INCREDIBLE skyscrapers - Touch the SKY
Hello guys!
I'm going to share with you the interesting things about skyscrapers I've been reading about and explore a little bit. Skyscrapers have always been fascinating for me, due to the great love of height, the view they provide, and the beauty that beautify cities around the world, one of the pinnacles of engineering. They especially intrigued me after the appearance of the movie "The Walk", in which Joseph Gordon-Levit starred as Philippe Petit, who is high-wire artist. The story is based on true events and speaks of a man who wanted to fulfill his dream and walk on a wire between the World Trade Center towers in New York, which are taller than 400m. Amazing? I agree with that! So, let's start the story begin!
1.Infinity Tower
Infinity Tower, 453m high, also known as invisible Tower, will be built near Seoul in South Korea and it also will be the 6th largest building in the world. On the other hand, it will be the tallest building in the world that is impossible to see! This building will be invisible with the help of a camera systems and a LED screens that will project the surrounding landscape on glass surfaces. It will seem to the viewers that the tower disappears in the distance. Such a great idea! Engineers who designed this tower jumped in, saying that the inspiration for invisibility was an invisible position that South Korea occupied in the world economy, while the government sees this project as a real tourist attraction.

2.Walkie Talkie Skyscraper
This is the famous skyscraper in London, which has 37 floors, called Walkie Talkie because of its appearance - it's like a walkie talkie for talking. It was built in 2013 and immediately showed engineers what kind of a monster they created. Its glass facade completely reflects the sun's rays and reflected them on the environment. London was in trouble with the melting of tires on cars and plastic parts on vehicles, as well as excessive heat caused by these radiation. Considering that there were many witnesses who complained about this, the journalists decided to examine this phenomenon, and even managed to flush the egg on the sidewalk area that received these harmful radiation. So, the authorities decided to place transparent curtains in the form of dark glasses, which prevent this "villain" from ruining London.

3.Al Bahr Towers
Glass skyscrapers in big cities look beautiful, and surely they cling to the city. However, the Al Bahr towers near Abu Dhabi in the UAE are not the most common towers. They turn into glass gardens when the sun illuminate them! It's awesome! To the designers of this tower, the goal was to make some sort of smart glass that will shift itself, depending on the sun's rays, and thus to change the room temperature as well as the amount of light entering. The buildings are covered with glass in the form of bee honeycomb, and can be opened and closed automatically, as they can be placed at a certain angle. The shape of these glasses is inspired by traditional Islamic tracery.

These are skyscrapers who has superpower, they are between the tallest towers in the world, and who, due to their specificity as well as the engineering beauty, wanted to bring you close.
Thank you for reading. Hope you will like it :)
Another interesting fact about skyscrapers is they tend to mark the tops of economic expansion. This means that for every big building you see, there's a good likelyhood it was built just before an economic downturn.
For instance, the Empire State Building in New York City was called "Empty State" because of the great depression, no one would rent spaces in it. The recent spate of big building projects tends to signal misallocation of capital in an easy borrowing environment.
This will change, of course. The stairs go up, the elevator goes down :)
I did not know anything about this, very interesting facts and useful information, I will definitely explore something more on this topic. Thank you for commenting :)
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Good work.
Hvala drugaru :)