What is mind control and what does it feel like when it's happening to you?

in #blog4 years ago

Here is the next installment in my series on mind control technology, targeting of individuals and the grand conspiracy that affects us all...

If you would like to read the first post in the series, click the link below


What is mind control and what does being mind controlled feel like?

In my previous post I posed the question what is reality? Have you ever really considered what reality actually is? Is reality just our five senses giving us information that our brains decode and assemble into some sort of sense, or reality for us; or is it something else entirely? Following my experiences as a targeted individual, my only conclusion is that reality is completely different from how we have been taught to perceive it. Moreover, the intense, bewildering and perplexing experiences that I have lived through for the last six years have taught me that what constitutes reality is a lot different than I have been taught. Obviously, I have questioned my sanity and my perceptions of what is happening to me intensely over the years. However, maddeningly, I have not been able to definitively answer that particular question.

Instead, I have, over the last six years, lived almost entirely in the shadows. I have lived in a world made up of many different shades of grey. I have existed straddled between two worlds. The first world is the normal, everyday world that we all seem to exist in, and that I have been taught is reality. The second world that I have lived in, which albeit seems to exist mainly in my mind, seems as real and as the observable outside world. So what is the truth to what is happening to me? Have I completely lost my mind? The fact remains, that despite these unwanted experiences, I am completely normal with nothing to note. Yet, something is definitely happening to me that spills out of the realm of my mind and into the real world regularly, suggesting that what I am experiencing is coming from outside myself and not from a diseased mind. For there have been physical signs and evidence in the real world that something unusual is actually happening to me and that this isn't simply as my law professor would say, a 'frolic of my own'.

Mind control technology can be pretty insidious. Over the last six years of active targeting that I have experienced, I can list countless examples of when I was most definitely under mind control where my actions were most definitely not my own. These types of experiences are pretty isolating too. Unfortunately, you can't talk about any of this stuff with a normie because they will just assume that you are having a psychotic episode or something similar. Although it is clear from my extensive research on the matter, that this technology actually exists and that it has done so for many decades, the mainstream narrative is that anyone who hears voices in their head or sees visions, is always mentally unwell and that these experiences are not the result of technology being misused to target someone.

As I mentioned, if they do not want you to, you will not be aware that you are even being mind controlled at all. I can think of a number of examples in my own experience that certainly proves this to be true. That is why I call the way that these criminals who use this technology, an abomination. This technology is not benign, it can be utilised as a torture device. This technology can interfere with you in some very significant ways. As I mentioned, this technology can change how and what you think, it can alter what and how you feel, it can modify your behaviour and it can also change your states of consciousness. Moreover, it can be used to torture you physically or psychologically remotely. This technology can be used to maim or to kill, and has been used as such many, many times.

When I first started having these experiences, I sought medical intervention obviously. I had had traditional, medical psychiatrists and other mental health professionals assess, diagnose and treat me because not unexpectedly, I thought at first that I was having some kind of mental health episode. The only problem was the professionals that I saw couldn't agree on the diagnosis or the appropriate course of treatment because what I was experiencing didn't fit with any known mental illness, they all were perplexed. Despite this, they commenced pharmaceutical and therapeutic treatment in the interim, that did nothing to stop the unwanted experiences that I was having and which also made me physically sick. I very quickly realised that what was happening to me wasn't psychiatric in nature and so I ceased the pharmaceutical intervention. For not only did it make me sick, as I said, the unwanted experiences that I was having of hearing voices and seeing visions didn't abate with treatment, rather, they intensified.

What exactly was I experiencing I hear you ask? Well, for me, the interference that I was aware of (because the truth was that I also had interference that I wasn't aware of too), largely consisted of having these interactions or scenario's with a number of individuals, that is, men in my head. So I guess that that means that I was hearing voices and seeing visions. What actually happened is that I had these little scenario's or little movies that would play in my head, over and over again on an endless loop throughout the day. Repetition is one of the tools and techniques that they use in mind control. These scenario's would be essentially be the same each time they played in my head. Although, there would be slight variations in dialogue each time they played.

