A Letter To My Readers :)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Dear Readers,

It will be one year, next Monday, when I first joined and became active on this platform. I learnt about Steemit from my husband, who upon my enthusiasm about the perspective of having another blog opened an account for me straight away. ‘What would you like your account to be called?’ he asked me. I said with no pauses, ‘psychology for you’, ‘psychology addict’, ‘psychology rocks’! He frowned and immediately suggested ‘abigail-dantes’, with a hyphen, he emphasized, as if it was a matter of life and death. I just nodded in agreement already drafting in my mind my first post, which would be about one of my favourites as well as one of the most controversial experiments in the field of psychology, that of Harry Harlow’s.

My First Post

Strictly speaking, Harlow’s are rather a series of experiments that he conducted on Rhesus Macaques. His findings provided deeper insights and furthered the understanding of Attachment Theory. Very importantly, Harlow’s findings also contributed to debunk the explanation that both behaviourists and psychoanalysts put forward, back in the day, about the bond that exists between a mother and her child. In my opinion, it was a great topic to blog about to test the Steemit waters. And so my journey began.

A Humbling Experience

This is not the first time I write articles. Or, the first time I have a blog for that matter. But, it was through my Steemit posts that I learnt about the serious misconceptions that exist out there regarding psychology and mental-health. It was upon this observation that I humbly embraced a ‘mission’ here on the platform: To discuss psychology in a way that goes beyond self-help, to make a point that psychology is much, much more than Sigmund Freud, to show people that facts differ from opinions; and last, but not least, to inform others that psychology is a science, one that studies mind & behaviour.

It has been an enjoyable, humbling ‘mission’. I have learnt A LOT from each and everyone of you. I have met several insightful, funny, informed, loving people here. Some of which have really become part of my life and thoughts. Some of which have felt comfortable to approach me directly and share with me whatever was making them anxious or sad at the time. A few of you have given me the enormous privilege to accompany you in beautiful journeys of self-discovery throughout which fears were challenged, acceptance took place and inner-peace was found. I can only thank you with my heart for this.

Thank you for your Kindness and Support

Also, I would like to thank those of you who send me kind messages, photos of your pets, happy weekend wishes, updates of how you’ve been and so forth. These are all things that make me smile and sometimes make for a nice change in an overwhelming day. I am infinitely grateful to each one of you who are kind enough to take the time to read and provide feedback on my work here on Steemit. You add meaning to what I do on the platform and make it all the more worthwhile. I would never risk listing here the names of those I would like to thank directly. There are so many! But, something tells me that you know who you are.

Nevertheless, it feels wrong not to explicitly thank @curie and the work they do on Steemit. I remember when I was first found by them. It was a truly exhilarating, surreal feeling. And of course, @steemstem, but with them it has become a love story. One that started with a brief post about The Most Famous Brain in Neuroscience, and continues to this day. They are my home here on this platform, a home with a family that were willing to move things around and make space for psychology. Thank you so much guys.

All the best to you all,
Lots of love,


Image source: 1


I think this is, among others, one of the reasons you were one of the first authors I started to read regularly:

to make a point that psychology is much, much more than Sigmund Freud, to show people that facts differ from opinions; and last, but not least, to inform others that psychology is a science, one that studies mind & behaviour

As someone who's always annoyed by popular myths, pseudoscience and common misbeliefs - especially when it comes to psychological topics, I was amazed by your articles right away.
You have the ability to passionately write about something - without ever starting a rant against other ideas (which is, apparently, something I will never be able to do). This is an extremely valuable talent.

Somehow you made me smile whenever you answered to something I wrote or we were talking on Discord - and you even got me to do one of these weird challenges! Which I usually wholeheartedly ignore. That's some kind of achievement.
Your impact on me can probably be summed up like this:

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(ಠ_ಠ) ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶


◕_◕ (。◝‿◜。)

EGO!! 😍 ❤ 😍 What a beautiful comment. You made smile with your words (again), and laugh (again) with the latter part of your reply Owwwww... 😂 How lovely!

