Took a break from Steem the other day

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone!

Yesterday was the first break I took from the platform for a very long time.

It felt weird.

I did cheat a bit on my day off and curated on my phone here and there but most of the time I tried to focus on other things, as hard as that was. I tried to stay off from crypto in general yesterday but folded when I heard about BCH being added to coinbase trading and the effects that was having on the markets, not to mention the way Steem was moving. I've started to really enjoy day-trading again on binance, the low percentage fees make it really hard to fail trading back and forth there and I really wish Steem was on it already.

It felt good seeing Steem come back up almost to its former all time high, somehow it felt like yesterday it was around 7-8 cents each but at the same time it felt like a really long time ago. The time difference on Steem is weird, I've discussed this with other Steemians as well lately and they all have that same feeling, somehow it feels like life is moving by quickly but at the same time too slow, maybe cause we've all been waiting for this day seeing the big amount of new users coming in? While it might make us feel like the time is over where we were able to collect cheap and easy Steem.

Here are 2 screenshots that might make you feel a bit jealous, while some others will laugh at them cause I wasn't able to get more at the time.

Looking at the graph of Steem it's at around this place in time.

What a fun perspective, now we have a single account; @freedom, even though the largest one it has more value currently than the whole market cap of Steem was at the time. Same thing goes for many other cryptos, the volatility and drastic changes over short period of times can be brutal or brutally beautiful depending on if you sold at the lows or bought at the heights instead of the other way around. Comparing most other coins, these buys of Steem might be the best ones I've ever done, for the sole fact that Steem has these great incentives to keep you powered up compared to other coins you can just panic sell or try to trade your way through and end up losing great amounts. Here we just stay powered up, chill and enjoy the trip knowing we are safe in a good currency.

I'm not saying there was never any doubts, crypto is filled with that. I am glad that I and many others who took the leap of faith with Steem are being rewarded now for their efforts and dedication to the platform.

Times were a lot different back when prices were at the lowest.

It feels weird having been on the side where you knew something would turn out for the better or increase in price. Having been around crypto and these runs for some time now I was more sure about Steem and others this time around than ever. Yet you try and encourage other people in your life to get involved or invested and most of them will look at you as if you are trying to sell them something you directly profit of. It sort of feels like you are trying to hand them golden tickets but they say no thanks, I guess the world has been filled with so much shady stuff lately and many have been tricked and had bad experiences in the past that they have gotten to a point where they don't want to trust anything anymore that sounds too good to be true.

I'm glad Steem is differen from many other currencies though and that we are still at the stage of distributing more currencies cause we can keep this going for a long time of prices going up and down, user activity increasing and decreasing, users leaving and coming back, projects being launched and being left behind and so on. With each currency a whole economy of its own is created, it's like each one is its own universe with different people in them, different projects but similar to others in other universes. The future is really exciting.

About one and a half months ago I wrote a post about Steem and the future and made a quick prediction of what the chart would look like in a bit, I happened to stumble on it the other day as I was browsing through my older posts and it was fun to see that I wasn't far off from what it looks like today. :)

Enjoy your time here and the beginning of something amazing.

The biggest reason I took a break was to celebrate my birthday a bit, although the trading had me too much focused on it than I had hoped. The new rise in the price of Steem and seeing the stats from @penguinpablo's post couldn't have made my birthday any better. :)

[Image from Pixabay]


happy birthday then, you are right as happy as I am for price of steem I am sad coz days of buying cheap steem are over

@acidyo Good for you to rest yourself man a bit! But still seems like you're always here, helping people by upvoting frequently. Appreciated.

Yeah, I've been watching your predictions the past few weeks and I'm more than satisfied. I wouldn't say I was surprised though, you always seem to be one step ahead in terms of information and briefings. Steem still has a bright future ahead and I see plenty of ground for exponential growth!

Highest Regards

how did you do without steemit? Did it already feel like being addicted to it? I guess some of us would probably feel like that ...

btw: seems like you had a pretty good timing investing into steem :)

Hope you had a nice birthday!

It's funny that you say "beginning"... maybe it really is just the beginning and Steemit will grow superhuge! I hope so!

Thanks! I really do think so. :)

I am an ardent follower and realized it hehehe.
It's good you came back shortly,the addiction on Steemit is really I guess everywhere..

I am here to thank you for the post you made help create 100 accounts,you helped a Ugandan and that was awesome of you as you added a new person to our Uganda team.

We also just had our small first Uganda Steemit meet up,made a post yesterday,if you have time you can check it out.

Merry Christmas legend.

If there are any members looking for accounts tell them to send to that same email, I'll get them created within 12 hours. Still some left for free!

Merry Christmas to you too!

Sure let me spread the news

I hope you had a nice time yesterday. How is it going with your gaming pc?

I did, even managed to fix my sleep pattern. ^^

The PC is still delayed for another week or two. Do you game? I wanna try streaming on Dlive once I get it, twitch has kinda lost its magic to me lately.

Twitch has been pretty terrible with all their moneygrabbing lately. I'm sure we'll be seeing lots of ex-Twitch stramers use DLive in a few months from now. Anyway, what will you be streaming, @acidyo?

Alright, nice! I hope you get that PC soon. What parts did you buy?

Yes, I do. DLive is great. I already tried it out. In my stream I created the Steem coin for the Snapchat filter which you already saw in my post :D

Oh, dude. Happy belated birthday, bro! Makes sense why you weren't really wanting to be on here much yesterday now, lol. Hope it was a good one and that you enjoyed it! (Whenever it actually was :P)

I agree though, it was weird as hell not seeing you on here at all. Try to not make a habit of that, as you definitely belong on here. One of us. One of us. Gooble gobble, gooble gobble.

Wow! Happy birthday, sir, and season's greetings. I have no doubt it was one of your best birthdays ever - with the current sbd/steem bonuses and all... the little disruption of your break notwithstanding.

Wishing you all the best in life.

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! And welcome back.

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