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RE: Okay the best post you never read is here, do you want to be a millionaire?
In most places having some type of enterprise or company is the only way to taste freedom and a early retirement, are you talking about some kind of inspection business or I haven't got it?
Yes you got it in 1.
well I'll like to know more about it, I guess you know here in spain we have the ITV which is a pain in the ass, I've always been interested in building, engines and modified bikes but here you have to do an industrial homologation for almost everything and it's not precisely cheap, I think what you're talking about has nothing to do with this, but it's to put you in a position on that subject here.
I can give you all the information you need, it is multi national, and a worldwide thing, I just have no time for it now, I can guarantee you this though, you will be able to retire by the time you are 45.
Sounds too good, you know I'm struggling with time and where to put attention, you have my email and discord or here, as you want, as it's said the important thing is not the idea but how to make it work, let me study it at least, hope I can do something with a healthy impact, thanks bro!
More than welcome, you have the energy to make it so, I will gladly give you the know how.