Taxes as a mechanism to guarantee the right of people to live in decent spaces
To guarantee the right of people to live in spaces without conditions to obtain decent housing and habitat, giving priority to low-income families and other subjects of special attention, defined in quality parameters, through the fulfillment of the minimum conditions necessary to guarantee the satisfaction of their needs, taking into account the social, cultural and local particularities and minimum habitat compliance.
The allocation of housing through tax regimes is crystallized thanks to the contributions of the mandatory savings made by the worker and by each of the mandatory contributions of the employer to the worker's savings as a capitalization mechanism applied by some countries.
Likewise, the social security systems that are established as a contributory basis for the calculation of contributions, generally have as a lower limit the amount of the urban salary and as an upper limit, percentage amounts over the minimum urban salaries.
There are contributors to the housing and habitat benefit systems, namely all natural and legal persons, as well as all workers and employees acting under a relationship of dependency.

And where the employer is obliged to make the respective withholding, either from the public sector or the private sector, as indicated in the taxation standards of international application.