Financial Education - Customer Needs and the Nature of the Sales Process
In colloquial terms, sales are the actions generated by giving a good or service in exchange for money. However, from the accounting point of view, the concept of sales goes beyond the action of selling, because it involves an open process, where goods and services are constantly exchanged to satisfy the customer's needs, in exchange for a sum of money, being considered, from the accounting point of view, the fundamental support of the company.

Sales in the field of public accounting represents the account that records the income from the operations carried out in the company. However, as an action, from the financial and market perspective, it is considered as the income from services rendered or products sold.
In other words, from the accounting point of view, sales have a creditor nature, which records the amount of income obtained from the exchange of products or services for a consideration.
Sales, from a business perspective, are a set of strategic and tactical activities leading to the closing of contracts for the transmission of physical goods, services and ideas between suppliers and customers.

These activities are possible thanks to a market management system that, detecting the needs of consumers and intermediaries, seeks to meet them in a profitable way for both parties, with the right quality and price, in the agreed quantity, place and time, guaranteeing the expectations announced by suppliers.