do to move through that thought on to bigger and better thoughts
Bucket List - I have a huge bucket list of things here that I want to do before I exit the planet :)
THEN I realized I wanted to add more so if you go back to the top picture you'll see I have some tabs at the bottom as well - I stuck these in my Diary area since I gave myself 100 pages of writing (I made sure I put enough room in one of the sections in case I wanted to add another topic haha)
Astrology - I LOVE ASTROLOGY- It is basically my life - One of the main reasons I had Bible reflections is because I was going go through the bible and look for all the astrological symbolism inside of the bible and correlate it back to astrology. Why would God put us here without a language to understand - Thats where the stars and the sky come in - The ancients did it so why not go back to the roots.
Easy Money Flows Like Honey- This is my Income, Financial Planner - I write about my thoughts on money and also how much i have been creating in the world and what I am giving my money out to.
Sex/Love/Relationships - This is where I talk about Partners, Love, Sex and diving deeper into what I am looking for or what I like.
You can add anything you want, this is just my categories and what really stands out for me that I know I wanted inside of it. I feel so much more organized and I loooove that its the first thing I go to every morning to write down my gratitudes and write. I separated each section by Tape btw. literally just cut pieces of tap and folded it along the paper where I wanted it separated in the journal. If you have created a Bullet Journal I would loooove to see whats in yours or if you decide to create one, post a picture in the comments! Also if you would like to connect with me on other platforms I will post those below as well, but I am the most active on Steemit ;)
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Great post...thumps up
Thank you ! :)
Seems like it's turning into a complex book of Ciphers that would need a Key to understand.
I have a diary that I write in when special events happen or a thought, I would just be wasting paper if I write down my boring daily life everyday
haha yeah I have a key inside my book that helps me a lot. Lol well @cryptocannon, we gotta add more exciting things to your daily life then huh?! haha just kidding, I don't write in the journal Everyday, just when special things happen as well!
great work ! keep it up :)
thank youuuuu! :)
Good work..thump up👍
Thanks so much :)
Do you ever get the feeling that all the self help/self motivating things we write to ourselves to get better are just a waste of time? Like we are what we are and we will do what we do regardless of what we tell ourselves... I tried a gratitude journal for month and was honestly more thankful for not having to do something every day on the day once it was over. I think being in the moment with a clear consciousness allows me to find more beauty/strength in myself/the world than writing to tell myself to write about how i feel and how i will improve etc... just some food for thought.
hahah totally have thought that before. While at the same time, sometimes we need a lot of accountability and our own mind doesn't do that for us. Some people do not have the willpower - while on the other hand we all have the willpower it just takes DOING IT. Which some people have no idea what action actually is. Of course its easier to just be grateful for things in the moment, but I did a gratitude jar one year and I looked back over everything I wrote down the next year and I was so happy reading all those and being able to look back at everything that I enjoyed, so I got the warm fuzzy feeling in my body again. Of course I agree with you to an extent though. Some people I just think it works with them :)
I feel you. I guess you could say creating a journal is like developing conscious awareness so you don't ever have to read your gratitude jar to feel warm and fuzzy, that's just your natural state you feel all the time :)
hahah true! Exactly. :)
I love your journal. I've been writing a journal entry everyday since January 01, 2016. My first year I wrote my entries digitally. This year I am writing in Moleskin notebooks. Currently I just write about my day, but reading this post encourages me to branch out next year to add more. I feel like writing each day is an essential part of my daily routine and I look forward to it each morning. I followed you and can't wait to see your future posts.
Thats so cool! What changed did you see from writing in your journal everyday? I know it takes a lot of commitment to really get yourself to write in it everyday, as does anything if you decide to make it a habit haha. Thanks for the follow, Im going to check your stuff out now :)
One thing I've noticed is that I've become a much better writer. I've also discovered that I become accountable when I say I'm going to do something. For instance if I say I'm going to start eating healthier, well I have it there in writing. It is also great for remember things. It is rare that my wife and I argue but when we do I always have my facts straight because I can go back and look up specific things. I do only write positive journal entries, so I don't every write negative things about the people in my life. I discovered once you start a good habit they are just as hard to break as the bad ones. Writing is a habit now. I have to do it each day or my day just doesn't feel right.
Yes yes yes! SO happy you made this a commitment in your world. I am doing the same as well- In terms of Steemit, my goal is to once at least once a day if not more! I am sticking to it and it is in my journal to make sure i get it done, if its not done, I must do it. SO happy so much has helped you through this process!
This was suuuuuper helpful!
Thanks so much, I am following! 😃
woohooo ! Im following you as well . Glad this helped you :)