The scenario's would play on an endless loop in my head throughout the day. However, the weird thing is that they wouldn't start as soon as I got up in the morning. Rather, they would start around 10.30 to 11.30am most days, and they did not occur every day or even always all throughout the day. The scenario's were varied. In one set of scenario's I interacted with an elderly grey-haired man who appeared to be interviewing me, or offering me a job. Another set of scenario's was more fun, it was a flirty, romantic set of interactions with a man who appeared to be the Hollywood actor Jason Statham. Obviously, it wasn't the real Jason Statham, but rather, someone who looked awfully like him and acted like you would expect Jason to act in real life. There was also another man who called himself, Captain Tom Weston who spoke with me regularly.

Nothing really untoward ever happened in these experiences, however, they did make me feel uneasy and on edge. They also left a really bad taste in my mouth and were, somehow, indefinably, threatening. The main set of experiences that I had was with a man who I called “Julian” or “Lucy”. Although, these names clearly were alias's and not his real name. Fairly early on in experiencing these unwanted experiences, I felt like I was under some sort of attack by these men. So much so, that I started referring to them as being the 'bad men' when I thought or I spoke about them. My relationship with Lucy was really intense, ominous and sexual, so much so, that I characterised it as a honey trap. This man was definitely, in my mind, as far as I was concerned, attacking me. For me, from very early on, the interactions with Lucy appeared to me to not be a romantic situation, this was clearly something else entirely, something far darker and dangerous.

These unwanted, bewildering experiences soon took over my life. It sounds really weird saying that because they were literally only daydreams and no doubt you are wondering what's so bad about a little daydream? However, no matter what I tried, or what I did, these unwanted daydream scenario's crept back into my mind and they dominated my waking thoughts. So much so, that I could barely function in my life, they were that debilitating and time consuming. I found pretty quickly that I was trapped, a captive in my own mind. I tried so many different things to stop these daydreams from happening, but nothing that I tried did anything. I know it may sound silly to be freaking out about some weird little daydreams, but I can't express to you adequately just how invasive and all consuming and pervasive this vignette's or reveries were and just how concerning to me they were as well.

A collection of experiences happened to me over a period of six years and not everything that happened to me occurred inside my head. I had physical evidence that something unusual was happening to me, for example, unexplained, reoccurring bruises and burns on my body. There was also an account on a certain social media site called 'Lucy' that followed me, that had as it's avatar a picture of a library that looked exactly like a library that I had seen in my visions. Also, I had some really weird experiences with random strangers in the street when I was out and about, all of whom appeared to be targeting me somehow. There also appeared to be people filming my house and when I approached them or I noticed them, they quickly fled the scene. I also found with the help of a special detector that I bought online, hidden microphones and camera's throughout my house.

Despite all this, I really struggled with whether what I was experiencing was real or whether it was all imagined. I had almost a pathological inability to process what was happening to me. Therefore, I oscillated wildly between thinking that I had lost my mind completely and that I was mentally ill, to thinking that somehow I was under attack by these men which I have to confess was exhausting. The thing was, I knew by now that the technology to produce these effects in my head existed. I just couldn't accept that this might be what was happening to me because quite frankly, the truth that I might be really under some sort of attack was totally frightening. It was certainly in a way, and in a very real sense, a lot more comforting to just dismiss, all of these experiences as being simply a figment of my diseased, mentally ill imagination.

Although, the truth was, as fantastic as it seems, that I wasn't mentally ill, I was under attack. I found this out during my journey into the darkness when I asked for and received proof that what was happening to me was real. There seems to be a variety of reasons why people get targeted by these criminals. For me personally, I believe that I was targeted because I am of a certain bloodline that is obviously of interest to them. What you have to understand, is that for these cretins, bloodline is everything. You are not considered to be one of them unless you are of the correct bloodline, make no mistake about that. If you are not related to the right families, then you are an outsider and you always will be. This is a very exclusive club afterall. You cannot buy you way into this despite what you think.

I suppose that I should say a few words about mind control technology and the interference that it can cause on the target. First of all, that's a really interesting and complicated concept because there is a huge amount of devices and techniques that fall under the umbrella term of mind control technology. For instance, so far, I have found over one hundred registered patents for such devices and techniques, spanning many decades. This technology has been around for a really long time and it is so advanced that quite simply, to a normie, seems completely unreal and like pure science fiction. Like everything that these criminal's do, this has not been hidden and is quite literally, in plain sight.

