From the Boreal forest of Saskatchewan - A Day in My Life...

CONTEST! My2018: Just a normal day- A wonderful initiative by @anomadsoul, allowing us to get glimpses into what a day in a life might be like from folks all around the world!

Here's a glimpse into a day in my life, from the Boreal Region in Saskatchewan, Canada.

I start my day with my morning routine which includes grabbing a cup of Chocolate Orange Tea to re-hydrate and doing some gently stretches plus some bouncing on my rebounder to get myself going!

Yoga Image Sun Salutation.jpg

See a more extensive write up on my morning routine at: My Morning Routine

I mentioned in that post that I do a modified version of Salutations to the Sun barefoot in my court yard but this time of year that part of the routine gets cut real short for it's getting colder -20 degrees Celsius. I still like to do a little bit of earthing (being barefoot, or in my stockings, on the bare earth) until it drops below the -20 degrees. We have a large overhang on the roof between the house and the meditation studio that we keep clear of snow. this is where I do that - it's very stimulating!

Frosty Footprints Left From Me Earthing

footprints in the frosted cement.JPG

After that I like to start my day with an hour of Vipassana Meditation in our meditation studio we built just for that.

Inside the Meditation Studio

inside meditation studio.JPG

On work days I prepare my breakfast of Chia Porridge (chia, sunflower, pumpkin seeds soaked in warm coconut milk with ground cacao nibs and stevia mixed into it - a Keto friendly porridge) and pack my lunch which consists of a warm bone broth (we keep a pot of it brewing on the wood heater) containing garlic, ginger, green onions and a dash of salt and cayenne pepper, along with an avocado, celery and cheese sticks, mini cucumbers and some kale chips or a salad.

Ready Made Bone Broth Kept Warm on the Fire

pot of broth on wood stove.JPG

Being this is around the Winter solstice time where the days are at there shortest, I get up at 5:30 a.m. and get ready to go to work in the dark. Also by the time I get my running around done in town the sun is setting when I get home from work. Very short days.
But one of the bonuses of this is that I get to see the sunrise on my drive to work.

Beautiful Sunrise by my Home in the Boreal Forest

pink sunset and snowy bushes resized.JPG

Full Moon By Towering Spruce at the End of Our Lane

full moon by big spruce at the end of the lane.JPG

I work as an Educational Associate in the Pre-K "Play and Exploration" program. Read more about it from an earlier post When Work is Play. What I Do..

Painnt_Creation sandstone kids waving FHD.jpg

I love my work and start off my day by greeting the kids as they come in the doors with smiles and often hugs. We offer a free toast breakfast program to the kids, so I make sure they help themselves and get them on their way to the classrooms.

We have an hour of free play in our marvelously set up classroom that has many play invitations. It is child-led play where we go with their interests and try to scaffold them to new levels. This is followed by 15 minutes to 1/2 hour outside play (depending on the weather), gym, lunch, quiet time, more free play time and home time.

This last week, leading up to Christmas we set up Santa's Workshop and a gift wrapping station, along with our post office (we had just visited the local post office for a class trip) We also had a winter forest animal station.

Basically at this age 3 and 4 year olds we mainly focus on language and moderating behavior.

I try to have at least 3 meaningful conversations with the kids every day and give them different behavior strategies to help them self regulate, get past throwing fits, etc.

There is a lot of socialization going on here and I support the kids in learning to play well with others.

After work I do my running around town, checking the mail, picking up a few groceries, banking etc. then it's home sweet home!

My dog Bruno always comes to greet me.

Bruno Coming to Greet Me

Bruno running under trees by snow laden apple tree.JPG

We do our outdoor chores of feeding the birds and gathering buckets of snow to melt for watering our plants indoors and any shoveling of snow that is necessary.

Birds at the Feeder

birds on feeder.jpg

By this time it is getting dark and it's time to go in and check on my indoor garden maybe pick some fresh greens for a salad.

Warm Glow from the Grow Lights in the Sun Room


Indoor Garden

warm glow indoor garden snowy cool icicles outside birdfeeder.JPG

My cat JJ always comes to greet me too!

JJ Greeting me from the Sun Room

JJ sitting in chair with plants in sunroom for background.JPG

Time for a warm evening meal with my husband of a chili, casserole or stew with some veggies like Brussels sprouts, cabbage or pesto zooddles (made from spiralized zucchini), always keto friendly.

I have an evening tea and then it's my computer time to see what's going on in the Steemit world!

Thanks for stopping by!
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I can imagine that the daylight hours are really short where you're at. It's dark at 4:30 PM here at this time of year, and you're further north than I am.

I mustn't be much further north for that is about the time it starts getting dark here too.
I'm always so happy for the Winter solstice - I feel like I made it through the darkest days and now they will start to get longer, but it is not really until February when I really notice the light returning and more heat in the sun.

This was a very interesting read. A day in your life sounds absolutely soothing. I love that picture of your dog in all that wild whiteness.

I homeschool my children, and starting at age three I set up a little area that is meant to be for Montessori-style play. Your job must be lots of fun.

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