20 Minute Blog a Day - Oh Man I Dropped the Ball
Well I fell off a bit on my blog a day venture but here I am - climbing up on the horse again..
I don't have much of a topic planned for this one so I guess I'm winging it. I have been having a lot of outside stressors going on in my life lately and feel I'm slacking a bit on the content of my blog.. I do a lot of project work but I haven't put out a good article in a while.. in fact I have 3 different posts going right now but haven't finished a single one.
I watched a good d.tube video from @axios about keeping up with Steemit when you have a lot going on - it can get difficult to juggle life and keep producing quality content. I feel like I used to put out more researched posts and I wanted to get back into that - so I've been compiling my prison series as well as one on GMOs and Monsanto but these are huge topics that require looking at multiple sources and learning a lot of new things. I have to teach myself and then write a paper on it..
I'm not complaining!
This is the stuff of my dreams LOL - I love digging deep and piecing together articles but sometimes I just want to share immediately and get some feedback! However in order to do the topics, myself and all you justice I need to dedicate a decent amount of time.. where do I get these hours!? There seems to be a time drought in my life..
A loose schedule saves me time
When I create myself tasks for each day of the week with my posts and projects it helps me to maximize my time on Steemit - it also gives me some motivation to stick with it! However then I had commitments every day and less time for my big topic posts so I keep 4 scheduled days (Mon, Tues, Thurs and Sat) and leave the other days to do whatever I choose.
I post and write when I can!
If I have the free time and a topic in mind I go for it! Even if that means pushing out 2 posts one night and not posting again for 2 days. If I miss a day I don't worry about it - if I have 4 posts in a day well great!
Same thing goes for writing - I have multiple docs going at one time in which I build posts a segment at a time. I usually add in most of the HTML coding on these docs while I'm writing to save time when it comes to posting it on here. If I have a quite 20 minutes I jump on my phone or laptop and add some bits in. Sometimes I just add in notes on a source or a quote or stat. Writing when I can throughout the day without worrying about when I will post it has helped me through many a slump!
I hope some of these tricks may help you if you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed whether in real life or here on Steemit! With so much going on we all should practice honing our time management skills :-) I don't know how this turned into an information post - I thought I would freewrite something more personal LOL but hey, my 20 minutes are up and I'm back on the 20Min a Day wagon!
I like your dedication to posting. I know that I have great intentions, but when I spend time on the computer at work, have family/pet/creative obligations, most of the time the last thing I want to do is get back on the computer. I find that I have multiple post ideas, and I like starting them in a word processing program so I can copy and paste them into a post later. Thanks for the inspiration.
@redbone I definitely know the struggle ! With so many real life obligations sometimes busting out a post is the last thing i want to do lol - I'm so glad the word processing idea works for you :-) I use google docs because it syncs to my latop, the web and my mobile so no matter where I am I can just add bits in here and there.
It's not about how many times you fall but how many times you fall AND get ba... yea yea much motivating quote, you know the drill.
Speaking of time management, I just started an experiment where I made myself a to-do list for the first time ever which hopefully helps me finish all the things I've left half way.
lol yup we all know the words but living up to it is a whole different struggle! lol to-do lists really help me lol especially when I start so many things I lose track.. if I didn't keep a running list I would forget half of what I started!! I'm checking out your post now - maybe I'll find some tricks to help me too ;-)
Well I have nothing ground breaking, just a simple to-do list to keep track and help me with my indecisiveness when doing things. But I'll update more of my thoughts later during this experiment.
@celestal - hey if it's helping than it's worth it!
😂 What's a 'to do list'? I get up, feed the cat then me, then look at my desk m, then sit at my desk, then hopefully get up in time to shop, then feed the cat then me, then laundry, then look at my desk, then sit at my desk, then hopefully get to bed in time to sleep before getting up again. 😂😂😂😇
😂😂😂 that's the way I should be!
I am on busy so I can save this post and re-read it so I can be sure to internalize all the great tips. Time management, unfortunately, has always been something I struggle with and I have not posted anything which was not a case of damn need to do that now just like I do with all my daily work and ever-looming deadlines.
It is also not just posting that can be difficult, as we have a lot going on around the steem-verse so even reading and making a point of commenting can get you into the mood to think about posting or taking a moment to post since you are already busy contributing.
I am trying that, as a matter of fact from today, I am trying to comment on at least 10 posts and properly read 20 articles. Goodluck, and maybe do post more "winged" posts in between the serious ones you never know they could soar above your expectations.
@penderis that is a great goal! I have been slacking on my reading and commenting I feel.. I make sure to always comment back on the comments I get but I sometimes forget to get out there and find new posts from others I definitely need to work on that too! But you're right there is so much going on around the steem-verse - it's hard to keep up!
I definitely do some fluffy posts, some resteemday posts and then work on my in depth posts along the way and throw them in when I can. Good luck and thanks for taking the time to comment! :-D
I've worked like that before. After a while I started taking my posts TOO seriously and getting really stressed out when they didn't do well. Now I do it from time to time but I usually just keep a list of titles that I want to write on and try to get one out when it's ready to come out, and if it isn't perfect, that's ok, I still post it and I may rewrite it again later cause honestly, how will any of us write as much as we do and not repeat ourselves from time to time, whatever, it's fine.
thanks for checking my post out @whatamidoing :-D Yeah I've had to let go over my self-doubting perfectionist side because it was really holding me back from sharing my posts. Now I just say, screw it! and post lol then I just don't even bother looking at the values. I pay more attention to the comments lol if I get good feedback I'm happy
DUDE you should pay attention to how much you donate! It's ok, I'm sure that will come back to you tenfold but....ah!!!! Thank you for sponsoring the Deadpost Initiative this week!
don't worry I knew what I was sending :) I barely take any sbd/steem off the platform - I traded a bit for bitcoin a while back just to test how the transaction went and how to use my wallet or whatever .. ended up slowly spending it at this local pizza joint that accepts bitcoin. I was shocked at the fees though.
I look at this like a long term investment and/or a fun experiment - I got the steem basically for free - and well doing what I was doing for free before so I'm not holding too tightly on my profits here - if it was something I could cash out quick and help pay my rent or something well I might think differently but where it's all about the HODL and since I got a generous delegation to lift me up to slider status I've been trying to pay it forward a bit.
I love the Deadpost - I try to catch it each time and I find so many great Steemians to read and follow through it - people deserve to be compensated for those jewels! The 7 day payout made sense to those who made it, I guess, and I guess it makes sense when you look at the overall workings of the platform but it's a shame to see so many quality posts go unnoticed.
I saw the last post about having to cut down the payout and I thought, what the hell? if I send 8 over at least even if the post makes 3 or 4 then you will surpass the 10 mark. I'd hate to see the Deadpost Initiative die out and I know most people who are putting up entries are already frustrated with the lack of payout so you really do need to have a chunk to donate to the winners - it's fair and right in my eyes - so I'm more than happy to help out! Karma doesn't check wallet balances and bank statements ;-)