The public has known for many decades that government's have conducted illegal experiments including the use of mind control technology on the populace with or without their consent or knowledge. This is not a new thing. Although, the perception amongst normies is that all these experiment's, including the targeting and torture programs have stopped, when in actual fact, nothing has changed and these illegal, covert crimes against humanity have been broadened to encapsulate the entire human community worldwide. Normies and I'm sorry, but to me, people who haven't woken up to the deception of the matrix we live in, are dangerous idiot's leading us all into the trap laid for us by some very evil 'people'.

Through their ignorance, their laziness, their self-involvement and hubris they are unwittingly acquiescing to their own enslavement and their own eventual death and worse. There is a huge black magick working at the moment and we are all affected. The thing with black magick is that it has to follow some rules and one of those rules is that they need you to consent to what is being done to you. They totally get this consent this via misdirection and deception but that counts, as unfair as that is, for this isn't a fair world afterall. The masses have no comprehension of what is actually happening to them, or what the ramifications of that will be. However, this is high stakes. This is a spiritual life afterall and not material and not only that, there is a spiritual war raging at the moment so your very eternal soul is at stake.

People do not understand that there is an existence beyond the physical plane, we are not merely meat bags, we have eternal souls. People don't get that this is not a material life, rather, it is a spiritual journey. They don't know that this is a fallen world, or if they do, they do not truly appreciate what that really means, that everything and I mean everything, has been corrupted and is Lucifarnian, even the Bible. Nor do they know that there are worse things than death and that if they're not careful, they will be essentially in what the Christians would call 'eternal damnation' of 'fire and brimstone' for the rest of time with no possibility of escape or parole.

People do not think that any of this real or that any of this means anything or that anything about this matters in real terms. I can't tell you the number of video's that I have seen on Youtube of people doing the so-called 3am challenge where they sell their soul to the devil. First of all, as you may know, 3am is Lucifer's hour. Second of all, this shit is real, magic is real, Lucifer is real and selling your soul for whatever reward or reason you believe you are going to get is beyond stupid, it's dangerous, but people don't really comprehend in their ignorance and pride what they are really doing and what that really means.

Anyway, normies don't get what this life is about. They think that it's all about getting a job, having a family, being successful, and a myriad of other things that are important in a sense but belie the true purpose of our existence in this realm on this plane. What will you be able to say when you are judged and are called into account for your life and your actions in that life? Will you say that you had a big house, a nice car, fashionable and expensive toys, that you were successful and had heaps of friends and followers? Is that really what you think is important? Is that what you think counts? What has society told you is important in this life, your material self or your spiritual self?

Yes, it's completely terrible what the Lucifarnians have done to humanity, so yes, I do feel sorry for normies on one hand because they have zero idea of what is coming and they don't deserve this, but the fact is that, the truth has always been there, hidden in plain sight if you choose to find it. Ultimately it's was their own choice to have what is going to happen to them, they chose this path in laziness, in ignorance, in pride, in hubris and in selfishness. In this life, the truth is that you are always responsible for yourself and for your actions and you will be judged on those, no-one in this realm can absolve you of your sins nor can they pay the price for them for you thereby absolving your sins either, that is a deception and a Lucifarnian notion.

Anyway, what is mind control? Well, again that's a really loaded question. Many things can be construed as mind control. Afterall despite appearances, you, as well as I, are currently mind controlled. You just have no idea that it's even happening, this is the power of this abominable technology. There are a huge number of devices such as Voice to Skull and techniques like repetition that effect mind control, but there are many, many other types of devices and methods of mind control that falls under the mind control technology umbrella. As such they can manipulate your thoughts, your feelings and your behaviours, states of consciousness etc., and if they so choose, you won't have any conception that you have even been interfered with.

