RE: Ready for Another Exquisite Corpse?
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
For those not in the know, Block is a genius of literary corruption ... twisting and contorting genre expectations in a way that leaves one gob-smacked in incredulity.
As non-enticing as that may sound, I would argue that to be a great writer, you must take every opportunity you encounter to exercise your creativity. And I promise you, it will take every ounce of creativity you can muster to dig yourself out of the holes your fellow authors create. :-)
As writers, we often settle into genres in which we become comfortable, and hence, one story ends up sounding a great deal like the next. This leads to stagnation.
In thirty years of writing, in both poetry and prose, these challenges have been the BEST test of creativity I have ever encountered. I participated in both: As the last author in the first challenge, and as the third author in the second.
So, I encourage you to rise to the challenge, prepare for a lot of swearing and cursing and pull out your pen.
No better compliment has ever been served. Thank you, Squire! I shall elevate you to knighthood. Or maybe a night in the hood.
Here here. The more you exercise it, the better you get at wielding it. And I'm not talking about swordplay my fellow Steemians. Or am I?