20 Minute Blog a Day - the writer's backslide: how do I finally finish my book already?!

There are quite a few excuses I have cooked up over why I haven't been working on my book.
Motivation is a funny thing and so is creativity. Sometimes they are the best of friends to me.. other times I'm left alone.
So how do I crawl out of my hole and continue on even when I'm "alone"? This is the writer's plight I'm assuming - or maybe I'm not cut out to be a real writer, who knows. But the issue remains I'm 34 or 35 thousand words into this book - which I had imagined as either a two or three part series. I'm pretty much halfway through the actual writing of the book and I have all the way to the end mapped out pretty much..yet I'm blocking myself in some way or another from working on it.

A million little insecurities pop up when you're so far into a story:
- Is this even good
- My main character is flat - should I rewrite her?
- Should I have written in 3rd person instead of 1st? - Should I start over..
- I have too much back story.. should I move the "beginning" of my plot?
- No one will even want to read this so why continue?
- Is my message too hippie dippie and out there
- Is my basic story line over done - will people think I've mashed together other books and recycled it into mine?
- Are these journal entries really needed? Should I just TELL the story outright?
- But that ruins a lot of my surprises and plot twists.. does it? can I write new ones?
- If the journals aren't necessary - are the books I want to focus on unneeded too?
- Are my minor characters predictable ?
So many of these thoughts plague my mind and keep me focusing on the details instead of typing out the story.
Sometimes I think a support group for writers would be a great idea.. maybe a place where writers can meet and team up to help keep each other motivated? I started on this writer's website with the intentions of finding a place like that but it didn't work well - I got a few random comments, which were definitely helpful, but it's only sharing a single chapter or excerpt not the entire plot. I think having someone to run your plot by and get an outsiders view would be very motivating.
I know so many people are scared of having their story ideas stolen and therefore they are skeptical about sharing the details. I understand the basis of this worry but no one can write a sentence the exact way I can or you can. Given the same words to work with we would each craft our own unique placement so there is no worry in that respect, for me, at least. It's not the plot points that make a book great - it's the author's individual flair, their word choice among other things. So I would urge other writers to think about working together in some way to help shape their books and keep them motivated to finish.
This short 20 min write has got my blood sparked a bit - I think when I talk about my story it tends to get me back to the keyboard to put some leg work in. Hopefully this will help - I have quite a bit to go and also a large web of subplots so I do have a ton designing left to do which is half the battle.
I have my main story set but the subplots and minor characters need to come to life.. it's a long process - for me at least. I have been looking for new ways to help me plan out a bit but I keep circling back to just write already - it will come as you get there.
If you have any tricks that keep you motivated to write, ways to build up minor characters or if you're writing a book and interested in doing some kind of partnership/group for writers to bounce ideas off each other let me know!


Awesome! I've been in this boat for a while trying to figure out a few plots ton finish my anthology I'm working one. Constantly wondering if all the shorts I've done so far are too similar. Then I wind up with different ideas and projects coming to mind I want to work on without having finished my current project. And both are always compounded by the fact that I have a dirth of interests and binge whatever I'm interested in as well until I burn out. :(
Regardless sometimes we just have to power through it and take the risk - whether it's good or not.
hey @zacanarchy143 I'm so happy to hear I'm not alone in the struggle! LOL I have the same problem - too many interests and separate ideas lol thanks for the advice - I'm definitely going to just power through. This little post was a helpful nudge - thank you for reading and commenting!
Not a problem! It always helps to know we aren't alone haha. I have been in a funk and having these issues the last two weeks.
I'm looking forward to seeing your new content!
Thanks! I hope you get outta your funk - I think I'm pulling through mine finally!
"I think having someone to run your plot by and get an outsiders view would be very motivating."
YES....Not that easy to do
lol definitely not that easy to do but it would be really helpful! Sometimes I try to tell it to one of the other personalities in my head but they always fall asleep! Is it that boring!??! hahaha
Which multiple personality is letting you down?
lolol They are more like this :

Hmmm.....It seems we may have underestimated the generosity and goodwill of the steemit community on this one. There are always good-hearted souls willing to give genuine and polite feedback, which can help us grow as individuals, and in society as a whole. Here is a great example of some great feedback and good wishes I received just the other day. I will be forever grateful.
OK, so now I feel bad that you upvoted my comment. I was being sarcastic about that comment in the link I dropped. But the damn spam bot deleted his comment hahaha.
The comment said, "I wish you both the best of luck in the future". WTF?....LOL
😂😂 that's okay you deserve the up vote for that robot nonsense haha👌
all of the below?
Hi..My goodness you are busy! All I can say is to remember the reward of people reading your book when it is finished. I have only put together family history books after gathering ancestry information and pictures. Not very much writing of my own words needed. But I was determined with each book to finish because of the excitement of the family seeing all the interesting pictures and information I had found. That's what kept me going. Good luck and peace be with you on it.
Thank you for reading @c77hall :) I will definitely keep that in mind, thank you! That must have been a lot of fun to put your ancestory together like that. Really cool! I always wanted to do that.
Yes it was a lot of fun, and still is! In my spare time I am helping my best friend research her family. I go all the way back into 1600s and even 1500s if the line keeps going back well enough!!
ohh wow that is amazing! It is so cool to learn where families come from and all the generations before us!
The sound of a perfectionist who doesn't accept the fact that there is no such thing as perfection for perfectionists.
First you need to get to 'the good enough stage'.
Then once to decided that it is 'good enough' then you can do 'finishing touches'.
Then you probably want to reconsider if it is still 'good enough' LOL
:D you see what i'm getting at?
😂😂 totally! the real Never ending story lol
so once you are already in that loop then it is 'good enough'.
Start looking for a way to publish. Or do a small print run for yourself. Selling them is harder then you think and most publishers make you do your own marketing. Start looking how the game works in the area where you live. This leaves you more then enough time to do finishing touches.
yeah it is definitely expensive to publish.. ebooks can be cheaper but from what I can tell amazon owns that world lol i dont think I want Amazon owning rights to my writing 😂
ebooks are also creepy. DRM in ebooks, some ebooks only work on certain e-readers... That's enough research for a HUGE article :-D
How to publish an e-book without an external publisher that works on EVERY e-reader.
How to dis-allow google amazon and other big-sisters to store copies of your book.
This post has received a 3.88% upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @theoccultcorner.