Something always told me that your black heart loves me back Ego 😏 😘 You are an incredibly bright, insightful, funny young man, and having met you here just enriched my Steemit experience even further :)

Thank you so very much for these beautiful words.
Lots of love to you always!

Something always told me that your black heart loves me back Ego

I have my weak moments, I guess :)

You are a wonderful, sweet and loving person Abigail! You are a "flood" of positivity that always has something interesting to share and teach us something!!
May you have many many more blessed and happy years on Steemit (and not only here).
Thank you for all the support all this time!!!

And since you got me on a romantic mood, here is a sweet song for you!!

Lots of love!! 😘💖

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper I love you

Oh my dear @ruth-girl what a fine choice! You just brought me a big smile this morning (well, again). 💖

Likewise, smart girl :) thank you for everything you do for the platform, for steemstem and for the invaluable support you never fail to give me!

Lots and lots of love to you always! 😊

Time flies when you are having fun! Congrats on your first year here on steemit. I remember loving the stories you used to write. Always checking to see if you had written something new. You have expanded your horizons many times over and challenged us as followers to think beyond our realms into worlds we have not been before. The kindness and truly thoughtful comments add a dimension that are unique only to you.❤️🐓🐓

My dearest ❤️,

Only someone as sensitive and kind-hearted as you would remember my short-stories. You are so incredibly thoughtful... you messaged me when I took a break due to my move. That really touched me :) How can't I have fun and love this place when through it I get to interact with people like you?

Much love to you always & forever.

Congrats to you on your steemit's anniversary Abii. You are like a family to all of us in steemstem and we are always buzzing to have you around. Cheers to much more time together on here!

Well, you know you also live in my heart Shaid 😊 Squeezed in there with the others 😘❤️
Cheers to much more time together in here. YES!

I remembered that we had our first conversation in the steemstem chat room. It has been awesome knowing and learning from you. Happy anniversary to you @abigail-dantes.

Thank you for consistently putting out quality posts. I always look forward to seeing what you have to write.

Congrats on one year!

@tking77798 😊 !! You are a sweetie 😘

Hola mi estimada, que lindooooooo..

Hermosa la carta, y bueno ya pronto de aniversario.

Feliz de haberla conocido, pero mas feliz porque ha sido de gran ayuda para mi y los míos jejeje jejeje he gozado de consultas gratis y que me han servido de muchoo. Tiene un alma muy gentil y corazón grandote, mas que ser una steemians es una excelente amiga y considero que soy de su grupos de amigos steemians.
Un fuerte abrazo, y sigamos con la ciencia de la psicología.
Dios me la bendiga!!!

Hello @jayoxaju 😊

Be sure you are among the ones I hold dear in my heart! And it makes me happy to know you know that 😉 It is my pleasure to have met you here!! Thank you so much for your constant support, kind words and meaningful feedback. It meas a lot to me ❤

I wish you only the best! :*

Usted también es de los que mas quiero en mi corazón,ha sido muy buena amiga y fiel con nosotros valoro como nadie todo su amor ❤

Congratulations Abi. You are adding lots of value to people here in steemit. When I joined steemit and surfed through @steemstem articles, your posts first admired me. I was able to create a good virtual bonding with you and your posts.

Till today you have been a good inspiration Abi. Continue your good work. Cheers! Wish you many more years in steemit. 😊😀

Oh @bala41288, you are such a well-mannered, smart young man! It is so nice having you around and interacting with you :)

Thank you for everything my dear. You take care :)

You are one of my favorites here, without even knowing you :)

Keep steeming, you bring value and a wonderful aura along!!

Ow ... you always make me smile @katerinaramm.
Thank you for these words! 😘❤️

I guess congratulations are in order at this time and place. I had wanted a hyphen for green to have something like green-run. But on second thought, I realised I might be too lazy to remember where the hyphen is at on the keyboard and settled for greenrun :)
Time flies when you are having fun. I like the approach a lot of writers is on steemstem use, if education is this fun, I think many that dropped out would've completed schooling :D

It is funny how odd green-run looks (to me) now! I much more prefer @greenrun

It is meeting people like you that makes this whole Steemit experience fun and time fly Green 😘

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