They can bombard you with frequencies to torture you, they can cause physical, psychological or emotional distress, or they can cause you to hear voices and see visions and that's just the beginning to the range of things that they can do with this technology. They can torture, maim and kill remotely as well. Honestly, you should be very afraid of this technology and don't think for a minute that you are not being mind controlled. The very fabric of our society has mind control devices and techniques ingrained with devices and techniques that manipulate what we think, what we feel and what we do, so much so that we are not the free agents that we may imagine, we are all being manipulated and interfered with.

So what exactly is targeting I hear you ask? Well, it's not just hearing voices, or seeing visions, there's so much more that targeting involves that affects your whole life in every respect. First of all, there are a number of different types of interference, manipulation and targeting that these criminals utilise in their arsenal against their victims. Targeting can be inter-generational, it can consist of vocational and career sabotage, sabotage of personal relationships, it can include targeting or interference by random strangers in public. It usually involves twenty four hour surveillance of the victim, as well as electronic interference of some description utilising mind control technology. The interference that a targeted individual can experience is really insidious and also quite debilitating to experience and live through.

Imagine if you will, a set of experiences that thoroughly messes up your life and makes you feel like you are losing your mind, or just as bad, injures you physically in some way. Even though there is little or no physical evidence to point to the real culprit that is causing your distress. When someone else has access to your mind, there literally is no where to hide. I cannot adequately explain to you just how fundamentally invasive mind control technology is and how much of a violation it is. Quite honestly, it is another form of rape, make no mistake about that and like rape, it is all about violence. These criminals are committing a very violent and specific act against you and unfortunately, although some countermeasures exist, often there is nothing that you can do to stop what is happening to you.

As I said, my main experience was a honey trap. I guess one of the hardest things that I have faced is to not get swept up in the romance of it all and to remember that the situation that I am in is not a romance, it is a honey trap. My main perpetrator, 'Julian', is an excellent actor and he knows me. He knows exactly what to say to elicit particular responses in me. Moreover, the constant repetition of scenarios featuring Julian, especially my kidnapping being a romantic event rather than being a terrifying, criminal act, reinforces the narrative that this is a romance and that Julian is my lover who wants me to be his wife. He's just so convincing. And I have to confess, that after six years of manipulation by these criminals and his lies, I am so messed up that I totally want him to be telling me the truth when he says all this loving stuff, but I know better than that, for I know, from experience, that he's lying.

Over the years I have been violated in the most brutal of fashions, my mind has for lack of a better way of saying it, has been breached by these criminal terrorists who have lived rent-free in my mind, with my most private moments having been in public for the last six years. Also my body has suffered unknown things done to, including unknown medical procedures as well as, allegedly implants being inserted in me for surveillance plus other things that may or may not affect me in the future. There also have been a whole range of things done to target me in other, various ways too. These attacks on me occurred over a number of years an unknown number of times and my memory was wiped afterwards to hide their crimes. My life, as you might imagine, has been turned absolutely upside down, and all for what, all because these criminals have it in for me. I know why I am being targeted. It's because of who I am.

To these cretins, bloodline is important, in fact, it's everything and unfortunately I am of a certain bloodline that is of particular interest to them. It doesn't matter that I want nothing to do with them, these disgusting 'people' are self-entitled enough to believe that they have the right to interfere, manipulate, sabotage and torture me to satisfy their fucked in the head, completely insane, evil agenda that has nothing to do with me other than some Lucifarnian bullshit that ostensibly involves me because you know, bloodlines and supposedly a series of prophesies. And so they're interfering with me against my will. I want absolutely nothing to do with them, they have absolutely no right what so ever to interfere with me and my free will.

Meanwhile they've been creating a total shitstorm of drama around me for years that has turned my life upside down and they've tortured me and done things to my body and my mind without my consent and often, without even my knowledge. The truth is, that this entire experience has been perplexing and bewildering. I seriously cannot emphasise that fact or even illustrate exactly what that really means clearly but just know that this unwanted, unwarranted targeting is torture. I have never understood what is exactly happening to me or why. I mean yes, I am of a certain bloodline but that doesn't give them permission to mess with my mind, my body and my life against my wishes and without my consent based on some evil Lucifarnian bullshit no matter what they think.

They have no fucking right to interfere with me, I am a sovereign citizen, and I have inalienable rights that just can't be ignored. One thing that just baffles me at the moment is the fact that Julian is no longer around. Now this has happened before, albeit not in the first few years of my experiences which were totally different experiences to those that I have now, but he has disappeared for a period of time before and he has also ghosted me. The last two years have seen him flit in and out of my mind with no rhyme or reason that I can fathom or even, identify. Yet I know, that these criminals do not leave anything to chance, nor do they do anything on a whim, there is purpose in everything they do even if it's not readily apparent to me.

There would be a very real and very specific reason why Julian disappears from time to time and why the nature of these experiences over the years that I have been actively targeted has changed. Julian says that it's different because they're using a different mind control technology on me to produce this effect and to be perfectly frank, I have no doubt whatsoever that he's telling me the truth. Things are completely different now. Especially when I compare what I am experiencing now to what I was experiencing a few years ago. The last two years in particular, have been completely different than what went on before. Whatever they are utilising to access my mind with at the moment, seems to be less taxing, less harsh and funnily enough, less invasive than what they were using before.

I find that I simply just can't understand why he's no longer around and also why when he is around, it's less intense and doesn't take up most of the day like it used to. It's almost like they're respecting my need for privacy and for space in my own mind at the moment, even though, I am fairly certain that in reality, it's only an illusion of space and an illusion of privacy rather than the real thing. Given what's happened to me over the last six years, my only conclusion is that they keep me on a very tight leash indeed, it certainly feels like I am under real-time surveillance. There have been many instances of things happening to me that suggest to me that I am indeed being surveilled in real time.

I do not know what they are doing to me at the moment but even though it's not clear to me, they would absolutely have an agenda that they would be pursuing. Everytime that Julian disappears and over the last two years this has happened a number of times and I think 'it's over'. However, unfortunately he always eventually comes back but this time now that he's gone from my mind again, just like every other time before it, feels like this is a permanent thing and somehow I've been freed from the gaol that I had found myself in. However, the truth is that, it's been six years of hardcore active targeting, plus the rest of my life before this of being interfered with, sabotaged and manipulated, so it's highly unlikely that I have ceased to be a target to them.

I just have no idea of what is happening to me as per usual and no kidding, I can't even express adequately the plethora of emotions such as annoyance, fear and dread that this causes in me. The knowledge that your life, your mind, yourself has been interfered with, manipulated and sabotaged because of the criminal actions of people who are barely even people, they're just that evil, for their own fucked agenda and that these crimes will most likely continue for the rest of your life, as we Aussie's would say 'sucks cock so bad'. This knowledge is completely debilitating and demoralising.

Moreover, they definitely want me to know that they're not even breaking a sweat fighting me, they want me to know that my absolute best is nothing to them and as Julian would say, “it matters not”. They're totally just playing with me, indulging me, tiring me out and waiting to pounce to do God knows what to me whenever it suits them. I just don't know what that something is going to be but they have shown me many possibilities of what that might be. From the very beginning, I have felt like just a plaything, a pawn in someone elses game and that hasn't changed in six damn years. I'm still being messed around, like I have been my whole life, like I have been the whole time over the last six years of active targeting.

The fact that my sovereignty as an individual both cognitively and bodily, has been completely disregarded, undermined and destroyed for an agenda that is so evil that really it is very hard to even comprehend it's that evil, by people who are just as evil as their agenda, is just such an alien concept, it just seems so unbelievable. Nonetheless, it's true. As I said earlier, make absolutely no mistake about this, we are all targeted individuals, whether we realise it or not. There is a conspiracy by some very evil 'people' who want you and everyone you know, dead and yes, this is totally a fucking conspiracy theory. However, it is a conspiracy theory that is based in evidence.

Okay, so, we have barely begun this story but here is where this part ends, there is a lot more of this story to tell, I basically haven't even begun to tell you anything of note yet. However, all will be revealed in the fullness of time. The next post that I make will continue my adventures down the rabbit hole into the darkness.

Don't forget to follow me for more information and for the rest of my story, and please, upvote and resteem this post. Thanks. Until next time, I remain, AnnD Frankley


Sigh. I just found a couple of typos, I am a bit tired, so I missed them when I posted this. Apologies because quite frankly, I can't be faffed editing this.

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